程晓莉,女, 博士,尊龙凯时教授,硕士生/博士生导师。
(1) 从植被-微生物-土壤互作的视角,多尺度解析植被恢复对生态系统功能的影响与机制,为生态恢复理论与实践提供支撑。
(2) 从生态系统尺度上揭示了山地生态系统土壤氮磷转化的季节格局、海拔效应及其驱动机制,为该区域的养分预算和资源保护提供了参考依据。
(3) 首次提供了土壤氮循环驱动机制的综合理解:早期范式通常认为气候条件主要控制了全球土壤氮循环。基于全球土壤氮同位素特征的数据同化和模型模拟,我们研究的新兴范式强调了气候条件、土壤属性、植物性状和其它因素(66个)对全球土壤氮循环的联合影响(Global Change biology, 2024, doi: 10.1111/gcb.17309)。
(4) 首次发展了主要硝化抑制剂的预算模型:已有研究主要关注硝化抑制剂带来的作物产量效益,而鲜少关注其可能存在的环境和健康风险。我们研究新发展的硝化抑制剂预算模型显示了硝化抑制剂的潜在环境风险,需要进一步加强机制探索、花费-效益分析、风险评估(Trends in Microbiology, 2024, doi.org/10.1016/j.tim.2024.06.004)。
E-mail: xlcheng@cqlty.com
l 1986.9-1990.7: 安徽农业大学,理学学士
l 1998.9-2003.7: 南京大学,理学博士
l 2023-2025:云南省基础研究专项重大项目课题项目: 林草生态系统碳汇管理的关键技术研发与集成示范,课题负责人,经费360万元
l 2022 -2026:国家自然科学基金重点项目:植被恢复对生态系统多功能性的影响及其机制,项目负责人,经费289万元
l 2020 -2025:中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)专课题:云南-广西草地资源清查,专题负责人,经费410万元
l 2021 -2024:云南省重点研发计划社会发展专项子课题:程海面山治理生态修复区生态效应与示范的研究,专题负责人,经费80万元
l 2018 -2021:国家自然科学基金面上项目:土地利用变化背景下凋落物分解与微生物群落之间相互作用机制的研究,项目负责人,经费84万元
l 2015 -2018:国家自然科学基金面上项目:丹江口水库库区土地利用变化背景下土壤碳循环及其关键微生物驱动过程的研究,项目负责人,经费86万元
l 担任《Journal of Plant Ecology》副主编;《Global Change Biology》、《Wetlands Ecology and Management》、《植物生态学报》编委。
l 2019年获上海市自然科学一等奖(排名第四):外来植物护花米草入侵的生态环境影响与机制。 证书号:20192015-1-R04
l 2019年获湖北省自然科学二等奖(排名第四):秦巴山地典型脆弱区植被恢复对生态系统功能的影响机制。 证书号:2019Z-028-2-011-009-R02
Zhang Y, Abalos B, Cheng X*, 2024. Addressing challenges associated with nitrification inhibitors. Trends in Microbiology, doi.org/10.1016/j.tim.2024.06.004
Zhang Y, Cheng X*, Terrer, C, Choi WJ, Chen J, Luo Y, Ciais P, 2024. Global evidence for joint effects of multiple natural and anthropogenic drivers on soil nitrogen cycling. Global Change biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.17309
Men X, Bao Y, Zhai D, Liao C, Wang Y, Wang C, Cheng X*, 2024. Different regulatory mechanisms on carbon-degrading enzyme activities under short-term litter input manipulations in subalpine coniferous and broad-leaved forest soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 196: 109512
Bai J, Long C, Quan X, Liao C, Zhai D, Bao Y, Men X, Zhang D, Cheng X*, 2024. Reverse diversity–biomass patterns in grasslands are constrained by climates and stoichiometry along an elevational gradient. Science of The Total Environment 917:170416
Wang Y, Zhai D, Cheng X*, 2024. Soil nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics respond divergently to afforestation. Forest Ecology and Management 555: 121705
Liao C, Chang K, Wu B, Zhang D, Cheng X*, 2024. Divergence in soil particulate and mineral-associated organic carbon reshapes carbon stabilization along an elevational gradient. Catena 235: 107682
Long C, Yang F, Chen Q, Zhang Q, Cheng X*, 2024. Different dynamics and controls of enzyme activities of leaf and root litter during decomposition. Functional Ecology 00:1-14
Chen Q, Liao C, Bao Y, Men X, Zhang Y, Cheng X*, 2024. The dominant genera of nitrogenase (nifH) affects soil biological nitrogen fxation along an elevational gradient in the Hengduan mountains. Chemosphere 347: 140722
Long, C, Chang K, Guan N, Cheng X*, 2024.Substantial variation of the two-dimensional spectrum of senescent leaf in subalpine forest along elevational gradients. Ecosphere, DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.4802
Chen Q, Long C, Chang K, Cheng X*, 2023. Various seasonal patterns and potential mechanisms of soil nitrogen transformation along an elevational gradient in the Hengduan Mountains. Functional Ecology 37: 1962-1973
Feyissa A, Raza S, Cheng X*, 2023. Soil carbon stabilization and potential stabilizing mechanisms along elevational gradients in alpine forest and grassland ecosystems of Southwest China. Catena 229: 107210
Li J, Wu B, Zhang D, Cheng X*, 2023. Elevational variation in soil phosphorus pools and controlling factors in alpine areas of Southwest China. Geoderma 431: 116361
Liao C, Long C, Zhang Q, Cheng X*, 2023. Different regulation processes of litter phosphorus loss for leaf and root under subtropical afforestation. Plant and Soil 486: 455-468
Long C, Zhang Q, Chen Q, Cheng X*, 2023. Divergent controls on leaf and root litter decay linking to soil C, N, and P pools under a subtropical land-use change. Ecosystems 26: 1209-1223
Men X, Bao Y, Wu M, Liao C, Cheng X*, 2023. Soil enzyme activities responded differently to short-term litter input manipulation under coniferous and broad-leaved forests in the subalpine area of Southwest China. Forest Ecology and Management 546: 121360
Zhai D, Chen R, Chen Q, Cheng X*, 2023. The effect of afforestation type on soil nitrogen dynamics in the riparian zone of the upper Yangtze River of China. Chemosphere 341: 140067
Zhang D, Wu B, Li J, Cheng X*, 2023. Soil microbial relative resource limitation exhibited contrasting seasonal patterns along an elevational gradient in Yulong Snow Mountain. Functional Ecology 37:1328-1338
Zhang Y, Cheng X*, van Groenigen KJ, García-Palacios P, Cao J, Zheng X, Luo Y, Hungate BA, Terrer C, Butterbach-Bahl K, Olesen JE, Chen J*, 2023. Shifts in soil ammonia-oxidizing community maintain the nitrogen stimulation of nitrification across climatic conditions. Global Change Biology 30: e16989
Zhang Y, Chen J, Cheng X*, 2023. Revisiting the relationships between soil nitrous oxide emissions and microbial functional gene abundances. Global Change Biology 29: 4697-4699
Feyissa A, Chen R, Cheng X*, 2023. Afforestation inhibited soil microbial activities along the riparian zone of the upper Yangtze River of China. Forest Ecology and Management 538: 120998
Bai, J., Chen, R., Men, X., Cheng, X*., 2023. Divergent linkages of soil phosphorus fractions to edaphic properties following afforestation in the riparian zone of the upper Yangtze river, China. Chemosphere 313:137452
Chen, Q., Yang, F., Chen, J., Long, C., Cheng, X*., 2023. Stronger effects of environmental factors than denitrifying genes on soil denitrification under a subtropical land use change. Catena 222:106876
Yang, W*., Zhang, D., Cai, X., Yang, X., Zhang, H., Wang, Y., Diao, L., Luo, Y., Cheng, X*., 2023. Natural revegetation over ~ 160 years alters carbon and nitrogen sequestration and stabilization in soil organic matter on the Loess Plateau of China. Catena 220:106647
Chen, Q., Chen, J., Andersen, M., Cheng, X*., 2022. Elevational shifts in foliar-soil δ15N in the Hengduan Mountains and different potential mechanisms. Global Change Biology 28(18):5480-5491.
Liao, C., Men, X., Wang, C., Chen, R., Cheng, X*., 2022. Nitrogen availability and mineral particles contributed fungal necromass to the newly formed stable carbon pool in the alpine areas of Southwest China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 173:108788.
Feyissa, A., Gurmesa, G., Yang, F., Long, C., Zhang, Q., Cheng, X*., 2022. Soil enzyme activity and stoichiometry in secondary grasslands along a climatic gradient of subtropical China. Science of the Total Environment 825:154019
Li, J., Zhang, Q., Zhang, D., Cheng, X*., 2022. Divergent temporal variations in soil microbial attributes under a subtropic afforestation. Ecological Indicators 142:109170
Chen, Q.,Yang, F., Cheng, XL Cheng, X*., 2022. Effects of land use change type on soil microbial attributes and their controls: Data synthesis. Ecological Indicators 138:108852
Liao, C., Long, C.,Zhang, Q., Cheng, X*., 2022. Stronger effect of litter quality than micro-organisms on leaf and root litter C and N loss at different decomposition stages following a subtropical land use change. Functional Ecology 36(4):896-907
Wu, J., Cheng, X*., Luo, Y., Liu, W., Liu, G*., 2022. Identifying Carbon-Degrading Enzyme Activities in Association with Soil Organic Carbon Accumulation Under Land-Use Changes. Ecosystems 25:1219–1233
Wu, J., Zhang, Q., Zhang, D., Jia, W., Chen, J., Liu, G*., Cheng, X*., 2022. The ratio of ligninase to cellulase increased with the reduction of plant detritus input in a coniferous forest in subtropical China. Applied Soil Ecology 170:104269.
Li, Q., Jia, W., Zhang, Q., Cheng, X*., 2022. Localized plant-soil-microbe interactions regulate spatial variations of soil oxidase activities within afforested systems in a subtropical area. Geoderma 406:115499.
Yang, W*., Diao, L., Wang, Y., Yang, X., Zhang, H., Wang, J., Luo, Y., An, S., Cheng, X*., 2022. Responses of soil fungal communities and functional guilds to ~160 years of natural revegetation in the Loess Plateau of China. Frontiers in Microbiology DOI 10.3389/fmicb.2022.967565
Chen, Q., Long, C., Chen, J., Cheng, X*., 2021. Differential response of soil CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions to edaphic properties and microbial attributes following afforestation in central China. Global Change Biology 00:1-13.
Yang, F., Chen, Q., Zhang, Q., Long, C., Jia, W., Cheng, X*., 2021. Keystone species affect the relationship between soil microbial diversity and ecosystem function under land use change in subtropical China. Functional Ecology 35:1159-1170.
Wu, J., Cheng, X*., Luo, Y., Liu, W., Liu, G*.,2021. Identifying Carbon-Degrading Enzyme Activities in Association with Soil Organic Carbon Accumulation Under Land-Use Changes. Ecosystems 10.1007/s10021-021-00711-y.
Zhang, Q., Zhang, D., Wu, J., Li, J., Feng, J., Cheng, X*., 2021. Soil nitrogen-hydrolyzing enzyme activity and stoichiometry following a subtropical land use change. Land Degradation & Development 32:4277-4287.
Feyissa, A., Yang, F., Wu, J., Chen, Q., Zhang, D., Cheng, X*., 2021. Soil nitrogen dynamics at a regional scale along a precipitation gradient in secondary grassland of China. Science of the Total Environment 781:146736.
Wu, J., Jia, W., Zhang, D., Liu, G., Cheng, X*., 2021. Case study on a coniferous plantation site about inter-annual shifts in microbial communities under short-term detritus input manipulations. Ecological Indicators 130:108053.
Wang, D., Chen, J*., Felton, A., Xia, L., Zhang, Y., Luo, Y., Cheng, X*., Cao. J*., 2021. Post-fire co-stimulation of gross primary production and ecosystem respiration in a meadow grassland on the Tibetan Plateau. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 303:108388.
Li, Q., Dong, Q., Zhang, Q., Jia, W., Cheng, X*., 2021. Determinants of soil carbon- and nitrogenhydrolyzing enzymes within different afforested lands in central China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research DOI:10.1007/s11356-021-16817-8.
Wu, J., Chen, Q.,Jia, W., Long, C., Liu, W., Liu, G., Cheng, X*., 2020. Asymmetric response of soil methane uptake rate to landdegradation and restoration: Data synthesis. Global Change Biology 26:6581–6593.
Li Q, Chen J, Feng J, Zhang Q, Jia W, Lin Q , Cheng X*., 2020. How do Biotic and Abiotic Factors Regulate Soil Enzyme Activities at Plot and Microplot Scales Under Afforestation? Ecosystems 23: 1408–1422.
Feng J, Yang F, Wu J, Chen Q, Zhang Q, Cheng X*., 2020. Contrasting soil C and N dynamics inferred from δ13C and δ15N values along a climatic gradient in southern China.Plant and Soil 452:217–231
Zhang, D., Feng, J., Yang, F., Wu, J., Wei, J., Cheng, X*. 2020. Shift in functional plant groups under flooding impacted ecosystem C and N dynamics across riparian zones in the Three Gorges of China. Science of the Total Environment 724, 138302
Yang W, Cai A, Wang J, Luo Y, Cheng X*, An S. 2020. Exotic Spartina alterniflora Loisel. Invasion significantlyshifts soil bacterial communities with the successional gradient of saltmarsh in eastern China. Plant and Soil 449:97–115.
Zhang, D., Wu, J., Yang, F., Chen, Q, Feng, J., Li, Q., Zhang, Q., Cheng, X*.,2020. Linkages between soil organic carbon fractions and carbon-hydrolyzing enzyme activities across riparian zones in the Three Gorges of China. Scientific Reports 10:8433
Feyissa A, Yang F, Feng J, Wu J, Chen Q, Cheng X., 2020. Soil labile and recalcitrant carbon and nitrogen dynamics in relation to functional vegetation groups along precipitation gradients in secondary grasslands of South China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research: 27: 10528-10540.
Wu, J., Lu, M*., Feng, J., Zhang, D., Chen, Q., Li, Q., Long, C., Zhang, Q., Cheng, X*., 2019. Soil net methane uptake rates in response to short-term litter input change in a coniferous forest ecosystem of central China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 271, 307-315.
Li, Q., Feng, J., Wu, J., Jia, W., Zhang, Q., Chen, Q., Zhang, D., Cheng, X*., 2019. Spatial variation in soil microbial community structure and its relation to plant distribution and local environments following afforestation in central China. Soil and Tillage Research 193, 8-16.
Yang, F., Zhang, D., Wu, J., Chen, Q., Long, C., Li, Y., Cheng, X*., 2019. Anti-seasonal submergence dominates the structure and composition of prokaryotic communities in the riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Science of the Total Environment 663, 662-672.
Zhang, Q., Feng, J., Wu, J., Zhang, D., Chen, Q., Li, Q., Long, C., Feyissa, A., Cheng, X*., 2019b. Variations in carbon-decomposition enzyme activities respond differently to land use change in central China. Land Degradation & Development 30, 459-469.
Yang, W*., Jeelani, N., Xia, L., Zhu, Z., Luo, Y., Cheng, X*., An, S., 2019. Soil fungal communities vary with invasion by the exotic Spartina alternifolia Loisel. in coastal salt marshes of eastern China. Plant and Soil 442, 215-232.
Yang, W*., Zhang, D., Cai, X., Xia, L., Luo, Y., Cheng, X*., An, S., 2019. Significant alterations in soil fungal communities along a chronosequence of Spartina alterniflora invasion in a Chinese Yellow Sea coastal wetland. Science of the Total Environment 693, 133548.
Yang, W*., Jeelani, N., Zhu, Z., Luo, Y., Cheng, X*., An, S., 2019. Alterations in soil bacterial community in relation to Spartina alterniflora Loisel. invasion chronosequence in the eastern Chinese coastal wetlands. Applied Soil Ecology 135, 38-43.
Yang, W*., Xia, L., Zhu, Z., Jiang, L., Cheng, X*., An, S., 2019. Shift in soil organic carbon and nitrogen pools in different reclaimed lands following intensive coastal reclamation on the coasts of eastern China. Scientific Reports 9, 5921.
Feng J, Wu J, Zhang Q, Zhang D, Li Q, Long C, Yang F, Chen Q, Cheng X*. 2018. Stimulation of nitrogen-hydrolyzing enzymes in soil aggregates mitigates nitrogen constraint for carbon sequestration following afforestation in subtropical China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry123,136-144.
Wu, J., Zhang, D., Chen, Q., Feng, J., Li, Q., Yang, F., Zhang, Q., Cheng, X*., 2018. Shifts in soil organic carbon dynamics under detritus input manipulations in a coniferous forest ecosystem in subtropical China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 126, 1-10
Feng J, Xia X, W J, Zhang Q, Zhang D, Li Q, Long C, Chen Q, Chen J, Cheng X*. 2018. Inhibited enzyme activities in soil macroaggregates contribute to enhanced soil carbon sequestration under afforestation in central China. Science of the Total Environment.640-641, 653-661.
Yang F, Wu J, Zhang D, Chen Q, Zhang Q, Cheng X*. 2018. Soil bacterial community composition and diversity in relation to edaphic properties and plant traits in grasslands of southern China. Applied Soil Ecology.128,43-53.
Zhang K*, Song C, Zhang Y, Dang H, Cheng X*, Zhang Q*. 2018. Global-scale patterns of nutrient density and partitioning inforests in relation to climate. Global Change Biology.24, 536-551.
Wu J, Li Q, Chen J, Lei Y, Zhang Q, Yang F, Zhang D, Zhang Q, Cheng X*. 2018. Afforestation enhanced soil CH4 uptake rate in subtropical China: Evidencefrom carbon stable isotope experiments. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 118, 199-204.
Zhang Q#, Wu J#, Lei Y, Yang F, Zhang D, Zhang K*, Zhang Q, Cheng X*. 2018.Agricultural land use change impacts soil CO2 emission and its 13C-isotopicsignature in central China.Soil & Tillage Research.177, 105-112.
Wu, J., Zhang, Q., Yang, F., lei, Y., Zhang, Q., Cheng, X*. 2017. Does short-term litter input manipulation affect soil respiration and its carbon-isotopic signature in a coniferous forest ecosystem of central China. Applied Soil Ecology.113, 45-53.
Yang, W., Qiao, Y., Li, N., Zhao, H., Yang, R., Leng, X*.,Cheng, X*., An, S., 2017. Seawall construction alters soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics and soil microbial biomass in an invasive Spartina alterniflora salt marsh in eastern China. Applied Soil Ecology. 110, 1-11.
Yang, W., Zhao, H., Leng, X*.,Cheng, X*., An, S., 2017. Soil organic carbon and nitrogen dynamics following Spartinaalterniflora invasion in a coastal wetland of eastern China. Catena. 156, 281-289.
Zhang Q,We J,Yang F,Lei Y,Zhang Q, Cheng X*,2016. Alterations in soil microbial community composition and biomass following agricultural land use change. Scientific Reports. 6:36587.
Deng Q,Cheng X*, Bowatte S, Newton P, Zhang Q. 2016.Rhizospheric carbon-nitrogen interactions in a mixed-species pasture after 13 years of elevated CO2. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 235: 134–141.
Yang W, Li N, Leng X*, Qiao Y, Cheng X*, An Q. 2016 The impact of sea embankment reclamation on soil organic carbonand nitrogen pools in invasive Spartina alterniflora and native Suaedasalsa salt marshes in eastern China . Ecological Engineering. 97 : 582–592.
Yang W, Jeelani N, Leng X*, Cheng X*,An Q. 2016. Spartina alterniflora invasion alters soil microbial community composition and microbial respiration following invasion chronosequence in a coastal wetland of China .Scientific Reports. 6 : 26880
Wu J, Zhang Q, Yang F, Lei Y, Zhang Q, Cheng X*. 2016. Afforestation impacts microbial biomass and its natural 13C and 15N abundance in soil aggregates in central China. Science of the Total Environment. 568:52-56.
Yang W, Jeelani N, Leng X, Cheng X*, An S. 2016. S. Spartinaalterniflora invasion alters soil microbial community composition and microbial respiration following invasion chronosequence in a coastal wetland of China. Scientific Reports. 6 : 26880.
Yang W, Yan Y, Jiang F, Leng X,, Cheng X*, An S. 2016. Response of the soil microbial community composition and biomass to a short-term Spartina alterniflora invasion in a coastal wetland of eastern China. Plant and Soil.408:443-456.
Deng Q., Cheng X*., Hui D., Zhang Q., Li M., Zhang Q., 2016. Soil microbial community and its interaction with soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics following afforestation in central China. Science of the Total Environment 541: 230-237.
Dou X., Xu X., Shu X., Zhang Q., Cheng X*.,2016. Shifts in soil organic carbon and nitrogen dynamics for afforestation in central China. Ecological Engineering 87: 263-270.
Dou X., Zhou W., Zhang Q., Cheng X*. 2016. Greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4, N2O) emissions from soils following afforestation in central China. Atmospheric Environment 126: 98-106.
Yang W., An S., Zhao H., Xu L., Qiao Y., Cheng X*., 2016. Impacts of Spartina alterniflora invasion on soil organic carbon and nitrogen pools sizes, stability, and turnover in a coastal salt marsh of eastern China. Ecological Engineering 86: 174-182.
Zhang K*, Dang H, Zhang Q*, Cheng X*. 2015. Soil carbon dynamics following land-use change varied with temperature and precipitation gradients: Evidence from stable isotopes. Global Change Biology, 21: 2762-2772.
Ye C, Cheng X*, Liu W, Zhang Q. 2015. Revegetation impacts soil nitrogen dynamics in the water level fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Science of the Total Environment. 517: 76-85.
Yang W, An S, Zhao H, Fang S, Xia L, Xiao Y, Qiao Y, Cheng X*. 2015. Labile and Recalcitrant Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Pools in Tidal Salt Marshes of the Eastern Chinese Coast as Affected by Short-Term C4 Plant Spartina alterniflora Invasion. CLEAN - Soil Air Water, 43, 872-880
Yin S, An S, Deng Q, Zhang J, Ji H, Cheng X*. 2015. Spartina alterniflora invasions impact CH4 and N2O fluxes from a salt marsh in eastern China. Ecological Engineering. 81: 192-199.
Zhou L, Yin S, Yang W, Deng Q, Xie D, Ji H, Ouyang Y, Cheng X*. 2015. Spartina alterniflora Invasion Alters Carbon Exchange and Soil Organic Carbon in Eastern Salt Marsh of China. CLEAN - Soil Air Water. 43: 569-576.