E-mail: zjl@xtbg.org.cn
l 1994.09–1998.07:华南农业大学农学系,获农学学士学位
l 2000.09–2004.03:中国科学院大学,获生态学理学硕士学位
l 2004.09–2008.07:中国科学院大学,获生态学理学博士学位
l 2009.07–2010.01:加拿大阿尔伯塔大学,访问学者
1. Bai XL#, Yang D#, Sher J, Zhang YB, Zhang KY, Liu Q, Wen HD, Zhang JL*, Slot M. 2024. Divergences in stem and leaf traits between lianas and co-existing trees in a subtropical montane forest. Journal of Plant Ecology 17(1): rtad037.
2. Ke Y#, Zhang YB#, Zhang FP, Yang D, Wang Q, Peng XR, Huang XY, Sher J, Zhang JL*. 2024. Monocots and eudicots have more conservative flower water use strategies than basal angiosperms. Plant Biology 26(4): 621–632.
3. Xiao Y, Yang D*, Zhang SB, Mo YX, Dong YY, Wang KF, He LY, Dong B, Dossa GGO, Zhang JL*. 2024. Nitrogen-fixing and non-nitrogen-fixing legume plants differ in leaf nutrient concentrations and relationships between photosynthetic and hydraulic traits. Tree Physiology 44(5): tpae048.
4. Xue W, He XM, Wang Q, Shi PJ, Lv GH, Huang JF, Yang D, Zhang JL*. 2024. An improved representative of stomatal models for predicting diurnal stomatal conductance at low irradiance and vapor pressure deficit in tropical rainforest trees. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 354: 110098.
5. Zhang KY, Yang D, Zhang YB, Ai XR, Yao L, Deng ZJ, Zhang JL*. 2024. Linkages among stem xylem transport, biomechanics, and storage in lianas and trees across three contrasting environments. American Journal of Botany 111(3): e16290.
6. Chen YJ#, Maenpuen P#, Zhang JL*, Zhang YJ*. 2023. Remaining uncertainties in the Pneumatic method. New Phytologist 237(2): 384–391.
7. Ke Y, Zhang FP, Zhang YB, Li W, Wang Q, Yang D, Zhang JL*, Cao KF. 2023. Convergent relationships between flower economic and hydraulic traits across aquatic and terrestrial herbaceous plants. Plant Diversity 45(5): 601–610.
8. Yang D#, Wang YSD#, Wang Q, Ke Y, Zhang YB, Zhang SB, Zhang YJ*, McDowell NG, Zhang JL*. 2023. High resilience of savanna plants to an extreme and prolonged drought: Leaf hydraulic adjustment and stomatal regulation protect stem hydraulic integrity. Science of the Total Environment 868: 161711.
9. Zhang KY, Yang D*, Zhang YB, Liu Q, Wang YSD, Ke Y, Xiao Y, Wang Q, Dossa GGO, Schnitzer SA, Zhang JL*. 2023. Vessel dimorphism and wood traits in lianas and trees among three contrasting environments. American Journal of Botany 110(4): e16154.
10. Zhang YB, Scalon MC, Liu JX, Song XY, Yang D, Zhang YJ, Ellsworth DS, Zhang JL*. 2023. You are what you eat: nutrient and water relations between mistletoes and hosts. New Phytologist 238(2): 567–583.
11. Bai XL#, Liu Q#, Mohandass D, Cao M, Wen HD, Chen YJ, Gupta SK, Lin LX, Zhang JL*. 2022. Spatial autocorrelation shapes liana distribution better than topography and host tree properties in a subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest in SW China. Biotropica 54(2): 301–308.
12. Li YP, Feng YL*, Li WT, Tomlinson K, Liao ZY, Zheng YL, Zhang JL*. 2022. Leaf trait association in relation to herbivore defense, drought resistance, and economics in a tropical invasive plant. American Journal of Botany 109(6): 910–921.
13. Maenpuen P, Katabuchi M*, Onoda Y, Zhou C, Zhang JL*, Chen YJ. 2022. Sources and consequences of mismatch between leaf disc and whole-leaf leaf mass per area (LMA). American Journal of Botany 109(8): 1242–1250.
14. Wang XZ#, Sun SW#, Sedio BE, Glomglieng S, Cao M, Cao KF, Yang JH, Zhang JL*, Yang J*. 2022. Niche differentiation along multiple functional-trait dimensions contributes to high local diversity of Euphorbiaceae in a tropical tree assemblage. Journal of Ecology 110(11): 2731–2744.
15. Xiao Y, Qu YY, Hao CH, Tang L, Zhang JL*. 2022. The complete chloroplast genome of Bauhinia racemosa Lam. (Fabaceae): a versatile tropical medicinal plant. Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources 7(8): 1528–1530.
16. Zhang YB, Yang D, Zhang KY, Bai XL, Wang YSD, Wu HD, Ding LZ, Zhang YJ, Zhang JL*. 2022. Higher water and nutrient use efficiencies in savanna than in rainforest lianas result in no difference in photosynthesis. Tree Physiology 42(1): 99–113.
17. Chen YJ#*, Maenpuen P#, Zhang YJ*, Barai K, Katabuchi M, Gao H, Kaewkamol S, Tao LB, Zhang JL*. 2021. Quantifying vulnerability to embolism in tropical trees and lianas using five methods: Can discrepancies be explained by xylem structural traits? New Phytologist 229(2): 805–819.
18. Liu Q, Sterck FJ, Medina–Vega JA, Sha LQ, Cao M, Bongers F, Zhang JL*, Poorter L. 2021. Soil nutrients, canopy gaps and topography affect liana distribution in a tropical seasonal rain forest in SW China. Journal of Vegetation Science 32(1): e12951.
19. Liu Q, Sterck FJ, Zhang JL*, Scheire A, Konings E, Cao M, Sha LQ, Poorter L. 2021. Traits, strategies, and niches of liana species in a tropical seasonal rainforest. Oecologia 196(2): 499–514.
20. Xiao Y, Song Y, Wu FC, Zhang SB*, Zhang JL*. 2021. Divergence of stem biomechanics and hydraulics between Bauhinia lianas and trees. AoB Plants 13(3): plab016.
21. Zhang FP, Zhang JL*, Brodribb TJ, Hu H. 2021. Cavitation resistance of peduncle, petiole and stem is correlated with bordered pit dimensions in Magnolia grandiflora. Plant Diversity 43(4): 324–330.
22. Zhang KY#, Yang D#, Zhang YB#, Ellsworth DS, Xu K, Zhang YP, Chen YJ, He F, Zhang JL*. 2021. Differentiation in stem and leaf traits among sympatric lianas, scandent shrubs and trees in a subalpine cold temperate forest. Tree Physiology 41(11): 1992–2003.
23. Li JW, Zhang SB*, Xi HP, Bradshaw CJA, Zhang JL*. 2020. Processes controlling programmed cell death of root velamen radicum in an epiphytic orchid. Annals of Botany 126(2): 261–275.
24. Zhang YB, Wu HD, Yang J, Song XY, Yang D, He F, Zhang JL*. 2020. Environmental filtering and spatial processes shape the beta diversity of liana communities in a valley savanna in Southwest China. Applied Vegetation Science 23(4): 482–494.
25. Gao H, Chen YJ*, Zhang YJ, Maenpuen P, Lv S, Zhang JL*. 2019. Vessel-length determination using silicone and air injection: Are there artifacts? Tree Physiology 39(10): 1783–1791.
26. Chen YJ, Schnitzer SA, Zhang YJ, Fan ZX, Goldstein G, Tomlinson KW, Lin H, Zhang JL*, Cao KF*. 2017. Physiological regulation and efficient xylem water transport regulate diurnal water and carbon balances of tropical lianas. Functional Ecology 31(2): 306−317.
27. Zhang JL*, Zhang SB, Chen YJ, Zhang YP, Poorter L. 2015. Nutrient resorption is associated with leaf vein density and growth performance of dipterocarp tree species. Journal of Ecology 103(3): 541–549.
28. Zhang JL*, Zhang SB, Zhang YP, Kitajima K. 2015. Effects of phylogeny and climate on seed oil fatty acid composition across 747 plant species in China. Industrial Crops and Products 63: 1–8.