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1985~1989  华东师范大学地理系,地理专业本科

1989~1992  华东师范大学地理系,自然地理专业,理学硕士学位

1995~1998  中国科学院植物研究所,植物生态学专业,理学博士学位


1992.07 - 1995.09  中国科学院武汉植物研究所,助研,从事植物生态学研究

1998.10 - 2000.10  北京大学城市与环境科学系,博士后

2000.10 - 2016.08  北京大学城市与环境科学系,讲师、副教授

2005.02 - 2005.12  美国Iowa大学地理系,访问学者(国家公派)

2006.01 - 2007.02  美国Duke大学环境与地球科学学院,访问学者(国家公派)

2012.10 - 2013.07  美国加州大学Irvine分校生态与进化生物学系,访问教授(校际交流)

2016.09 -          北京大学城市与环境学院生态学系,教授、博士生导师

一、     科研工作

1.1 在研项目

ú  国家自然科学基金重大项目之课题(41790425), 中国北方干旱半干旱区敏感生态系统对气候变化的适应性与应对策略,2018/01-2022/12,主持;

ú  国家重点研发计划“典型脆弱生态修复与保护研究”重点专项(2017YFC0505200),西南高山峡谷地区生物多样性保护与恢复技术,2018/01-2022/12,在研,参加;

ú  云南省科技厅-尊龙凯时联合重大项目,《云南植被志》研编,2018-2021,在研,主持;

1.2 学术奖励

ú  中国生态学学会2017年度 “生态学优秀科技工作者”

ú  环境保护科学技术二等奖,国家环保总局,西气东输工程穿越保护区沿线地区生态保护与管理方案研究,2003年,第4/9完成人;

ú  自然科学一等奖,国家教育部,中国木本植物多样性的地理格局与环境,2013年,第6/7完成人

ú  云南交通科学技术奖二等奖,云南公路学会,云南三江并流地区公路建省与生物多样性保护研究,2013年,第3/15完成人

1.3 论著发表

1.3.1 专著/教材(含章节)

1.       沈泽昊,刘雪华. 景观生态学与生物多样性研究。见:中国生态学学会编著,2016-2017景观生态学学科发展报告。北京:中国科学技术出版社,2018,pp68-81。

2.       王根绪,沈泽昊,王文志,常瑞英. 山地景观生态研究。见:中国生态学学会编著.  2016-2017景观生态学学科发展报告。北京:中国科学技术出版社,2018,pp135-147。

3.       Shen ZH. Mountain Biogeography. In D. Richardson, N. Castree, M.M. Goodchild, A. Kobayashi, W. Liu, R.A. Marston. eds. 2017. The International Encyclopedia of Geography. John Wiley & Sons, Doi: 10.1002/9781118786352.wbieg0369

4.       沈泽昊,张志明,周伟奇. 第四章. 景观结构与格局。见:曾辉,陈利顶,丁圣彦主编. 景观生态学。北京:高等教育出版社,2017,pp: 80-106

5.       朴世龙,刘鸿雁,沈泽昊,牛书丽,彭建. 全球变化与陆地生态系统. 见: 冷疏影主编,地理科学三十年。北京:科学出版社,2016

6.       James A. Clark著,沈泽昊等译. 面向数据的生态学模型(及实验手册)。北京:科学出版社,2013.

7.       张建军,沈泽昊,曹国斌主编. 湖北赛武当国家级自然保护区生物多样性。北京出版社,2013

8.       陈利顶,李秀珍,沈泽昊,王根绪,常禹,吴志锋,吴健生. 景观生态学研究。见:中国科学技术协会主编,生态学学科发展报告(2011-2012)。北京:中国科学技术出版社,2012.

9.       Fang JY, Wang XP, Tang ZY, Shen ZH, Zheng CY. Exploring patterns of plant diversity in China’s mountains. In Spehn EM, Körner C. eds. Data Mining for Global Trends in Mountain Biodiversity. CRC Press, New York, 2009.

1.3.2 SCI论文[*通讯作者;#共同第一作者]

10.   Shen ZH, Yang K, Chen LF. 2018. Landscape ecology and biodiversity studies: frontiers across two disciplines and recent progresses in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, accepted

11.   Chen LF, Zhang ZM, Shen ZH*. 2018. Moisture content variations in soil and plants of post-fire regenerating forests in central Yunnan Plateau, Southwest China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, accepted.

12.   Xu Y, Shen ZH*, Jiang YX, 2018. Relative roles of current climate, paleoclimate and habitat heterogeneity in determining biogeographical patterns of evergreen broad-leaved woody plants in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, accepted.

13.   Li J#, Shen ZH#, Li CN, Kou YP, Iannone III BV, Knott J, Chown SL., 2018. AStare-step pattern of soil bacterial diversity mainly driven by pH and vegetation types along the elevation gradient of Gongga Mountain, China. Frontiers in Microbiology - Terrestrial Microbiology, doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2018.00569

14.   Ying LX, Han J, Du YS, Shen ZH*, 2018. Forest fire characteristics in China: Spatial patterns and determinants with thresholds.Forest Ecology and Management, 424: 345-354

15.   Han J, Shen ZH*, Li YY, Luo CF, Xu Q, Yang K, Zhang ZM. 2018. Beta diversity patterns of post-fire forests in central Yunnan Plateau, Southwest China: disturbances intensify the priority effect in the community assembly. Frontiers in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01000.

16.   Guo QF, Fei SL, Shen ZH, Iannone III B, Chown SL. 2018. A global analysis of elevational distributions of nonnative vs. native plants. Journal of Biogeography, DOI: 10.1111/jbi.13145.

17.   Liu YP, Shen ZH, Wang QG, Su XY, Zhang WJ, Shrestha N, Xu XT, Wang ZH. 2017. Determinants of richness patterns differ between rare and common species: Implications for the conservation of valuable ornamental plant family Gesneriaceae in China. Diversity and Distribution, 23: 235-246

18.   Xu Y, Shen ZH*, Wang ZH, Zang RG, Jiang YX, Hotspot analyses indicate substantial conservation gaps for evergreen broadleaved woody plants in China. Scientific Report, DOI : 10.1038/s41598-017-02098-0.

19.   Yang Y, Shen ZH*, Han J, Zhongyong C. 2016. Plant diversity along the eastern and western slopes of Baima Snow Mountain, China. Forests, 7, 89-105.

20.   Xu Y, Shen ZH*, Ying LX, Ciais P, Liu HY, Piao LS, Wen C, Jiang YX. 2016. The exposure, sensitivity and vulnerability of natural vegetation in China to climate thermal variability (1901 –2013): An indicator-based approach. Ecological Indicators. 63: 258-272.

21.   Ying LX, Zhang TT, Chiu QA, Chen TY, Luo SJ, Chen XY, Shen ZH*. 2016. The phylogeography of Fagus hayatae (Fagaceae) in China: genetic isolation among populations. Ecology and Evolution, 6(9): 2805-2816.

22.   Li BG, T Gasser, P Ciais, Sl Piao, S Tao, Y Balkanski, D Hauglustaine, J-P Boisier, Z Chen, M Huang, LZ Li, Y Li, H Liu, J Liu, S Peng, Shen ZH, ZZ Sun, R Wang, TWang, GD Yin, Y Yin, H Zeng, ZZ Zeng & F Zhou. 2016. The contribution of China’s emissions to global climate forcing. Nature, 531: 357-361

23.   Xu Y, Shen ZH*, Li DX, Guo QF. 2015. Pre-Dispersal seed predation in a species-rich forest community, Patterns and the interplay with determinants. PLoS ONE. 10(11): e0143040, doi:10.1371/ journal. pone.0143040

24.   Han J, Shen ZH*, Ying LX. 2015. Early post-fire regeneration of a fire-prone subtropical Pinus mixed forest in Yunnan, southwest China: the effects of pre-fire vegetation, fire severity and topographic factors. Forest Ecology & Management. 356: 31–40

25.   Ying LX, Piao SL, Shen ZH*. 2015. The recent hiatus in global warming of the land surface: Scale-dependent breakpoint occurrences in space and time. Geophysical Research Letters. 42,6471–6478

26.   Shen ZH*, Fang JY, Chiu CA & Chen TY. 2015. The geographical distribution and differentiation of Chinese beech forests and the association with Quercus. Applied Vegetation Science, 18(1): 23-33; doi: 10.1111/avsc.12108

27.   Adams M, Shen ZH. 2015. Introduction to the Characteristics, impacts and management of forest fire in China. Forest Ecology & Management, 356: 1

28.   Shen ZH*, Wang YL, Fu BJ. 2014, Corridors and networks in landscape: structure, functions and ecological effects. Chinese Geographic Sciences, 24(1): 1–4. doi: 10.1007/s11769-014-0000-0

29.   Liang J, Liu Y, Ying LX, Li P, Xu Y, Shen ZH*. 2014, Do higher level roads have larger impacts on the mountain landscape? A case study of the Three Parallel Rivers Region. Chinese Geographic Sciences, 24(1): 15–27. doi: 10.1007/s11769-014000-0

30.   Ying LX, Shen ZH*, Chen JD, Fang R, Chen XP, Jiang R. 2014, Spatio-temporal patterns of road network in Three Parallel Rivers region in China and road development priority: an evaluation based on modified kernel distance estimate. Chinese Geographic Sciences, 24(1): 39–49. doi: 10.1007/s11769-014-0000-0

31.   Shen ZH*, Ma KP. 2014. Effects of climate change on biodiversity. Chinese Science Bulletin, 59(34): 4637-4638, doi: 10.1007/s11434-014-0654-2

32.   Ying LX, Shen ZH*, Piao SL, Malanson G. 2014, Terrestrial surface-area increment: the effects of topographic complexity, DEM resolution and algorithm. Physical Geography. 35(4): 297-312, doi:org/10.1080/ 02723646.2014.886923

33.   Liu Y, Xu Y, Zhang FC, Yun JQ, Shen ZH*. 2014. The impact of biofuel plantation on biodiversity: a review. Chinese Science Bulletin. 59(34): 4639-4651, doi: 10.1007/s11434-014 -0639-1

34.   Qiu CJ, Shen ZH*, Peng PH, Mao LF, Zhang  XS. 2014. How does contemporary climate versus climate change velocity affect endemic plant species richness in China? Chinese Science Bulletin , 59(34): 4660-4667; doi: 10.1007/s11434-014-0640-8.

35.   Zeng ZZ, Chen AP, Piao SL, Rabin S, Shen ZH. 2014. Environmental determinants of tropical forest and savanna distribution: A quantitative model evaluation and its implication. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi.10.1002/2014JG002627

36.   Wu X, Wang XP, Tang ZY, Shen ZH, Zheng CY, Xia XL, Fang JY. 2014. The relationship between species richness and biomass changes from boreal to subtropical forests in China. Ecography, doi:10.1111/ecog.00940

37.   Peng SS, Piao SL, Shen ZH, Ciais P, Sun ZZ, Chen SP, Bacour C, Peylin P, Chen A. 2013. Precipitation amount, seasonality and frequency regulate carbon cyclying of a semi-arid grassland ecosystem in Inner Mongolia, China: A modeling analysis. Agricultural and Forest Meterology, 178-179: 46-55

38.   Shen ZH*, Fei SL, Feng JM, Liu YN, Liu ZL, Tang ZY, Wang XP, Wu XP, Zheng CY, Zhu B and Fang JY. 2012. Geographical patterns of community-based tree species richness in Chinese mountain forests: the effects of contemporary climate and regional history. Ecography 35: 1134–1146

39.   Chiu CA, Lin PH, Hsu CK, Shen ZH*. 2012, A novel thermal index improves prediction of vegetation zones: Associating temperature sum with thermal seasonality. Ecological Indicators, 23: 668-674

40.   Fang JY, Shen ZH, Tang ZY, Wang XP, Wang ZH, Feng JM, Liu YN, Qiao X, Wu X and Zheng C. 2012. Forest community survey and the structural characteristics of forests in China. Ecography 35: 1059–1071

41.   Qiao XJ, Tang ZY, Shen ZH and Fang JY 2012. What causes geographical variation in the species–area relationships? A test from forests in China. Ecography 35: 1110–1116.

42.   Tang ZY, Fang JY, Chi XL, Feng JM, Liu YN, Shen ZH, Wang XP, Wang ZH, Wu XP, Zheng CY and Gaston KJ. 2012. Patterns of plant beta-diversity along elevational and latitudinal gradients in mountain forests of China. Ecography 35: 1083–1091

43.   Wang XP, Tang ZY, Shen ZH, Zheng CY, Luo JC and Fang JY. 2012. Relative influence of regional species richness vs. local climate on local species richness in China’s forests. Ecography 35: 1176–1184

44.   Fei SL, Liang F, Paillet L, Steiner KC, Fang JY, Shen ZH, Wang ZH, Hebard FV. 2012. Modelling chestnut biogeography for American chestnut restoration. Diversity and Distributions 18: 754-768.

45.   Shen ZH*, Li P, Pang L-H, Sun H-K. 2011. Geographical Patterns of Chinese Ethnic Minority Population Composition and Ethnic Diversity. Chinese Geographic Science, 21(4) 1–11

46.   Clark J, Bell D, Chu C, Courbaud B, Dietze M, Hersh M, HilleRisLambers J, Ibáñez I, LaDeau S, McMahon S, Metcalf J, Mohan J, Moran E, Pangle L, Pearson S, Salk C, Shen ZH, Valle D, Wyckoff P (2010) The individual variation required for forest diversity: a synthesis of evidence. Ecological Monographs, 80 : 569-608

47.   Piao SL Ciais P, Huang Y, Shen ZH, Peng SS, Li JS, Zhou LP, Liu HY, Ma Y, Ding Y, Friedlingstein P, Liu C, Tan K, Yu Y, Zhang T, Fang JY. 2010. The impacts of climate change on water resources and agriculture in China. Nature, 467: 43-51

48.   Peng S, Piao SL, Wang T, Sun J, Shen ZH, 2009. Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration in different ecosystems in China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 64: 32-39

49.   Piao SL, Yin L, Wang X, Ciais P, Peng SS, Shen ZH and Seneviratne SI. 2009. Summer soil moisture regulated by precipitation frequency in China. Environmental Research Letters. 4. 044012, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/4/4/044012

50.   Zhang QF, Xu Z, Shen ZH, Li S, Wang S. 2009. The Han River watershed management initiative for the South-to-North Water Transfer project (Middle Route) of China. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment, 148:369–377

51.   Shen ZH*, Tang Yuanyuan, Lv N, Zhao J, Li D, Wang G. 2007, Community dynamics of seed rain in mixed evergreen broad-leaved and deciduous forests in a subtropical mountain of central China. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 49 (9): 1294–1303.

52.   Qian S, Shen ZH. 2007. Ecological applications of multilevel analysis of variance. Ecology. 88(10): 2489-2495

53.   Malanson GP, Butler DR, Fagre DB, Walsh SJ, Tomback DF, Daniels LD, Resler LM, Smith WK, Weiss DJ, Peterson DL, Bunn AG, Hiemstra CA, Liptzin D, Bourgeron PS, Shen ZH, Millar CI. 2007. Alpine treeline of western North America: Linking organism-to-landscape dynamics. Physical Geography, 28: 378-396

54.   Shen ZH*, Zhao Z. 2005. Arenaria shennongjiaensis, a new species of the Caryophyllaceae in Shennongjia, Hubei, China. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica, 43 (1): 73-75

55.   Wu J, Huang J, Han X, Gao X, He F, Jiang M, Jiang Z, Primack RB, and Shen ZH. 2004. The Three Gorges Dam: an ecological perspective. Frontiers in Ecology & Environment 2(5): 241–248

56.   Shen ZH*, Fang J, Liu Z, Wu J. 2001. The Structure and Dynamics of Abies fabri Population near the Alpine Timberline in Hailuo Clough of Mt. Gongga. Acta Botanica Sinica, 43: 1288-1293.

57.   Shen ZH*, Fang JY, Liu ZL, Wu J. 2001. Structure and dynamics of Abies fabri population near the alpine timberline in Hailuo Clough of Mt. Gongga. Acta Botanica Sinica, 43(12): 1288-1293.

58.   Shen ZH*, Zhang X and Jin Y. 2000. A study on the classification of the plant functional types based on the topographical pattern of plant distribution. Acta Botanica Sinica, 42: 1190-1196

59.   Shen ZH*, Zhang X and Jin Y. 2000. Spatial pattern analysis and topographical interpretation of species diversity in the forests of Dalaoling in the Three Gorges Region. Acta Botanica Sinica, 42: 326-433.

60.   Shen ZH*, Zhang X. 2000. The spatial pattern and the topographical interpretation of the forest vegetation at Dalaoling region in the Three Gorges. Acta Botanica Sinica, 42: 1089-1095.


2.1 学术兼职



中国地理学会生物地理学专业委员会,秘书长 (2017-)


北京市生态学会,理事 (2011-)


2.2 期刊编委

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: Biology (IF=5.666), Editorial board member, 2019 ~

Annals of the American Association of Geographers (IF=2.799), Editorial board member, 2017 ~

Forest Ecosystems (IF=2.426), Associate editor, 2015 ~

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (IF=2.660), Editorial board member, 2017~

生物多样性,中文核心期刊,编委, 2014 ~


Journal of Geograhical Science (IF=2.364), 2019. Special issue. "Mountain landscape and biodiversity conservation"

生物多样性, 2016, 24(4). “中国西南干旱河谷植被与植物多样性”专辑

Forest Ecology & Management (IF=2.826), 2015, 356. Special section, “Forest fire and ecological impacts in China”

Chinese Science Bulletin (IF=1.500), 2014, 25(3). Special section, "The Interaction between climate change and biodiversity in China"

Chinese Geographical Science (IF=0.515), 2014, 24(1). Special issue, “Structure and Function of Network in Landscape”

