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主要从事保护生态学和植被生态学研究;承担国家自然科学基金青年项目和尊龙凯时高层次引进人才项目;目前在国内外核心刊物上发表学术论文30余篇,其中以第一作者身份在Nature Plants, Journal of Ecology Landscape and Urban Planning等刊物上发表论文6篇。







E-mail: huangli@cqlty.com; huang900722@163.com



l2009.092013.06: 中国海洋大学,生态学专业,获理学学士学位

l2013.092016.06: 重庆大学,生态学专业,获理学硕士学位

l2013.092016.06: 重庆大学,生态学专业,获理学博士学位



l2022.012024.04: 北京大学,城市与环境学院,博士后

l2024.07-至  今:尊龙凯时,尊龙凯时,副研究员


















1. Huang L., Jin C., Pan Y., Zhou L., Hu S., Guo Y., ... & Tang Z., Yang. Y., Lindenmayer, D. B. (2023). Human activities and species biological traits drive the long-term persistence of old trees in human-dominated landscapes. Nature Plants, 9(6), 898-907.

2. Huang L., Jin C., Zhou L., Song K., Qian S., Lin D., ... & Yang Y. (2021). Benefit versus cost trade‐offs of masting across seed‐to‐seedling transition for a dominant subtropical forest species. Journal of Ecology, 109(8), 3087-3098.

3. Huang L., Tian L., Zhou L., Jin C., Qian S., Jim C. Y., ... & Yang Y. (2020). Local cultural beliefs and practices promote conservation of large old trees in an ethnic minority region in southwestern China. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 49, 126584.

4. Huang L., Jin C., Zhen M., Zhou L., Qian S., Jim C. Y., ... & Yang Y. (2020). Biogeographic and anthropogenic factors shaping the distribution and species assemblage of heritage trees in China. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening50, 126652.

5. Huang L., Qian S., Li T., Jim C. Y., Jin C., Zhao L., ... & Yang Y. (2019). Masonry walls as sieve of urban plant assemblages and refugia of native species in Chongqing, China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 191, 103620.

6. Huang L., Zhou L., Wang J., Jin C., Hu S., Qian S., ... & Yang Y. (2020). Shortterm decline of Castanopsis fargesii adult trees promotes conspecific seedling regeneration: The complete process from seed production to seedling establishment. Ecology and Evolution, 10(19), 10657-10671.

7. Hu S., Jin C., Liao R., Huang L., Zhou L., Long Y., ... & Yang Y. (2023). Herbaceous ornamental plants with conspicuous aesthetic traits contribute to plant invasion risk in subtropical urban parks. Journal of Environmental Management, 347, 119059.

8. Meng Y., Hou B., Ding C., Huang L., Guo Y., & Tang Z. (2023). Spatiotemporal patterns of planted forests on the Loess Plateau between 1986 and 2021 based on Landsat NDVI time-series analysis. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 60(1), 2185980.

9. Chen X., Luo M., Kang Y., Zhao P., Tang Z., Meng Y., Huang L., ... & Larjavaara M. (2023). Comparison between the stem and leaf photosynthetic productivity in Eucalyptus urophylla plantations with different age. Planta257(3), 56.

10. Zhou L., Huang L., Jin C., Hu S., Long Y., Qian S., ... & Yang Y. (2022). Fengshui forests as a conservation paradigm of the golden larch in China. Forest Ecology and Management520, 120358.

11. Hu S., Jin C., Huang L., Huang J., Luo M., Qian S., ... & Yang Y. (2022). Characterizing composition profile and diversity patterns of spontaneous urban plants across China's major cities. Journal of Environmental Management317, 115445.

12. Jin C., Hu S., Huang L., Huang J., Jim C. Y., Qian S., ... & Yang Y. (2021). Landscape plants in major Chinese cities: Diverse origins and climatic congruence vis-à-vis climate change resilience. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening64, 127292.

13. Jin C., Zheng M., Huang L., Qian S., Jim C. Y., Lin D., ... & Yang Y. (2020). Co-existence between humans and nature: Heritage trees in Chinas yangtze River region. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 54, 126748.

14. Qian S., Qi M., Huang L., Zhao L., Lin D., & Yang Y. (2016). Biotic homogenization of China’s urban greening: A meta-analysis on woody species. Urban forestry & urban greening, 18, 25-33.

15. 代佳灵, 杨永川, 王新阳, 靳程, 黄力. (2022). 道观与佛寺树种多样性和选择偏好—以山地城市重庆主城区为例. 中国园林, 38(9), 105.

16. 王新阳, 靳程, 黄力, 周礼华, 郑明铭, 钱深华, 杨永川. (2020). 中国佛教寺庙植物多样性和佛教树种替代. 生物多样性, 28(6), 668.

17. 周礼华, 黄力, 钱深华, 李莉, 杨永川. (2019). 金佛山西坡气温的垂直变化特征. 山地学报 (10082786), 37(6).

18. 廖睿燕, 吴小琪, 靳程, 黄力, 钱深华, 杨永川. (2021). 林冠环境对润楠幼苗构型和生物量分配的影响. 应用生态学报, 32(6).

19. 吴小琪, 杨圣贺, 黄力, 李笑寒, 杨超, 钱深华, 杨永川. (2019). 常绿阔叶林林冠环境对栲幼苗建成的影响. 植物生态学报, 43(1), 55.

20. 黄力, 高祥阳, 齐猛, 周侠, 杨超, 李笑寒, ... & 杨永川. (2019). 缙云山常绿阔叶林粗木质残体储量及特征. 林业科学, 55(1), 103-109.


