曹林,男, 博士,1980年6月生,云南省昆明市人。现任研究员,硕士生导师。
E-mail: lincao@cqlty.com
l1999.9-2003.6 四川大学,生命科学学院,生物学基地班,获理学学士学位
l2003.9-2006.6 四川大学,生命科学学院,生态学专业,获理学硕士学位
l2006.9-2009.6 四川大学,生命科学学院,生态学专业,获生态学博士学位
l 2014-2016年:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,啮齿动物切胚根行为对假海桐种子扩散和幼苗更新的影响,项目负责人,经费24万元。
l 2014-2016年:中国科学院西部之光博士项目,西双版纳热带地区森林片断化对壳斗科植物种子扩散的影响,项目负责人,经费10万元。
l 2019-2021年:中国科学院动物研究所农业虫害鼠害综合治理研究国家重点实验室开放课题,热带雨林中鼠类对植物种子的定向扩散及其生态意义,项目负责人,经费8元。
l 2019-2022年:国家自然科学基金面上项目,热带雨林中鼠类对种子贮藏点微生境的选择及生态意义,项目负责人,经费60元。
l 2021-2025年:云南省高层人才培养支持计划“青年拔尖人才”专项,项目负责人,经费50元。
l 2023-2026年:国家自然科学基金面上项目,竞争者的偷盗行为对鼠类贮藏策略及植物种子命运的影响,项目负责人,经费54元。
l 2023-2027年:国家重点研发计划子课题,栖息地改造修复、亚洲象定向诱导及种群管控技术研究,子课题负责人,经费50元。
1. 张知彬等著,2019年,《森林生态系统鼠类与植物种子关系研究——探索对抗者之间合作的秘密》,北京:科学出版社.
1、Dou Haojun, Hou Ling, Hu Mingjie, Cao Lin*(通讯作者)(2024). Scatter-hoarding rodents are important seed dispersers in pine plantations. Global Ecology and Conservation, 50 (2024) e02840.
2、Hou Ling, Dou Haojun, Hu Mingjie, Cao Lin*(通讯作者) (2024). Effects of cache distribution and size on cache foraging by animals. Animal Behaviour, 211 (2024) 91-98.
3、 Cao Lin#*(共同第一作者,通讯作者), Patrick A Jansen, Wang Bo, Yan Chuan#, Wang Zhenyu , Jin Chen (2022). Mutual cheating strengthens a tropical seed dispersal mutualism. Ecology, e03574.
4、 Zhang Yongjun, Yu Fei, Yi Xianfeng, Zhou Weiwei, Liu Rui, Marcel Holyoak, Lin Cao, Zhang Mingming, Chen Jiani, Zhang Zhibin, Yan Chuan (2022). Evolutionary and ecological patterns of scatter-and larder-hoarding behaviours in rodents. Ecology Letters, 25(5), 1202-1214.
5、 Cao Lin*(通讯作者), Zhang Zhibin (2022). Loss of top predators and fragmentation lead to the decline of dominant plants in forests: a balance needed for conservation and management on overabundant large herbivore species. Commentary. Integrative Zoology, 17: 231–233.
6、 Wang Zhenyu, Wang Bo, Yan Chuan, Yuan Shengdong, Cao Lin*(通讯作者)(2020). Neighborhood effects on the tannin-related foraging decisions of two rodent species under semi-natural conditions. Integrative Zoology, 15, 569-577.
7、 Wang Zhenyu, Wang Bo, Yi Xianfeng, Yan Chuan, Zhang ZhiBin, Cao Lin*(通讯作者)(2019). Re-caching behaviour of rodents improves seed dispersal effectiveness: evidence from seedling establishment. Forest Ecology and Management, 444, 207-213.
8、 Wang Zhenyu, Wang Bo, Yi Xianfeng, Yan Chuan, Cao Lin*(通讯作者), Zhang ZhiBin (2018). Scatter-hoarding rodents are better pilferers than larder-hoarders. Animal Behaviour, 141, 151-159.
9、Cao Lin*(通讯作者), Wang Bo, Yan Chuan, Wang Zhenyu, Zhang Hongmao, Geng Yuanzhao, Chen Jin, Zhang Zhibin (2018). Risk of cache pilferage determines hoarding behavior of rodents and seed fate. Behavioral Ecology, 29(4), 984-991.
10、Cao Lin, Yan Chuan, Wang Bo* (2018). Differential seed mass selection on hoarding decisions among three sympatric rodents. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 72:161.
11、Geng, Yuanzhao, Wang Bo and Cao Lin*(通讯作者)(2017). Directed seed dispersal by scatter-hoarding rodents into areas with a low density of conspecific seeds in the absence of pilferage. Journal of Mammalogy, 98(6), 1682-1687.
12、Cao Lin, Guo Cong, Chen Jin* (2017). Fluctuation in seed abundance has contrasting effects on the fate of seeds from two rapidly geminating tree species in an Asian tropical forest. Integrative Zoology, 12, 2-11.
13、Cao Lin, Wang ZhenYu, Yan Chuan, Chen Jin, Guo Cong, Zhang ZhiBin* (2016). Differential foraging preferences on seed size by rodents result in higher dispersal success of medium-sized seeds. Ecology, 97, 3070-3078.