朱章明,男, 博士,1986年9月生,江西省崇义县人。现任讲师,硕士生导师。
l 2005.9-2009.6:重庆师范大学生物科学专业学习,获理学学士学位
l 2009.9-2015.6:中国科学院成都生物研究所植物学专业学习,获理学博士学位
l 2017-2020:云南省科技厅应用基础研究计划青年项目:蔷薇属月季组的物种形成研究,项目负责人,经费5万元
l 2018-2020:国家自然科学基金青年项目:复伞房蔷薇复合群的整合分类学研究,项目负责人,经费25万元
l 2022-2023:云南省教育厅科学研究基金项目:绣球蔷薇的群体遗传学研究,项目负责人,经费2万元
(1)Shengmao Zhou,, Fang Wang, Siyuan Yan, Zhangming Zhu, Xinfen Gao*, and Xueli Zhao*. 2023. Phylogenomics and plastome evolution of Indigofera (Fabaceae). Frontiers in Plant Science, 14: 1186598.
(2)Jing Zhao, Xinmao Zhou, Shaoli Fang, Zhangming Zhu, Yuxin Li, Hong Yu*, and Zhaorong He*. 2023. Transcriptome-Based Study on the Phylogeny and Hybridization of Marattialean Ferns (Marattiaceae). Plants, 12: 2237.
(3)Jiaofeng Chen, Siqi Wang, Houwen Cai, and Zhangming Zhu*. 2022. Characteristics and phylogenetic analysis of the complete chloroplast genome of Rosa glomerata (Rosaceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 7: 1579-1580.
(4)Zhe Wang*, Xin Liu, Zhangming Zhu, Wenzhang Ma, and Weikai Bao. 2022. Comparisons of photosynthesis-related traits among understory lichens, mosses and vascular plant leaves in a high-elevation subalpine forest. Journal of Plant Ecology, 15: 683-690.
(5)Xiaoke Zhang, Xindong Du, and Zhangming Zhu*. 2020. Effects of precipitation and temperature on precipitation use efficiency of alpine grassland in Northern Tibet, China. Scientific Reports, 10: 20309.
(6)Xueli Zhao, and Zhangming Zhu*. 2020. Comparative genomics and phylogenetic analyses of Christia vespertilionis and Urariopsis brevissima in the tribe Desmodieae (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae) based on complete chloroplast genomes. Plants, 9: 1116.
(7)Cheng Zhang, Shiqi Li, Yu Zhang, Zhangming Zhu, Jianquan Liu, and Xinfen Gao*. 2020. Molecular and morphological evidence for hybrid origin and matroclinal inheritance of an endangered wild rose, Rosa× pseudobanksiae (Rosaceae) from China. Conservation genetics, 21: 1-11.
(8)Siqi Wang, Jiaofeng Chen, and Zhangming Zhu*. 2020. The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Rosa filipes (Rosaceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 5: 1376-1377.
(9)Xueli Zhao, Xinfen Gao*, Zhangming Zhu, Yundong Gao, and Bo Xu. 2017. The demographic response of a deciduous shrub (the Indigofera bungeana complex, Fabaceae) to the Pleistocene climate changes in East Asia. Scientific Reports, 7: 697.
(10)Meng Li, Tetsuo Ohi-Toma, Yundong Gao, Bo Xu, Zhangming Zhu, Wenbin Ju, and Xinfen Gao*. 2017. Molecular phylogenetics and historical biogeography of Sorbus sensu stricto (Rosaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 111: 76–86.
(11)Zhe Wang*, Maaike Y. Bader, Xin Liu, Zhangming Zhu, and Weikai Bao*. 2017. Comparisons of photosynthesis-related traits of 27 abundant or subordinate bryophyte species in a subalpine old-growth fir forest. Ecology and Evolution, 7: 7454–7461.
(12)Zhangming Zhu, Xinfen Gao*, and Marie Fougère-Danezan. 2015. Phylogeny of Rosa sections Chinenses and Synstylae (Rosaceae) based on chloroplast and nuclear markers. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 87: 50–64.
(13)Zhangming Zhu, and Xinfen Gao*. 2015. Molecular evidence for the hybrid origin of Rosa lichiangensis (Rosaceae). Phytotaxa, 222: 221–228.
(14)Yundong Gao, Yu Zhang, Xinfen Gao*, and Zhangming Zhu. 2015. Pleistocene glaciations, demographic expansion and subsequent isolation promoted morphological heterogeneity: A phylogeographic study of the alpine Rosa sericea complex (Rosaceae). Scientific Reports, 5: 11698.
(15)Yulan Peng*, Yu Zhang, Xinfen Gao*, Linjing Tong, Liang Li, Renyuan Li, Zhangming Zhu, and Junren Xian. 2014. A phylogenetic analysis and new delimitation of Crepidiastrum (Asteraceae, tribe Cichorieae). Phytotaxa 159: 241–255.
(16)Liang Zhang, Zhangming Zhu, Xinfen Gao*, and Libing Zhang*. 2013. Polystichum hubeiense (Dryopteridaceae), a new fern species from Hubei, China. Annales Botanici Fennici, 50: 107–110.
(17)王思齐, 朱章明*. 2022. 中国蔷薇属植物物种丰富度分布格局及其与环境因子的关系. 生态学报, 42: 209–219.