王波,男, 博士,1980年11月生,陕西省蓝田县人,国家自然科学基金获得者。现任副研究员,硕士生导师。
E-mail: wangbo@xtbg.ac.cn
l2015/01-至今:中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园 协同进化研究组 副研究员
l2016/10 - 2017.10:Texas A&M University (德州农工大学) 访问学者
l2013/11-2014/12:中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园 协同进化研究组 助理研究员
l2007/07-2011/11:中国科学院动物研究所 获理学博士学位
l2004/07-2007/09:陕西师范大学 生命科学学院 动物学专业,获理学硕士学位
l1999/07-2003/09:陕西师范大学 生命科学学院 生物科学专业,获理学学士学位
l2018-2021:国家自然科学基金,面上项目:多营养级榕小蜂群落构建机制,项目负责人, 经费59万元。
l2013-2015:国家自然科学基金,青年基金项目: 捕食者对榕-蜂共生系统稳定性的影响及其机制研究,项目负责人, 经费25万元。
1.马利滨,柳青,王波著. 2022年. 云南树栖型蚂蚁高清图鉴.地点:郑州,河南科学技术出版社.
1. Huang Jian-Feng; Fungjanthuek Jenjira; Chen Ming-Bo; Liu Gui-Xiang; Dong Yi-Yi; Peng Yan-Qiong; Wang Bo; Segar Simon T; 2023, Pollinator sharing and hybridization in a pair of dioecious figs sheds light on the pathways to speciation, Evolution Letters, 7(6): 422-435.
2. Wang Bo; Ma Li-Bin; Pan Bo; Dong Yiyi; Huang Jian-Feng; Peng Yan-Qiong; 2022, Spatial variation in ant–tree bipartite networks is driven by a bottom-up process, Ecological Entomology, 47(6), 1011-1021.
3. Wang Bo; Lu Min; Peng Yan-Qiong; Segar Simon T.; Direct and Indirect Effects of Invasive vs. Native Ant-Hemipteran Mutualism: A Meta-Analysis That Supports the Mutualism Intensity Hypothesis, Agronomy, 2021, 11(11): 2323.
4. Meng Yuanyuan; Chen Hui; Behm Jocelyn E.; Xia Shangwen; Wang Bo; Liu Shengjie; Yang Xiaodong; 2021, Effects of different tea plantation management systems on arthropod assemblages and network structure, Ecosphere, 12(7).
5. Shi, R.-R., B.-G. Miao, S. T. Segar, Y. Zeng, B. Wang*, and Y.-Q. PENG*. 2019. Are associated nematodes detrimental to the fig-fig wasp mutualism? Entomologia Experimentalis Et Applicata 167:1000-1011.
6. Zhang, T., B.-G. Miao, B. Wang, Y.-Q. Peng, and C. T. Darwell. 2019, Non-pollinating cheater wasps benefit from seasonally poor performance of the mutualistic pollinating wasps at the northern limit of the range of Ficus microcarpa. Ecological Entomology, DOI: 10.1111/een.12749
7. Wang, B.*, Segar, S.T., Deng, G.-Z., Luo, T.-X., Lin, H. & Peng, Y.-Q. 2019, Variation in trophic cascade strength is triggered by top-down process in an ant-wasp-fig system. Oikos, 128, 185-195.
8. Wang, B., Lu, M., Cook, J.M., Yang, D.R., Dunn, D.W. & Wang, R.W. 2018 Chemical camouflage: a key process in shaping an ant-treehopper and fig-fig wasp mutualistic network. Scientific Reports, 8, 1833.
9. Zhou, F., L. Xu, S. Wang, B. Wang, Q. Lou, M. Lu, and J. Sun. 2017. Bacterial volatile ammonia regulates the consumption sequence of d-pinitol and d-glucose in a fungus associated with an invasive bark beetle. ISME Journal.
10. Wang, S., F. Zhou, B. Wang, D. Xu, Q. Cao, M. Lu, and J. Sun. 2017. Volatiles produced by bacteria alleviate antagonistic effects of one associated fungus on Dendroctonus valens larvae. Science China Life Science 60:924-926.
11. Xu, L., Z. Shi, B. Wang, M. Lu, and J. Sun. 2016. Pine defensive monoterpene α-pinene influences the feeding behavior of Dendroctonus valens and its gut bacterial community structure. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 17:1734.
12. Wang, B., X. Z. Geng, L. B. Ma, J. M. Cook, and R. W. Wang. 2014. A trophic cascade induced by predatory ants in a fig-fig wasp mutualism. Journal of Animal Ecology: (DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.12219).
13. 董乙乂,彭艳琼,王波* 2020 垂叶榕小蜂群落及种间互作网络季节动态. 生物多样性 DOI:10.17520/biods.2019294。
14. 王剑, 董乙乂, 马丽滨, 潘勃, 马方舟, 丁晖, 胡亚萍, 彭艳琼, 吴孝兵, 和 王波* 2020 西双版纳自然保护区蚂蚁-树互作网络空间变异. 生物多样性.DOI: 10.17520/biods.2020019.
15. 张亭, 王波, 苗白鸽, 彭艳琼* 2017 榕树隐头花序挥发物组成及其传粉榕小蜂寄主识别行为. 植物生态学报, 41(5):549-558.