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主要从事植物生理与气候变化响应方面的研究,近期主要开展干旱诱发的森林死亡、植物的水力结构与系统进化、气候变化下森林的适应性与生态弹性等研究领域。先后承担完成了5项国家自然基金委基金项目、中国科学院以及云南省各类项目多项;在Ecology Letters,New Phytologist,Functional Ecology等主流国内外核心刊物上发表学术论文60余篇。







E-mail: chenyj@xtbg.org.cn








l  2012-2014年:国家自然科学基金青年项目,季节性干旱维持木质藤本多样性的生理机制研究。25万,主持;

l  2016-2018年:中国科学院西部青年学者B类。15万,主持;

l  2016-2019年:中国科学院人才项目,中国科学院青年创新促进会会员。70万,主持;

l  2016-2019年:国家自然科学基金面上项目:干旱诱发树木死亡的生理机制:以西南干热河谷为例。直接经费63万,主持;

l  2017-2020年:版纳植物园“一三五”专项重大突破一子课题,沿纬度梯度不同水热条件森林木本植物的水分关系及对环境因子的响应。20万,在研,主持;

l  2017-2020年:版纳植物园“一三五”专项重大方向一子课题,热带冠层木质藤本及伴生树木日间碳水平衡维持的生理机制。14万元,主持;

l  2018-2021年:云南省中青年学术技术后备人才,6万元,2018/01-2021/12,主持;

l  2019-2021年:国家自然基金委国际(地区)合作与交流项目(NSFC-TRF):沿纬度梯度典型森林对气候变化的响应: 基于东经101度样带网络的研究,直接经费160万元,主持;

l  2019-2021年:国家自然基金委国际(地区)合作与交流项目(中德NSFC-DFG):从温带到热带生物群落的木本被子植物干旱引起水力失效的机制和频度。33万,子课题负责人;

l  2020-2024年:云南省万人计划“青年拔尖人才”,50万,主持;

l  2021-2024年:中科院西部青年学者项目,50万,2021/01-2024/12,主持;

l  2021-2024年:国家自然基金委面上项目,热带望天树季节雨林木本植物的水分关系及对极端干旱的响应,直接经费58万,主持

l  2021-2023年:中国科学院国际伙伴计划项目,151C53KYSB20200019,生物多样性沿纬度梯度的维持机制:基于中国西南—中南半岛东经101度森林样带2021/01-2023/12,40万,子课题负责人;

l  2023-2026年:版纳植物园“十四五”任务一,子课题负责人;

l  2023-2026年:版纳植物园“十四五”任务二, 课题共同负责人;

l  2024-2027年:国家基金委面上项目:干热和湿热生境下木本植物的水力策略及其干旱响应题目,项目负责人,直接经费50万元,主持

l  2024-2028年:院企业合作项目,国产轻木良种选育与高产稳产栽培管理配套技术研究与示范,合同经费1000万,项目首席科学家



l  2014 中国科学院野外台站联盟十佳论文

l  2015 中国科学院院长优秀奖,中国科学院大学优秀毕业生;

l  2016 中国科学院优秀博士论文,中国科学院青年创新促进会会员

l  2017 云南省中青年学术技术后备人才,云南省优秀博士论文

l  2019 云南省万人计划青年拔尖人才

l  2020 中国科学院西部青年学者A

l  2022 云南省中青年学术技术人才



1.  Campanello PI,Manzané E,Villagra M,Zhang YJ,Panizza AM,Francescantonio DD,Rodriguez SA,Chen YJ,Santiago L,Goldstein G,Carbon Allocation and Water Relations of Lianas Versus Trees Carbon Allocation and Water Relations of Lianas Versus Trees,Tropical Tree Physiology: Adaptations and Responses in a Changing Environment, Guillermo Goldstein, Louis S Santiago, Springer International Publishing, pp 103-124




1.      Chen YJ#, Maenpuen P#, Zhang JL, Zhang YJ*. Remaining uncertainties in the Pneumatic method. New Phytologist. 2023, 237(2): 384-391.

2.     Chen YJ, Choat B, Sterck F*, Maenpuen P, Katabuchi M, Zhang SB, Tomlinson KW, Oliveira RS, Zhang YJ, Shen JX, Cao KF*, Jansen S* Hydraulic prediction of drought-induced plant dieback and top-kill depends on leaf habit and growth form. Ecology Letters 2021. 24:2350-2363.封面文章

3.     Chen YJ#,*, Maenpuen P #, Zhang YJ*, Barai K, Katabuchi M, Gao H, Sasiwimol K, Tao LB, Zhang JL*. Quantifying vulnerability to embolism in tropical trees and lianas using five methods: Can discrepancies be explained by xylem structural traits? New Phytologist. 2021, 229(2):805-819.

4.      Chen YJ*, Cao KF, Schnitzer SA, Fan ZX, Zhang JL & Bongers F Water-use advantage for lianas over trees in tropical seasonal forests. New Phytologist, 2015, 205, 128-136.

5.    Chen YJ, Schnitzer S, Zhang YJ, Fan, ZX, Goldstein G; Tomlinson, Lin H, Zhang JL*, Cao KF*. Physiological regulation and efficient xylem water transport regulate diurnal water and carbon balances of tropical lianas. Functional Ecology 2017, 31, 306-317

6.    Chen YJ*, Bongers F, Tomlinson K, Fan ZX, Lin H, Zhang SB, Zheng YL, Li YP, Cao KF*, Zhang JL. Time lags between crown and basal sap flows in tropical lianas and co-occurring trees. Tree Physiology, 2016, 36, 736-747.

7.     Chen YJ, Bongers F, Zhang JL, Liu JY & Cao KF*. Different biomechanical design and ecophysiological strategies in juveniles of two liana species with contrasting growth habit. American Journal of Botany, 2014, 101, 925-934.

8.      Kongjarat W#, Han L#, Aina Aritsara AN*, Zhang S-B, Zhao G-J, Zhang Y-J, Maenpuen P, Li Y-M, Zou Y-K, Li M-Y, Li X-N, Tao L-B, Chen YJ*. 2023. Hydraulic properties and drought response of a tropical bamboo (Cephalostachyum pergracile). Plant Diversity. 2024, 46: 406-415

9.      Shen JX, Zhang YJ*, Maenpuen P, Zhang SB, Zhang L, Yang L, Tao LB, Yan PY, Zhang ZM, Li SQ, Yuan X, Kongjarat W, Kaewkamol S, Tinprabat P, Chen YJ*.Response of four evergreen savanna shrubs to an incidence of extreme drought: High embolism resistance, branch shedding, and maintenance of nonstructural carbohydrates. Tree Physiology 2022, 42: 740-753.

10.   Zhang L, Chen YJ*, Hao GY, Ma KP*, Bongers F, Sterck FJ. Conifer and broadleaved trees differ in branch allometry but maintain similar functional balances Tree Physiology 2020, 40: 511-519.

11.  Gao H, Chen YJ*, Zhang YJ, Maenpuen P, Lv S, Zhang JL*. Vessel length determination using silicone and air injection: Are there artifacts? Tree Physiology 2019, 39: 1783-1791.

12.  Zhu SD#, Chen YJ#, Cao KF & Ye Q*. Interspecific variation in branch and leaf traits among three Syzygium tree species from different successional tropical forests. Functional Plant Biology, 2015, 42, 423–432.

13.  Zhang L, Chen YJ*, Ma KP, Bongers F, Sterck FJ. Fully exposed canopy branches in co-existing trees and lianas lack trade-offs between hydraulic conductivity, hydraulic safety and mechanical safety and are much alike in hydraulic functions in a tropical forest. Tree Physiology 2019, 39: 1713-1724

14.  Siddiq Z#, Chen YJ#, Zhang YJ, Zhang JL, Cao KF* More sensitive response of crown conductance to VPD and larger water consumption in tropical evergreen than in deciduous broadleaf timber trees. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2017, 247:399-407

15.  Zhu SD#, Chen YJ#, Fu PL, Cao KF* Different hydraulic traits of woody plants from tropical forests with contrasting soil water availability. Tree Physiology 2017, 37, 1469–1477#,contributed equally


16.   Dossa GGO, Adhikari S, Cao KF, Chen YJ, Codjia JEI, Corlett RT, Dong J, Fan ZX, Khatri P, Kiki M, Li HL, Ling TC, Liu G, Majcher BM, Nisar N, Njoroge DM, Ofosu-Bamfo B, Pearce S, Roeder M, Schaefer DA, Schnitzer SA, Smith-Martin CM, Thu WP, Tomlinson KW, Xu SY, Zakari S, Zhang JL, Zhang YB, Zotz G, Zuo J, Cornelissen JHC (2024) Lianas from lives to afterlives: 1st International workshop on liana forest ecology, Xishuangbanna, China, 12-16 October 2023. 2024, New Phytologist. 242:1886-1890.

17.   Dossa GGO, Li HL, Pan B, Ling TC, Schaefer DA, Roeder M, Njoroge DM, Zuo J, Song L, Ofosu-Bamfo B, Schnitzer SA, Harrison RD, Bongers F, Zhang JL, Cao KF, Powers JS, Fan ZX, Chen YJ, Corlett RT, Zotz G, Oleksyn J, Wyka TP, Codjia JEI, Cornelissen JHC. Effects of lianas on forest biogeochemistry during their lives and afterlives. Global Change Biology. 2024, 30:e17274.

18.   Wei Y, Chen YJ, Siddiq Z, Zhang JL, Zhang SB, Jansen S, Cao KF. Hydraulic traits and photosynthesis are coordinated with trunk sapwood capacitance in tropical tree species. Tree Physiology, 2023, tpad107, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpad107.

19.   Song HQ, Wang YQ, Yan CL, Zeng WH, Chen YJ, Zhang JL, Liu H, Zhang QM, Zhu SD*. Can leaf drought tolerance predict species abundance and its changes in tropical-subtropical forests? Tree Physiology, 2023, 43, 1319–1325.

20.  Zhang YJ, Hochberg U, Rockwell FE, Ponomarenko A, Chen YJ, Manandhar A, Graham AC, Holbrook NM. Xylem conduit deformation across vascular plants: an evolutionary spandrel or protective valve? New Phytologist. 2022. 237: 1242-1255.

21.  Maenpuen P#, Katabuchi M*,#, Onoda Y, Zhou C, Zhang JL*, Chen YJ. Sources and consequences of mismatch between leaf disc and whole-leaf leaf mass per area (LMA). American Journal of Botany. 2022, 109(8):1242-1250.

22.  Zhu SD*, Chen YJ, Fu PL, Cao KF*. Leaf turgor loss point is correlated with drought tolerance and leaf carbon economics traits.Tree Physiology, 2018, 38, 658-663

23.  Siddiq Z*, Chen YJ, Cao KF*. Water flux responses of tropical trees and lianas to foliage loss caused by a heavy hailstorm. Ecohydrology 2021, e2288. (DOI: 10.1002/eco.2288)

24.  Lin H, Chen YJ, Zhang HL, Fu PL, Fan ZX. 2017 Stronger cooling effects of transpiration and morphology of the plants from a hot dry habitat than from a hot wet habitat Functional Ecology 2017, 31: 2202–2211.

25.  Lin H, Chen YJ, Song QH, Fu PL, Cleverly J, Magliulo V, Law BE, Gough CM, Hortnagl LJ, et al. Quantifying deforestation and forest degradation with thermal response Science of The Total Environment 2017, 607-608:1286-1292

26.  Zhao WL, Chen YJ, Brodribb T, Cao KF*. Weak coordination between vein and stomatal densities in 105 angiosperm tree species along altitudinal gradients in Southwest China. Functional Plant Biology, 2016. 43,1126-1133.

27.  Zhang JL*, Zhang SB, Chen YJ & Poorter L. Nutrient resorption is associated with leaf vein density and growth performance of dipterocarp tree species. Journal of Ecology, 2015, 103, 541–549.

28.  Unawong W, Yaemphum S, Nathalang A, Chen YJ, Domec JC, Tor-Ngern P*. Variations in leaf water status and drought tolerance of dominant tree species growing in multi-aged tropical forests in Thailand. Scientific Report. 2022, 12: 6882.

29.  Zhang KY#, Yang D#, Zhang YB#, Ellsworth DS, Xu K, Zhang YP, Chen YJ, He F, Zhang JL*. Differentiation in stem and leaf traits among sympatric lianas, scandent shrubs and trees in a subalpine cold temperate forest. Tree Physiology 2021, 41(11): 1992-2003.

30.  Bai XL, Liu Q, Mohandass D, Cao M, Wen HD, Chen YJ, Gupta SK, Lin LX, Zhang JL*. Spatial autocorrelation shapes liana distribution better than topography and host tree properties in a subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest in SW China. Biotropica 2021.54(2):301-308.

31.  Tor-ngern P*, Chart-asa C, Chanthorn W, Rodtassana C, Yampum S, Unawong W, Nathalang A, Brockelman W, Srinoppawan K, Chen YJ, Hasselquist NJ. Variation of leaf-level gas exchange rates and leaf functional traits of dominant trees across three successional stages in a Southeast Asian tropical forest. Forest Ecology and Management 2021, 489:119101

32.  Surayothee W, Buajan S, Fu PL, Pumijumnong N, Fan ZX, Panthi S, Finnegan PM, Zhang YJ, Chen YJ, Tor-ngern P, et al. 2021. Growth-climate relationships and long-term growth trends of the tropical forest tree Choerospondias axillaris (Anacardiaceous) in East-central Thailand. Forests 2021, 12. 1655.

33.  Tan FS, Song HQ, Fu PL, Chen YJ, Siddiq Z,Cao KF, Zhu SD.Hydraulic safety margins of co-occurring woody plants in a tropical karst forest experiencing frequent extreme droughts Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2020, 292–293, 108107

34.  Yang LY, Yu R, Wu J, Zhang Y, Kosugi Y, Restrepo-Coupe N, Huete A, Zhang J, Liu YH, Zhang X, Liu WJ, Zhao JF, Zeng JY, Song QH, Chen YJ, Song L, Tan ZH. 2022. Asian tropical forests assimilating carbon under dry conditions: water stress or light benefits? Journal of Plant Ecology.16(3): rtac106.

35.  Wang YQ, Song HQ, Chen YJ, Fu PL, Zhang JL, Cao KF, Zhu SD. 2023. Hydraulic determinants of drought-induced tree mortality and changes in tree abundance between two tropical forests with different water availability. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 331. 109329

36.  Zheng YL*, Burns JH, Liao ZY, Li YP, Yang J, Chen YJ, Zhang JL, Zheng YG Species composition, functional and phylogenetic distances correlate with success of invasive Chromolaena odorata in an experimental test. Ecology Letters 2018, 21:1211-1220.

37.  Li YP, Feng YL, Kang ZL, Zheng YL, Zhang JL, Chen YJ. Changes in soil microbial communities due to biological invasions can reduce allelopathic effects. Journal of Applied Ecology 2017. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12878

38.  Li YP, Feng, YL*, Chen YJ and Tian YH. Soil microbes alleviates allelopathy of invasive plants. Science Bulletin, 2015, 60(12): 1083-1091.

39.  Li S, Zhang YJ, L Sack, Scoffoni C, Ishida A, Chen YJ & Cao KF*. The heterogeneity and spatial patterning of structure and physiology across the leaf surface in giant leaves of Alocasia macrorrhiza. Plos One 2013, 8, e66016.

40.  Zheng YL, Feng YL, Valiente-Banuet A, Li YP, Liao ZY, Zhang, JL & Chen YJ. Are invasive plants more competitive than native conspecifics? Patterns vary with competitors. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5.


