耿宇鹏,男, 博士,1979年6月生,河北石家庄人。现任尊龙凯时教授,博士生导师。目前担任尊龙凯时常务副院长,西南跨境生态安全教育部重点实验室常务副主任。
E-mail: ypgeng@cqlty.com
l2013/01-2016/12 国家自然科学基金项目(31260055):梅里雪山林线树种长苞冷杉沿海拔梯度的基因流及其对高山林线适应性进化的影响.项目负责人,经费58万元
l2017/01-2020/12 国家自然科学基金项目(31660057):入侵植物喜旱莲子草沿温度梯度的DNA甲基化变异:格局、稳定性及其适应意义,项目负责人,经费39万元
l2021/01-2024/12 国家自然科学基金项目(32060059):盐胁迫条件下菥蓂表观遗传变异的突变率、稳定性和表型效应,项目负责人,经费35万元
l2021/01-2024/12 云南省万人计划-青年拔尖人才(YNWR-QNBJ-20190238),项目负责人,经费50万元
l2022/09-2025/08 国家重点研发计划项目课题(2022YFF1302402):高黎贡山外来入侵植物现状评估及防控技术体系,项目负责人,经费250万元
l2024/01-2027/12 国家自然科学基金区域创新联合基金(U23A20160):基于功能性状的云南外来植物入侵性与风险评估研究,项目负责人,经费265万元
l 全国中小学科学教育专家委员会委员(2024年~今);
l 云南省植物学会理事(2010年~今)
l 云南省生态学会理事(2018年~今)
l 中国生态学学会入侵生态学专委会委员、科普工作委员会委员(2019年~今)
l 中国科技新闻学会科技传播专委会委员(2019年~今)
1.Li G, Zheng T, Wang G, Gu Q, Chang X, Qian Y, Xu X, Wang Y, Li B*, Geng Y*.(2024). Transgenerational Plasticity Enhances the Tolerance of Duckweed (Lemna minor) to Stress from Exudates of Microcystis aeruginosa. International Journal of Molecular Science.25:13027.
2.Li G, Li R, Yonezawa T, Wu J, Nishihiro J, Nakai K, Wang G, Gu Q, Geng Y*.(2024). Conserved genetic background but geographically differentiated DNA methylation patterns in invasive alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides) populations of China and Japan. Biological Invasions 26:2351–2365.
3.Yu Y, Ge J, Dong W, Chomicki G, Yang S, Geng Y*, Chen G*. (2024) Aristolochia mimics stink bugs to repel vertebrate herbivores via TRPA1 activation. New Phytologist 242: 278-288.
4.Chen W*, Geng Y*, Zhang B, Yan Y, Zhao FQ, Miao M. (2023) Stop or Not: Genome-Wide Profiling of Reassigned Stop Codons in Ciliates. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 40(4):msad064.
5.Li G, Zhao Y, Liu F, Shi M, Guan Y, Zhang T, Zhao F*, Qiao Q* and Geng Y*. (2022) Transcriptional memory of gene expression across generations participates in transgenerational plasticity of field pennycress in response to cadmium stress. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13:953794.
6.Geng Y, Guan Y, Qiong L, Lu S, An M, Crabbe MJC, Qi J, Zhao F, Qiao Q, Zhang T. (2021) Genomic analysis of field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense) provides insights into mechanisms of adaptation to high elevation. BMC Biology. 19:143.
7.Yu YL, Wang HC, Yu ZX, Schinnerl J, Tang R, Geng Y*, Chen G*. (2021) Genetic diversity and structure of the endemic and endangered species Aristolochia delavayi growing along the Jinsha River. Plant Diversity. 43(3):225-233.
8.Zhao Z, Zhu K, Tang D, Wang Y, Wang Y, Zhang G, Geng Y*, Yu H*. (2021) Comparative Analysis of Mitochondrial Genome Features among Four Clonostachys Species and Insight into Their Systematic Positions in the Order Hypocreales. International Journal of Molecular Science. 22(11):5530.
9.Luo L, Kong X, Gao Z, Zheng Y, Yang Y, Li X, Yang D, Geng Y*, Yang Y*. (2020). Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals ecological adaption of cold tolerance in northward invasion of Alternanthera philoxeroides. BMC Genomics 21:532.
10.Geng Y, Chang N, Zhao Y, Qin X, Lu S, Crabbe M. J, Guan Y, Zhang T. (2020) Increased epigenetic diversity and transient epigenetic memory in response to salinity stress in Thlaspi arvense. Ecology and Evolution. 10:11622–11630.
11.Guan Y, Qu P, Lu S, Zhang T*, Geng Y*. 2020. Spatial Genetic and Epigenetic Structure of Thlaspi arvense (Pennycress) in China. Genes and Genetic Systems 95:1-10.
12.Shi W, Chen X, Gao L, Xu C-Y,Ou X, Bossdorf O, Yang J* and Geng Y* (2019) Transient Stability of Epigenetic Population Differentiation in a Clonal Invader.Frontiers in Plant Science. 9:1851.
13.Shi W, Hu X, Chen XJ, Ou XK, Yang J*, Geng Y*. (2018) Increased population epigenetic diversity of the clonal invasive species Alternanthera philoxeroides in response to salinity stress. Genes and Genetic Systems 93:259–269.
14.Cai W, Ma Z, Yang C*, Wang L, Wang W, Zhao G, Geng Y*, Yu D. (2017) Using eDNA to detect the distribution and density of invasive crayfish in the Honghe-Hani rice terrace World Heritage site. PLoS ONE 12(5):e0177724.
15.Geng Y, van_klinken R, Sosa A, Li B, Chen J and Xu C (2016) The relative importance of genetic diversity and phenotypic plasticity in determining invasion success of a clonal weed in the USA and China. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7:213.
16.Luo L, Zhang P, Ou X and Geng Y*. (2016) Development of EST-SSR Markers for the Invasive Plant Tithonia diversifolia (Asteraceae). Applications in Plant Sciences 4(7): 1600011.
17.肖俞, 李宇然, 段禾祥, 任正涛, 冯圣碧, 姜志诚, 李家华, 张品, 胡金明, 耿宇鹏. 2023.高黎贡山外来植物入侵现状及管控建议. 31 (5): 23011
18.赵志远, 王元兵, 王志勤, 汤德相, 耿宇鹏*, 虞泓*. 2020. 云南巍山地区广义虫草的物种多样性研究. 热带亚热带植物学报 28(5): 455-462.
19.张志明,徐倩,王彬,孙虎,耿宇鹏*,田冀. 2017. 无人机遥感技术在景观生态学中的应用. 生态学报 37(12):4029-4036.