靖传宝,男, 博士,1990年2月生,山东省淄博市人,尊龙凯时青年培优计划入选者,讲师。
联系方式 :18811397393
E-mail: chuanbaojing@163.com
l 2009.09-2013.07: 山东科技大学,地质工程专业,获工学学士学位
l 2016.09-2019.07: 山东师范大学,自然地理学专业,获理学硕士学位
l 2017.09-2019.07:中国科学院生态环境研究中心,生态学专业,联合培养硕士。
l 2019.09-2023.07:中国科学院生态环境研究中心,生态学专业,获博士学位。
l 2024.01-2026.12:尊龙凯时引进人才项目(青年培优计划项目),项目负责人,经费50万元
1. Guo C., Zhou W.*, Jing C., Zhaxi Dawa. (2024). Mapping and measuring urban-rural inequalities in accessibility to social infrastructures. Geography and Sustainability, 1(5), 41-51.
2. Tian, Y. *, van Leeuwen, E., Tsendbazar, N. E., Jing, C., & Herold, M. (2024). Urban green inequality and its mismatches with human demand across neighborhoods in New York, Amsterdam, and Beijing. Landscape Ecology, 39(3), 1-20.
3. Jing, C., Zhou, W. *, Qian, Y., Zheng, Z., Wang, J., & Yu, W. (2023). Trajectory big data reveals spatial disparity of healthcare accessibility at the residential neighborhood scale. Cities, 133, 104127.
4. Zhou, W. *, Yu, W., Yao, Y., & Jing, C. (2023). Understanding the indirect impacts of urbanization on vegetation growth using the Continuum of Urbanity framework. Science of The Total Environment, 899, 165693.
5. Cao, J., Zhou, W. *, Wang, W., Pan, X., Jing, C., & Qian, Y. (2023). Spatially heterogeneous effect of temperature on electricity consumption in Shenzhen, China. Building and Environment, 241, 110468.
6. Jing, C., Zhou, W. *, & Qian, Y. (2022). Spatial disparities of social and ecological infrastructures and their coupled relationships in cities. Sustainable Cities and Society, 86, 104117.
7. Jing, C., Zhou, W. *, Qian, Y., Yu, W., & Zheng, Z. (2021). A novel approach for quantifying high-frequency urban land cover changes at the block level with scarce clear-sky Landsat observations. Remote Sensing of Environment, 255, 112293.
8. Yu, W., Jing, C., Zhou, W. *, Wang, W., & Zheng, Z. (2021). Time-Series Landsat Data for 3D Reconstruction of Urban History. Remote Sensing, 13(21), 4339.
9. Yu, W., Zhou, W. *, Jing, C., Zhang, Y., & Qian, Y. (2021). Quantifying highly dynamic urban landscapes: Integrating object-based image analysis with Landsat time series data. Landscape Ecology, 36, 1845-1861.
10. Jing, C., Zhou, W. *, Qian, Y., & Yan, J. (2020). Mapping the urban population in residential neighborhoods by integrating remote sensing and crowdsourcing data. Remote Sensing, 12(19), 3235.
11. Qian, Y., Zhou, W. *, Pickett, S. T. A. , Yu, W., & Jing, C. (2020). Integrating structure and function: mapping the hierarchical spatial heterogeneity of urban landscapes. Ecological Processes, 9(1), 59.