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唐勤(Cindy Q. Tang)
作者: 发布时间 : 2014-09-07 05:35:22 点击量:



Cindy Q. Tang(唐勤)尊龙凯时特聘教授

E-mail: cindytang@cqlty.com



We don’t know how many times we got lost in the forests

We don’t know how many times our bodies were nearly buried by mountain slope landslides in the forests

We don’t know how many times we were nearly bitten by poisonous snakes in the forests

But we know the sunshine and the rain shower and the winds that blow in the forests

And we know the trees make the forests

And we know the trees raise our spirits

And we know we are as strong as a tree

We are thankful for all the knowledge the forests gave to us  





I specialize in forest community ecology and in conservation ecology of relict, endangered and rare plant species. I have a long-standing interest in forest dynamics, interaction among plant species, and their environment. My research concentrates particularly on the mechanisms underlying the structure, dynamics and the sustainable development of forests in southwestern and south-central China. My specialization has given me particular ability to understand forest vegetation, biodiversity, ecosystems and environmental sustainability in this geographical zone. I am the author of the book The Subtropical Vegetation of Southwestern China: Plant Distribution, Diversity and Ecology. I also focus on macroecology of plant diversity and vegetation in light of climate change.    

In the fields of ecology, interdisciplinary learning and personal experience are key components to my teaching. I have taught in the classroom and in the field in order to fully convey the messages of forest ecology. I have taught in laboratories and in field-based plant ecology courses, emphasizing experiential learning in both. I have adapted to different field and classroom situations with attention to feedback from my students, to provide the most positive learning environment and inspire them to feel passionate about research on ecology and conservation.

My research projects have based on the premise that rapid and unsustainable land development is incompatible with a condition of biological diversity that has been among the world’s highest. Essential to forest preservation is an understanding of how natural succession operates to maintain a healthy plant community. Such communities, once lost, cannot be recovered. Our role in such cases has been one of facilitation and education.  In a larger sense, I hope our research results will influence decisions affecting development, and will ultimately benefit the global environment.


















1. Plants and Forests that Have Survived the Ice Ages in East Asia

2. Castanopsis Forests of Yunnan and SE Tibet

3. Potential Effects of Climate Change on Geographic Distribution of Castanopsis Forests in East Asia

4. Plant Diversity in the Hot-Dry Valleys in SW China

5. Coniferous Forests in the Subtropical Zone of China





Tang CQ, Han P-B, Shuaifeng Li S, Shen L-Q, Huang D-S, Li Y-F,

Peng M-C, Wang C-Y, Li X-S, Li W, Wang W, Zhang Z-Y (2020) Species richness, forest types and regeneration of Schima in the subtropical forest ecosystem of Yunnan, southwestern China. Forest Ecosystems: 7:35 http://doi.org/10.1186/s40663-020-00244-1


Tang CQ, Li-Qin Shen L-Q, Han P-B, Huang D-S, Li S, Li Y-F, Song K, Zhang Z-Y, Yin L-Y, Yin R-H, Xu H-M (2020) Forest characteristics, population structure and growth trends of Pinus yunnanensis in Tianchi National Nature Reserve of Yunnan,

southwestern China. Vegetation Classification and Survey 1: 7-20 doi: 10.3897/VCS/2020/37980    


Chung MY , Son S, Herrando-Moraira S, Tang CQ, Maki M, Kim Y-D, López-Pujol J, Hamrick JL, Chung MG (2020) Incorporating differences between genetic diversity of

trees and herbaceous plants in conservation strategies. Conservation Biology: 1-10 DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13467



Tang CQ, Huang D-S, Han P-B, Shen L-Q, Li Y-F, Li S, Chen Q, Zhang Z-Y (2019) Forest and population structure and regeneration dynamics of relict Dipentodon sinicus in southwestern China. Taiwania 64 (4): 396-408


Tang CQ, Yang Y, Momohara A, Wang H-C, Luu HT, Li S, Song K, Qian S, LePage B, Dong Y-F, Han P-B, Ohsawa M, Le BT, Tran HD, Dang MT, Peng M-C, Wang C-Y (2019) Forest characteristics and population structure of Glyptostrobus pensilis, a globally endangered relict species of southeastern China. Plant Diversity 41: 237-249



Tang CQ, Matsui T, Ohashi H, Dong Y-F, Momohara A, … López-Pujol J (2018) Identifying long-term stable refugia for relict plant species in East Asia. Nature Communications 9: 4488; doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-06837-3


Qian S, Tang CQ, Yi S, Zhao L, Yang Y. (2018) Conflict between conservation and development: Poor regeneration of wild Davidia involucrata communities caused by bamboo management in China. Oryx 52 (3): 442-451 Fauna & Flora International doi: 10.1017/S003060531700045X



Tang CQ, Dong Y-F, Herrando-Moraira S, Matsui T, Ohashi H, He L-Y, Nakao K, Tanaka N, Tomita M, Li X-S, Yan H-Z, Peng M-C, et al. (2017) Potential effects of climate change on geographic distribution of the Tertiary relict tree species Davidia involucrata in China. Scientific Reports 7, 43822; doi: 10.1038/srep43822


Tang CQ, Tanaka N, Nakao K, He L-Y, Peng M-C, Yan H-Z, Dong Y-F, Yang R-H, Yan K, Li W-J, Yang Y, Chou C-R, Lin C-T (2017) Natural forests of three Tertiary relict tree species and potential effects of climate change on their geographic distribution. Annual Report of Pro Natura Foundation Japan 25: 237-248



Li W-J, Peng M-C, Higa M, Tanaka N, Matsui, T, Tang CQ, Ou X-K, Zhou R-W, Wang C-Y, Yan H-Z (2016) Effects of climate change on potential habitats of the cold temperate coniferous forest in Yunnan Province, southwestern China. Journal of Mountain Science 13(8): 1411-1422


Qian SH, Yang YC, Tang CQ, Momohara A, Yi SR, Ohsawa M (2016) Effective conservation measures are needed for wild Cathaya argyrophylla populations in China: Insights from the population structure and regeneration characteristics. Forest Ecology and Management 361: 358-367



Tang CQ (2015a) The Subtropical Vegetation of Southwestern China: Plant Distribution, Diversity and Ecology. Plants and Vegetation vol. 11. Springer, Dordrecht. doi: 10.1007/978-94-017-9741-2


Tang CQ (2015b) Distribution patterns of the subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests of southwestern China, as compared with the other regions of China. Collectanea Botanica 34: e006 http://dx.doi.org/10.3989/collectbot.2015.v34.006


He L-Y, Tang CQ, Wu Z-L, Wang H-C, Ohsawa M, Yan K (2015) Forest structure and regeneration of the Tertiary relict Taiwania cryptomerioides in the Gaoligong Mountains, Yunnan, southwestern China. Phytocoenologia 45 (1-2): 135–156. doi: 10.1127/phyto/2015/0038


Tang CQ, Yang Y, Ohsawa M, Momohara A, Yi S-R, Robertson K, Song K, Zhang S, He L-Y (2015) Community structure and survival of Tertiary relict species Thuja sutchuenensis (Cupressaceae) in the subtropical Daba Mountains, southwestern China. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0125307; doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0125307


Tang CQ, Li Y-H, Zhang Z-Y, Hou X, Hara K, Tomita M, He L-Y, Li X-S (2015) Effects of management on vegetation dynamics and associated nutrient cycling in a karst area, Yunnan, SW China. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 11 (1): 177-188



Tang CQ, Werger MJA, Ohsawa M, Yang Y (2014) Habitats of Tertiary relict trees in China. In: Hobohm, C. (ed.) Endemism in Vascular Plants. Plants and Vegetation vol. 9, pp. 289-308. Springer, Dordrecht


Hobohm C, Vanderplank SE, Janišová M, Tang CQ, Pils G, Werger MJA et al. (2014) Synthesis. In: Hobohm, C (ed.) Endemism in Vascular Plants. Plants and Vegetation vol. 9, pp. 311-321. Springer, Dordrecht



Tang CQ, Yang Y, Ohsawa M, Momohara A, Mu J, Robertson K (2013) Survival of a Tertiary relict species: Liriodendron chinense (Magnoliaceae) in southern China, with special reference to village fengshui forests. American Journal of Botany 100 (10): 2112-2119


Tang CQ, Peng M-C, He L-Y, Ohsawa M, Wang C-Y, Xie T-H, Li W-S, Li J-P, Zhang H-Y, Li Y, Yang X-M, Li G-S (2013) Population persistence of a Tertiary relict tree Tetracentron sinense on the Ailao Mountains, Yunnan, China. Journal of Plant Research 126 (5): 651-659


Tang CQ, Chiou C-R, Lin C-T, Lin J-R, Hsieh C-F, Tang J-W, Su W-H, Hou X (2013) Plant diversity patterns in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests of Yunnan and Taiwan. Ecological Research 28: 81-92


Tang CQ, He L-Y, Su W-H, Zhang G-F, Wang H-C, Peng M-C, Wu Z-L, Wang C-Y (2013) Regeneration, recovery and succession of a Pinus yunnanensis community five years after a mega-fire in central Yunnan, China. Forest Ecology and Management 294:188-196


Tang CQ, He L-Y (2013) Population status of the Tertiary relict Tetracentron sinense in the subtropical Ailao Mountains, Yunnan, SW China, and proposed conservation efforts. Annual Report of Pro Natura Fund 21: 141-150



Tang CQ, Yang Y, Ohsawa M, Yi S-R, Momohara A, Su W-H, Wang H-C, Zhang Z-Y, Peng M-C, Wu Z-L (2012) Evidence for the persistence of wild Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgoaceae) populations in the Dalou Mountains, southwestern China. American Journal of Botany 99 (8): 1408-1414



Tang CQ, Yang Y, Ohsawa M, Momohara A, Hara M, Cheng S, Fan S (2011) Population structure of relict Metasequoia glyptostroboides and its habitat fragmentation and degradation in south-central China. Biological Conservation 144: 279-289


Tang CQ, He L-Y, Gao Z, Zhao XF, Sun WB, Ohsawa, M (2011) Habitat fragmentation, degradation, and population status of endangered Michelia coriacea in Southeastern Yunnan, China. Mountain Research and Development 31 (4): 343-350


Yang Y, Mu J, Tang CQ, Yang K (2011) Community structure and population regeneration in remnant Ginkgo biloba stands. Acta Ecologica Sinica 31 (21): 6396-6409



Tang CQ, Li Y-H, Zhang Z-Y (2010) Species diversity patterns of natural secondary plant communities and man-made forests in a subtropical mountainous karst area, Yunnan, SW China. Mountain Research and Development 30 (3): 244-251


Li X, Liu W, Tang CQ (2010) The role of the soil seed and seedling bank in the regeneration of diverse plant communities in the subtropical Ailao Mountains, Southwest China. Ecological Research 25: 1171-1182


Li X-S, Liu W-Y, Chen J-W, Tang CQ, Yuan C-M (2010) Regeneration pattern of primary forest species across forest-field gradients in the subtropical mountains of southwestern China. Journal of Plant Research 123 (6): 751-762


Tang CQ (2010) Subtropical montane evergreen broad-leaved forests of Yunnan, China: diversity, succession dynamics, human influence. Frontiers of Earth Science in China 4 (1): 22-32


Tang CQ, Zhao M-H, Li X-S, Ohsawa M, Ou X-K (2010) Secondary succession of plant communities in a subtropical mountainous region of SW China. Ecological Research 25 (1): 149-161


Hou X, Duan C, Tang CQ, Fu D (2010) Nutrient relocation, hydrological functions, and soil chemistry in plantations as compared to natural forests in central Yunnan, China. Ecological Research 25: 139-148



Yuan C-M, Liu W-Y, Tang CQ, Li X-S (2009) Species composition, diversity and abundance of lianas in different secondary and primary forests in a subtropical mountainous area, SW China. Ecological Research 24: 1361-1370


Tang CQ, Ohsawa M (2009) Ecology of subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests of Yunnan, southwestern China as compared to those of southwestern Japan. Journal of Plant Research 122: 335-350



Tang CQ, Li T, Zhu X (2007) Structure and regeneration dynamics of three subtropical mid-montane moist evergreen broad-leaved forests in SW China, with special reference to bamboo in the forest understories. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37: 2701-2714


Tang CQ, Hou X, Gao K, Xia T, Duan C, Fu D (2007) Man-made versus natural forests in mid-Yunnan, southwestern China: plant diversity and initial data on water and soil conservation. Mountain Research and Development 27 (3): 242-249


Tang CQ, Zhu X (2007) Structure and dynamics of mid-montane moist evergreen broad-leaved forest on subtropical mountains, Ailaoshan and Gaoligongshan, Yunnan, China, and the relationship between the forests and the people, with a view of future sustainability. Annual Report of Pro Natura Fund 16: 153-175



Tang CQ (2006) Evergreen sclerophyllous Quercus forests in northwestern Yunnan, China as compared to the Mediterranean evergreen Quercus forest types in California, USA and northeastern Spain. Web Ecology 6: 88-101


Tang CQ (2006) Forest vegetation as related to climate and soils at varied altitudes on a subtropical mountain, Mt. Emei, Sichuan, China. Ecological Research 21 (2): 174-180



Tang CQ, Ohsawa M (2002) Tertiary relic deciduous forests on a subtropical mountain, Mt. Emei, Sichuan, China. Folia Geobotanica 37: 93-106


Tang CQ, Ohsawa M (2002) Coexistence mechanisms of evergreen, deciduous and coniferous trees in a mid-montane mixed forest on Mt. Emei, Sichuan, China. Plant Ecology 161:215-230



Tang CQ, Ohsawa M (2000) Transitional pattern of tree leaf-types from tropical to temperate forests on Mt. Emei, Sichuan, China. In: Zheng, D. et al. (eds.), Formation, Evolution and Sustainable Development on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, pp. 397–407. Academy Press, Beijing



Tang CQ, Ohsawa M (1999) Altitudinal distribution of evergreen broad-leaved trees and their leaf-size pattern on a humid subtropical mountain, Mt. Emei, Sichuan, China. Plant Ecology 145: 221–233



Tang CQ, Ohsawa M (1997) Zonal transition of evergreen, deciduous and coniferous forests along the altitudinal gradient on a humid subtropical mountain, Mt. Emei, Sichuan, China. Plant Ecology 133: 63–78

