李扬苹,女, 博士,1979年7月生,云南省澜沧县人。现任中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园副研究员,硕士生导师。
E-mail: liyp@xtbg.org.cn
l 1997.09-2001.06 西北农林科技大学植物保护学院植物保护专业学习,获得学士学位
l 2001.09-2004.06 西北农林科技大学植物保护学院植物病理专业学习,获得硕士学位
l 2010.09-2015.06 中国科学院大学生态学专业学习,获得博士学位
l 2024.01-2027.12:国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,基于功能性状的云南外来植物入侵性与风险评估研究(U23A20160), 265万,参加。
l 2021.01-2024.12:国家自然科学基金面上项目(32071661),外来植物的入侵性和植物-土壤反馈作用的关系,58万,主持。
l 2017.07-2020.06:国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC1200100),入侵植物与脆弱生态系统相互作用的机制、后果及调控,结题,课题一子课题主持。
l 2016.01-2018.12:中国科学院西部之光“西部学者”项目,紫茎泽兰对本地植物影响的动态研究,15万,结题,主持。
l 2016.01-2019.12:国家自然科学基金面上项目(31570380),从谱系和物种维度探索云南典型森林土壤真菌的群落构建机制,63万,在研,参加。
l 2016.01-2018.12:国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(31500463),飞机草入侵种群天敌防御策略的进化及对其成功入侵的贡献,20万,在研,参加。
l 2016.08-2018.08:中国科学院东南亚生物多样性研究中心区域性国际合作基金项目,中南半岛森林动态样地土壤真菌多样性的纬度生物地理格局及其内、外驱动机制,50万,在研,参加。
l 2013.01-2015.12:国家基金青年基金项目(31200333),群落结构及物种间的相互作用对飞机草入侵的影响,25万,结题,参加。
l 2013.01-2015.12:国家自然科学基金青年项目(31200409),入侵植物调控土壤氮循环的机理研究,22万,结题,参加。
l 2012.01-2014.12:国家自然基金青年项目(31100410),土壤微生物对紫茎泽兰化感效应的介导作用,20万,结题,主持。
1. Li Y-P, Li W-T, Niu Y-F and Feng Y-L. (2024) Variation in root traits and phenotypic plasticity between native and introduced populations of the invasive plant Chromolaena odorata. Neobiota. 92: 45-60. (IF=5.1)
2. Li Y-P, Wang G-F, Geng Y-P, Li J and Feng Y-L. (2024). Variation in Seed Morphological Traits Affects the Dispersal Strategies of Chromolaena odorata Following Invasion. Plants. 13(13), 1747.
3. Li Y-P, Li W-T, Li J, Feng Y-L. (2024) Temporal dynamics of plant−soil feedback and related mechanisms depend on environmental context during invasion processes of a subtropical invader. Plant and Soil. 496, 539–554.
4. Li J, Zhang S-B, Li Y-P*. (2023) Photosynthetic response dynamics in the invasive species Tithonia diversifolia and two co-occurring native shrub species under fluctuating light conditions. Plant Diversity. 46(2):265-273.
5. Li, Y.-P., Feng, Y.-L., Li, W.-T., Tomlinson, K., Liao, Z.-Y., Zheng, Y.-L. and Zhang, J.-L. (2022), Leaf trait association in relation to herbivore defense, drought resistance, and economics in a tropical invasive plant. American Journal Botany.
6. Li Y-P, Feng Y-L, Kang Z-L, Zheng Y-L, Zhang J-L and Chen Y-J. 2017. Changes in soil microbial communities due to biological invasions can reduce allelopathic effects. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54: 1281-1290.
7. Zhu X-Z, Li Y-P (共同第一作者), Feng Y-L, Ma K-P. 2017. Response of Soil bacterial communities to secondary compounds released from Eupatorium adenophorum. Biological Invasion, 5:1471–1481.
8. Li Y-P, Feng Y-L, Chen Y-J and Tian Y- H. 2015. Soil microbes alleviate allelopathy of invasive plants. Science Bulletin, 60(12): 1083-1091.
9. 祁世华 ,牛燕芬,王睿芳,李菊,李扬苹*,张教林*.2021.两种入侵植物与三种本地植物根系特征的比较研究,植物科学学报.39(2).
10. Li, W-T, Zheng Y-L, Zhang L-K, Lei Y-B, Li Y-P, Liao Z-Y, Li Z-P, and Feng Y-L. 2020. Postintroduction evolution contributes to the successful invasion of Chromolaena odorata. Ecology and Evolution, 10:1252-1263.
11. Zheng, Y-L, Burns J H, Liao Z-Y, Li Y-P, Yang J, Chen Y-J. Zhang Y-L and Zheng Y-G. 2018. Species composition, functional and phylogenetic distances correlate with success of invasive Chromolaena odorata in an experimental test. Ecology letters. 21:1211-1220.
12. Xiao H-F, Schaefer D. A, Lei Y-B, Zheng Y- L., Li Y-P, Yang X-D and Feng Y-L. 2013. Influence of invasive plants on nematode communities under simulated CO2 enrichment. European Journal of Soil Biology, 58:91-97.
13. Lu H- Z, Liu W-Y, Yu F-H, Song L, Xu X-L, Wu C-S, Zheng Y-L, Li Y-P, Gong H-D, Chen K, Li S, Chen X, Qi J-H, Lu S-G. 2015. Higher clonal integration in the facultative epiphytic fern Selliguea griffithiana growing in the forest canopy compared with the forest understorey. Annals of Botany, 116(1):113-122.
14. Chen Y- J, Bongers F, Tomlinson K, Fan Z-X, Lin H, Zhang S-B, Zheng Y-L, Li Y-P, Cao K-F, Zhang J-L. 2015. Time lags between crown and basal sap flows in tropical lianas and co-occurring trees. Tree Physiology,1-12.
15. Zheng Y-L, Feng Y-L, Valiente-Banuet A, Li Y-P, Liao Z-Y, Zhang J-L, Chen Y -J. 2015. Are invasive plants more competitive than native conspecifics? Patterns vary with competitors. Sacientific reports, Dio:10.1038 /srep15622.
16. 朱珣之, 李大大, 李扬苹, 韩洪波, 马克平.2015.紫茎泽兰入侵对土壤细菌的群落组成和多样性的影响. 生物多样性,23(5): 665-672.
17. 牛燕芬, 李扬苹, 罗富成, 陈泽斌, 彭声静, 陈武荣, 字泰平. 2015. 植物内生真菌对寄主生长及抗逆性的增效机理研究进展. 草原与草坪,35(2): 91-95.
18. 柴伟玲, 类延宝, 李扬苹, 肖海峰, 冯玉龙. 2014.外来入侵植物飞机草和本地植物异叶泽兰对大气CO2升高的响应. 生态学报,13:3744-3751.