彭艳琼,女, 博士,1974年11月生,云南省宜良县市人, 国家自然科学基金获得者。现任中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园研究员,硕士生/博士生导师,目前担任协同进化研究组组长,云南省昆虫学会理事长。
E-mail: pengyq@xtbg.ac.cn
l1993.9–1997.6 云南农业大学,农学专业学习,获学士学位
l1997.9–2000.6 云南农业大学,昆虫专业,获硕士学位
l2003.2–2005.12 中国科学院研究生院,生态学专业,获理学博士学位
l2015.7-2017.6:主持中国科学院科技服务网络计划(STS 计划)“ 丝绸之路经济带南线关键植物类群—榕树多样性分布及受威胁状况评估”,项目编号:KFJ-EW-STS-126。
l2019.6-2021.12:主持中国环科院生物多样性调查评估项目(The Biodiversity Survey and Assessment Project of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, China)“高黎贡山-碧罗雪山地区昆虫多样性调查与评估”,项目编号:2019HJ2096001006,资助经费:60万元。
l 2022.10-2027.9:自然科学基金委中美生物多样性合作研究项目“BoCP: US-China: 榕-蜂共生体系性状创新在生物多样性中的贡献”,项目编号:32261123001,经费:180万元,第二主持。
彭艳琼, 杨大荣. 2016. 大榕树和榕小蜂的美丽约会. 北京:电子工业出版社,PP 136.
1.Qiong-Yue Liang, Yun-Bo Duan, Chang-Qiu Liu*, Zhe Chen, Qiang-Bang Gong, Yan-Qiong Peng. 2024. Natural history of pollination of an Asian bignoniaceous tree: The long-tubed flower and the not-so-long bird bill.Flora, 314:152481.
2.Jianfeng Huang, Clive T. Darwell, Yan-Qiong Peng*. 2024. Enhanced and asymmetric signatures of hybridization at climatic margins: Evidence from closely related dioecious fig species. Plant Diversity,46(2): 181-193.
3.Ai-Ying Wang#, Yan-Qiong Peng#, James M. Cook, Da-Rong Yang, Da-Yong Zhang, Wan-Jin Liao*. 2023. Host insect specificity and interspecific competition drive parasitoid diversification in a plant–insect community. Ecology, e4062.
4.Jian-Feng Huang, Shu-Qiong Li, Rui Xu, Yan-Qiong Peng*. 2023. East‒West genetic differentiation across the Indo-Burma hotspot: evidence from two closely related dioecious figs. BMC Plant Biology, 23: 321.
5.Jianfeng Huang, Jenjira Fungjanthuek, Ming-Bo Chen, Gui-Xiang Liu, Yi-Yi Dong, Yan-Qiong Peng, Bo Wang, Simon T. Segar. 2023. Pollinator sharing and hybridization in a pair of dioecious figs sheds light on the pathways to speciation. Evolution Letters,7(6):422-435.
6.Bai-Ge Miao, Ming-Xin Liu, Bo Wang, Yan-Qiong Peng*, Annick Lesne, Finn Kjellberg, K. Charlotte Jander. 2023. Active pollination in a functionally dioecious Ficus species: An interplay between pollinator behaviour and floral morphology. Flora, 302: 1552274.
7.Elliot M. Gardner, Sam Bruun-Lund, Matti Niissalo, Bhanumas Chantarasuwan, Wendy L. Clement, Connie Geri, Rhett D. Harrison, Andrew L. Hipp, Maxime Holvoet , Gillian Khew, Finn Kjellberg, Shuai Liao, Leandro Cardoso Pederneiras, Yan-Qiong Peng, Joan T. Pereira, Quentin Phillipps, Aida Shafreena Ahmad Puad, Jean-Yves Rasplus, Julia Sang, Sverre Juul Schoud, Elango Velauthamc, George D. Weiblent, Nyree J. C. Zeregav, Qian Zhang, Zhen Zhang, Christopher Baralotoa and Nina Rønstedb. 2023. Echoes of ancient introgression punctuate stable genomic lineages in the evolution of figs. PNAS, 120(28): e2222035120.
8.黄曼娟, 汪雪敏, 苗白鸽, 彭艳琼. 2023. 栉颚榕小蜂在雌花期榕果内产卵及主动传粉行为的多样性. 生物多样性,31(5): 23060.
9.高金霞, 苗白鸽, 杨大荣, 熊永梅, 朕丹菁, 廖帅, 彭艳琼. 2023. 寻找墨脱秘境里的榕树和榕小蜂. 生命世界, 10:48-55.
10.Xiaoxia Deng, Bruno Buatois, Yan-Qiong Peng, Hui Yu, Yufen Cheng, Xuejun Ge, Magali Proffit, Finn Kjellberg. Plants are the drivers of geographic variation of floral odours in brood site pollination mutualisms: A case study of Ficus hirta. Acta Oecologica, 121:103952.
11.Cheng-Jin Yan, Yan-Qiong Peng, Hua-Yan Chen. 2023. Two new species of Ismarus Haliday (Hymenoptera, Ismaridae) from Yunnan, China. ZooKeys 1174: 207-217.
12.Jia-Chen Zhu, Shu-Qian Fang, Qing-Yan Zhao, Jun-Li Yao, Yan-Qiong Peng, Van Achterberg Cees, Xue-Xin Chen. 2023. The genus Eurymeros Bhat (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Alysiinae) newly recorded from China. Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e100784.
13.Khin M. M. Aung#, Huan-Huan Chen#, Simon T. Segar, Bai-Ge Miao, Yan-Qiong Peng*, Cong Liu*. 2022. Changes in temperature alter competitive interactions and overall structure of fig wasp communities. Journal of Animal Ecology, 91:1303–1315.
14.Man-Juan Huang#, Alice C. Hughes#, Chun-Yang Xu, Bai-Ge Miao, Jie Gao*, Yan-Qiong Peng*. 2022. Mapping the changing distribution of two important pollinating giant honeybees across 21000 years. Global Ecology and Conservation, 39: e02282.
15.Zheng-Ren Zhang, Xue Yang, Wei-Ying Li, Yan-Qiong Peng*, Jie Gao*. 2022. Comparative chloroplast genome analysis of Ficus (Moraceae): Insight into adaptive evolution and mutational hotspot regions. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13: 965335.
16.Yiyi Dong, Zhang-Ren Zhang, Mishra S, Wong ACN, Jian-Feng Huang, Bo Wang, Yan-Qiong Peng*, Jie Gao*. 2022. Diversity and metabolic potentials of microbial communities associated with pollinator and cheater fig wasps in fig-fig wasp. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13:1009919.
17.Jenjira Fungjanthuek#, Man-Juan Huang#, Alice C. Hughes, Jian-Feng Huang, Huan-Huan Chen, Jie Gao*, Yan-Qiong Peng*. 2022. Ecological niche overlap and prediction of the potential distribution of two sympatric Ficus (Moraceae) species in the Indo-Burma region. Forests, 13:1420.
18.Bai-Ge Miao, Yan-Qiong Peng, Da-Rong Yang, Benoit Guénard, Cong Liu*. 2022. Diversity begets diversity: low resource heterogeneity reduces the diversity 10 of nut-nesting ants in rubber plantations. Insect Science, 29(3): 932-941.
19.Ting Zhang, Charlotte Jandér, Jian-Feng Huang, Bo Wang, Jiang-Bo Zhao, Bai-Ge Miao, Yan-Qiong Peng*, Edward Allen Herre*.2021. The evolution of parasitism from mutualism in wasps pollinating the fig, Ficus microcarpa, in Yunnan Province, China. PNAS, 118(32): e2021148118.
20.Jian-Feng Huang, Clive T. Darwell, Yan-Qiong Peng*. 2021. Homogenized phylogeographic structure across the Indo-Burma ranges of a large monoecious fig, Ficus altissima. Diversity, 13: 654.
21.Miao Bai-Ge, Peng Yan-Qiong, Yang Da-Rong, Yasuhiro Kubota, Evan P. Economo, Liu Cong. 2021. Climate and land-use interactively shape butterfly diversity in tropical rainforest and savanna ecosystems of southwestern China. Insect Science, 28: 1109-1120.
22.Fu-Hua Bian*, Yan Luo, Lixia Li , Yu-Juan Pang, Yan-Qiong Peng*. 2021. Inflorescence development, thermogenesis and flower-visiting insect activity in Alocasia odora. Flora, 279: 151818.
23.Bo Wang, Min Lu, Yan-Qiong Peng and Simon T. Segar.2021. Direct and Indirect Effects of Invasive vs. Native Ant-Hemipteran Mutualism: A Meta-Analysis That Supports the Mutualism Intensity Hypothesis. Agronomy, 11: 2323.
24.Jiu-Yang Luo, Yan-Qiong Peng, Qiang Xie. 2021. First record of the cimicomorphan family Plokiophilidae (Hemiptera, Heteroptera) from China, with description of a new species of Plokiophiloides. ZooKeys, 1021: 145–157.
25.Zhi-Wei Dong, Vor Yiu, Gui-Chun Liu, Jin-Wu He, Ruo-Ping Zhao, Yan-Qiong Peng, Xue-Yan Li. 2021. Three new species of Lamprigera Motschulsky (Coleoptera, Lampyridae) from China, with notes on known species. Zootaxa, 4950 (3): 441-468.
26.Jean-Yves Rasplus, Lillian Jennifer Rodriguezb, Laure Saune, Yang-Qiong Peng, Anthony Bain, Finn Kjellberg, Rhett D. Harrison, Rodrigo A.S. Pereira, Rosichon Ubaidillah, Christine Tollon-Cordet, Mathieu Gautier, Jean-Pierre Rossi and Astrid Cruaud. 2021. Exploring systematic biases, rooting methods and morphological evidence to unravel the evolutionary history of the genus Ficus (Moraceae). Cladistics, 37: 402-422.
27.Zhen Liu, Sheng-Jie Yang, Yu-Yuan Wang, Yan-Qiong Peng, Hua-Yan Chen, Shi-Xiao Luo. 2021. Tackling the Taxonomic Challenges in the Family Scoliidae (Insecta, Hymenoptera) Using an Integrative Approach: A Case Study from Southern China. Insects, 12: 892.
28.易浪, 董亚坤, 苗白鸽*, 彭艳琼*. 2021. 云南高黎贡山地区蝴蝶群落多样性. 生物多样性, 29(7): 950-959.
29.徐春阳, 刘秀嶶, 贺春玲, 高洁*, 彭艳琼*. 2021. 全球变化格局下重要传粉昆虫大蜜蜂的潜在适生区变化. 昆虫学报, 64(11): 1305-1312.
30.Li Shu-Qiong, Huang Jian-Feng, Clive T. Darwell, Peng Yan-Qiong. 2020. Development of 19 universal microsatellite loci for three closely related Ficus species (Moraceae) by high-throughput sequencing. Genes & Genetic Systems 95,1–7.
31.Khin Me Me Aung, Dong Yi-Yi, Wang Bo, Peng Yan-Qiong. 2020. Geographic variation of fig wasp communities in Ficus racemosa between Xishuangbanna (China) and Mandalay (Myanmar). 武夷科学, 36(1).
32.Liu Cong, Georg Fischer, Francisco Hita Garcia, Seiki Yamane, Liu Qing, Peng Yan-Qiong, Evan P. Economo, Benoit Guénard, Naomi E. Pierce. 2020. Ants of the Hengduan Mountains: a new altitudinal survey and updated checklist for Yunnan Province highlight an understudied insect biodiversity hotspot. ZooKeys, 978:1–171.
33.Xiulan Zhao, Dayuan Zhang Wensheng Zeng, Jianfeng Huang, Yongsan Zeng, Yanqiong Peng, Jianghua Huang, Weimin Ye, Yun Ye and Robin M. Giblin-Davis. 2020. Martininema semicordatae n. sp. (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) associated with Ficus semicordata in China. Nematology,1-12.
34. 汪雪敏,苗白鸽,彭艳琼. 2020. 聚果榕小蜂传粉与产卵之间的权衡. 昆虫学报,63(7):861-869.
35.王剑, 董乙乂, 马丽滨, 潘勃, 马方舟, 丁晖, 胡亚萍, 彭艳琼, 吴孝兵, 王波. 西双版纳国家级自然保护区蚂蚁–树互作网络空间变异. 生物多样性, 28(6): 695-706.
36.董乙乂, 彭艳琼, 王波. 2020. 垂叶榕榕小蜂群落及种间互作网络季节动态. 生物多样性,28 (4): 496–503.
37.Shi Rong-Rong, Miao Bai-Ge, Simon T. Segar, Zeng Yong-San, Wang Bo*, Peng Yan-Qiong*. 2019. Are nematodes associated with fig-fig wasp mutualism detrimental? Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 167: 1000-1011.
38.Wang Ai-Ying#, Peng Yan-Qiong#, Lawrence D. Harder, Huang Jian-Feng, Yang Dr-Rong, Zhang Da-Yong, Liao Wan-Jin*. 2019. The nature of interspecific interactions and codiversification patterns, as illustrated by the fig microcosm. New Phytologist, 224:1304-1315.
39.Chen Xing#, Dong Zhi-Wei#, Liu Gui-Chun#, He Jin-Wu, Zhao Ruo-Ping, Wang Wen*, Peng Yan-Qiong*, Li Xue-Yan*. 2019. Phylogenetic analysis provides insights into the evolution of Asian fireflies and adult bioluminescence. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 140: 106600
40.Zhang Ting, Miao Bai-Ge, Wang Bo, Peng Yan-Qiong*, Clive T. Darwell. 2019. Non-pollinating cheater wasps benefit from seasonally poor performance of the mutualistic pollinating wasps at the northern limit of the range of Ficus microcarpa. Ecological Entomology, 44: 844-848.