面源污染是水体富营养化治理的世界性难题,也是云南高原湖泊保护的关键问题。在国家重大科技水专项支持下,经过百余名研究人员持续十余年的科技攻关,以我国水污染治理难度最大的高原湖泊之一—滇池为研究对象,创建了 “结...
近日,尊龙凯时程晓莉团队在凋落物分解及其影响机制研究取得新进展,相关成果以“Stronger effect of litter quality than micro-organisms on leaf and root litter C and N loss at different...
近日,张志明课题组在石漠化评估方向取得新进展,相关研究成果以“Assessment of karst rocky desertification from the local to regional scale based on unmanned aerial vehicle images: a case study of Shilin...
近日,尊龙凯时张志明课题组在退耕还林政策对植被覆盖影响的研究中取得新进展,相关成果以“Assessing effects of the Returning Farmland to Forest Program on vegetation cover changes at multiple spatial...
近日,尊龙凯时张志明课题组在退耕还林政策对植被覆盖影响的研究中取得新进展,相关成果以“Assessing effects of the Returning Farmland to Forest Program on vegetation cover changes at multiple spatial...
近日,尊龙凯时在土壤线虫对全球变化响应研究取得新进展,相关研究成果以“A synthesis of soil nematode responses to global change factors”为题发表在Soil Biology and Biochemistry(论文链接:http://doi...
近日,尊龙凯时在土壤线虫对全球变化响应研究取得新进展,相关研究成果以“A synthesis of soil nematode responses to global change factors”为题发表在Soil Biology and Biochemistry(论文链接:http://doi...
近日,尊龙凯时曹林团队(动植物关系研究组)在生态学权威期刊Ecology上发表题为“Mutual cheating strengthens a tropical seed dispersal mutualism”(doi: 10.1002/ecy.3574)的论文,研究提出了互惠关系...