林露湘,男, 博士,1978年10月生,福建省龙岩市人。现任中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园研究员,博士生导师。目前担任群落构建与物种共存研究组组长、云南西双版纳森林生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站站长、中国科学院热带森林生态学重点实验室副主任。
l 1997.09-2001.07:北京林业大学,生物科学与技术学院,生物学专业,获理学学士学位
l 2001.09-2007.03:中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,生态学专业,获理学博士学位
l 2018.08-2023.07:中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类)(XDB31030000)课题:亚热带典型森林群落物种共存机制,主持。
l2024.01–至今, 中国植物学会植物生态学专业委员会委员
l2024.03–至今, 中国生态学会长期生态学专业委员会委员
l2022.01–至今, 云南省生态学会理事
l2019.10–至今, 《Plant Diversity》编委
l2019.09–至今, 《生物多样性》编委
1. Li, S., Chatterjee, M., Yao, Z., Wen, H., Cao, M., Chen, Y., Lin, L.*, 2023. Soil water availability strongly drives the differentiation of acquisitive and conservative strategies for coexisting woody species in a Chinese subtropical evergreen forest. Journal of Vegetation Science, 34: e13219.
2. Yao, Z., Yang, X., Wang, B., Shao, X., Wen, H., Deng, Y., Zhang, Z., Cao, M., Lin, L.*, 2023. Multidimensional beta- diversity across local and regional scales in a Chinese subtropical forest: The role of forest structure. Ecology and Evolution, 13: e10607.
3. Sun, Z., Sonsuthi, A., Jucker, T., Ali, A., Cao, M., Liu, F., Cao, G., Hu, T., Ma, Q., Guo, Q., Lin, L.*, 2023. Top canopy height and stem size variation enhance aboveground biomass across spatial scales in seasonal tropical forests. Plants, 12: 1343.
4. Wang, W., Sun, Z., Mishra, S., Xia, S., Lin, L.*, Yang, X.* 2023. Body size determines multitrophic soil microbiota community assembly associated with soil and plant attributes in a tropical seasonal rainforest. Molecular Ecology, 32: 6294-6303.
5. He, X., Deng, Y., Dong, A., Lin, L.*, 2022. The relationship between acoustic indices, vegetation, and topographic characteristics is spatially dependent in a tropical forest in southwestern China. Ecological Indicators, 142: 109229.
6. Sun, Z., Prachanun, N., Sonsuthi, A., Chanthorn, W., Brockelman, W.Y., Nathalang, A., Lin, L.*, Bongers, F., 2022. Whole-Plant Seedling Functional Traits Suggest Lianas Also Support "Fast-Slow" Plant Economics Spectrum, Forests, 13: 990.
7. He, X., Swenson, N.G., Lin, L.*, 2021. Functional trait space of forest passerine bird assemblages along a latitudinal gradient in China. Trees, Forests and People, 5: 100096.
8. He, X., Brown, C., Lin, L.*, 2021. Relative importance of deterministic and stochastic processes for beta diversity of bird assemblages in Yunnan, China, Ecosphere, 12: e03545.
9. Tongkok, S., He, X*., Alcantara, M. J. M., Saralamba, C., Nathalang, A., Chanthorn, W., Brockelman, W.Y., Lin, L.*, 2020. Composition of frugivores of Baccaurea ramiflora (Phyllanthaceae) and effects of environmental factors on frugivory in two tropical forests of China and Thailand. Global Ecology and Conservation, 23: e01096.
10. Shao, X., Brown, C., Worthy, S.J., Liu, L., Cao, M., Li, Q.*, Lin, L.*, Swenson, N.G., 2018. Intra-specific relatedness, spatial clustering and reduced demographic performance in tropical rainforest trees. Ecology Letters, 21: 1174-1181.
11. He, X., Luo, K., Brown, C., Lin, L.* 2018. A taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic perspective on the community assembly of passerine birds along an elevational gradient in southwest China. Ecology and Evolution, 8: 2712-2720.
12. Zhang, C., Yang, J., Sha, L., Ci, X., Li, J., Cao, M., Brown, C., Swenson, N.G., Lin, L.*, 2017. Lack of phylogenetic signal within environmental niches of tropical tree species across life stages. Scientific Reports, 7: 42007.
13. Wu, J., Swenson, N.G., Brown, C., Zhang, C., Yang, J., Ci, X., Li, J., Sha, L., Cao, M., Lin, L.*, 2016. How does habitat filtering affect the detection of conspecific and phylogenetic density dependence? Ecology, 97: 1182-1193.
14. Yang, J., Zhang, G., Ci, X., Swenson, N.G., Cao, M., Sha, L., Li, J., Baskin, C.C., Ferry Slik, J.W., Lin, L.*, 2014. Functional and phylogenetic assembly in a Chinese tropical tree community across size classes, spatial scales and habitats. Functional Ecology, 28: 520-529.
15. Yang, J., Ci, X., Lu, M., Zhang, G., Cao, M., Li, J., Lin, L.*, 2014. Functional traits of tree species with phylogenetic signal co-vary with environmental niches in two large forest dynamics plots, Journal of Plant Ecology, 7: 115-125.
16. Lin, L.*, Comita, L.S., Zheng, Z., Cao, M., 2012. Seasonal differentiation in density-dependent seedling survival in a tropical rainforest. Journal of Ecology, 100: 905-914.
17. Lin, L., Cao, M.*, 2009. Edge effects on soil seed banks and understory vegetation in subtropical and tropical forests in Yunnan, SW China, Forest Ecology and Management, 257: 1344-1352.
18. Lin, L., Cao, M.*, He, Y., Baskin, J.M., Baskin, C.C., 2006. Nonconstituent species in soil seed banks as indicators of anthropogenic disturbance in forest fragments, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 36: 2300-2316.