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    作者: 来源: zhaodk2012@cqlty.com 发布时间 : 2023-03-02 10:00:17 点击量:

    赵大克,男, 博士,19839月生,山东聊城市人。入选云南省万人计划青年拔尖人才。现任植物学与动物学系教授,硕士生/博士生导师。

    主要从事植物次生代谢产物功能与机制研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金项目3项,云南省基础研究重点项目1、云南省高层次引进人才项目1项(二等资助)、云南省第三批博士后资助1项(一等资助)等十余项。发表SCI刊物上发表40余篇,其中,中科院一区论文15篇,Cell Press旗下期刊4篇,ESI高被引论文3篇,单篇它引次数最高为338次。主编出版专著1部。获云南省自然科学三等奖1项(2021)、红云园丁奖1项(2021),入选尊龙凯时生态学科青年人才培养计划(2022)。

    以具有显著镇痛抗炎活性成药成分二萜生物碱(diterpenoid alkaloids)、生物演化的关键标志性分子褪黑素(melatonin)为研究对象,致力于挖掘和解析目标产物的生物合成基因及催化机制、探究其生物学功能及进化机制,并通过代谢工程及种质资源创新等手段高效获取目标产物。主要发现如下:







    E-mail: zhaodk2012@cqlty.com



    2003.092006.07: 云南农业大学园林系,农学学士

     2006.092009.07: 云南农业大学,园林植物与观赏园艺专业,农学硕士
















    Melatonin Research编委,2023-







    1. 刘琴, 赵大克, 艾洪莲. 2023. 论著名称: 中国少数民族医药资源与保护研究丛书—傣医药, 湖北科技出版社.


    1.  Zhao D.K., Mou, Z.M.,Zhao, E.Q., Bai, J.M., Zhang, X., Yuan, Z.H., Wang, R.B., Wang, Q.X., Jacquemyn, H., Ning, C. Phorophyte preference of an epiphytic orchid (Dendrobium wangliangii) is independent of orchid mycorrhizal fungi that promote seed germination. Journal of Ecology, doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.14298, 2024.(封面论文;中科院一区;IF=5.5;Top期刊)

    2. Zhao, D.K., Mou, Z.M., Ruan, Y.L. Orchids acquire fungal carbon for seed germination: Pathways and players. Trends in Plant Science, doi.org/10.1016/j.tplants.2024.02.001, 2024. (封面论文;中科院一区;IF=20.5;Top期刊)

    3. Shen, Y., Liang, W.J., Shi, Y.N., Kennelly, E.J.*, Zhao, D.K.* Structural diversity, bioactivities, and biosynthesis of natural diterpenoid alkaloids. Natural Product Reports 37, 763-796, 2020. (封面论文;中科院一区;IF=11.9;Top期刊)

    4. Zhao, D.K.*, Wang, H.P., Chen, S.Y., Yu, D.Q., Reiter, J.R.* Phytomelatonin: an emerging regulator of plant biotic stress resistance. Trends in Plant Science 26(1):70-82, 2021. (ESI高被引论文;中科院一区;IF=20.5;Top期刊)

    5. Zhao, D., Zhang, Y., Ren, H., Shi, Y., Dong, D., Li, Z., Cui, G., Mou, Z., Kennelly, E., Huang, L., Ruan, J., Chen, S., Yu, D., Cun, Y. Multiomics analysis reveals the evolutionary origin of diterpenoid alkaloid biosynthesis pathways in Aconitum. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 65(10):2320-2335, 2023. (中科院一区;IF=11.4;Top期刊)

    6. Zhao, D.K., Yao, Z., Zhang, J., Zhang, R., Mou, Z., Zhang, X., Li, Z., Feng, X., Chen, S.*, Reiter, R.J.* Melatonin synthesis genes N-acetylserotonin methyltransferases evolved into caffeic acid O-methyltransferases and both assisted in plant terrestrialization. Journal of Pineal Research 71(3), e12737, 2021. (中科院一区;IF=10.3;Top期刊)

    7. Lv, Y., Pan, J.J., Wang, H.P., Reiter, R.J., Li, X., Mou, Z.M., Zhang, J.M., Yao, Z.P., Zhao, D.K.*, Yu, D.Q.* Melatonin inhibits seed germination by crosstalk with abscisic acid, gibberellin, and auxin in Arabidopsis. Journal of Pineal Research 70(4), e12736, 2021.  (ESI高被引论文;中科院一区; IF=10.3;Top期刊)

    8. Zhao, D.K.*, Zhao, Y., Chen, S.*, Kennelly, E.J.* Solanum steroidal glycoalkaloids: structural diversity, biological activities, and biosynthesis. Natural Product Reports 38(8): 1423-1444, 2021. (封面论文;中科院一区,Q1, IF=11.9;Top期刊)

    9. Mou, Z.M., Zhao, D.K.* Gene Rational Design: The Dawn of Crop Breeding. Trends in Plant Science 27(7): 633-636, 2022. (中科院一区;IF=20.5,  Top期刊)

    10. Zhao, D.K., Shi, X.Q., Zhang, L.M., Yang, D.Q., Guo, H.C., Chen, Y.P., Shen, Y.  Four new diterpenoid alkaloids with antitumor effect from Aconitum nagarum var. heterotrichum. Chinese Chemical Letters 28(2): 358–361, 2017. (中科院一区;IF=8.8;Top期刊)

    11. Zhao, D.K., Shi, Y.N., Petrova, V., Grace, G.L.Y., Negrin, A., Wu, S.B., DArmiento, J.M., Lau, C.B.S., Kennelly E.J.* Jaboticabin and related polyphenols from jaboticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora) with anti-inflammatory activity for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 67(5):1513-1520, 2019. (中科院一区;IF=6.1, Top期刊)

    12. Zhao, D.K, Yu, Y., Shen, Y., Liu, Q., Zhao, Z.W., Sharma, R., and Reiter, R.J.* Melatonin synthesis and function: Evolutionary history in animals and plants. Frontiers in Endocrinology 10:249, 2019. (ESI高被引论文;中科院二区;IF=5.2)

    13. Li, Y.M., Teng, Z.W., Zhao, D.K.* Plant-derived cross-kingdom gene regulation benefits human health. Trends in Plant Science, 28(6), 626-629, 2023. (中科院一区;IF=20.5;Top期刊)

    14. Dong, D., Shi, Y.N., Mou, Z.M., Chen, S.Y., Zhao, D.K.* Grafting: a potential method to reveal the differential accumulation mechanism of secondary metabolites. Horticulture Research 9: uhac050, 2022. (封面论文;中科院1区;IF=8.7;Top期刊)

    15. Mou Z.M., Wang H.P., Chen SY. Russal, J.R.*, Zhao, D.K.* Molecular mechanisms and evolutionary history of phytomelatonin in flowering. Journal of Experimental Botany 73(17): 5840-5850, 2022.(中科院一区;IF=6.9;Top期刊)

    16. Shi, Y.N., Zhao, Y., Qian, J.X., Dong, Z.Y., Wen, G.S.*, Zhao, D.K.*, Kennelly, E.J.* Aconitum diterpenoid alkaloid profiling to distinguish between the official traditional chinese medicine (TCM) Fuzi and adulterant species using LC-qToF-MS with chemometrics. Journal of Natural Products 84(3): 570-587, 2021. (中科院二区IF=5.1Top期刊)

    17. He, J., Pu, C.J., Wang, M., Li, Z.H., Feng, T.,* Zhao, D.K.,* Liu, J.K.* Conosiligins A−D, ring-rearranged tremulane sesquiterpenoids from Conocybe siliginea. Journal of Natural Products 83(9), 2743-2748, 2020. (中科院二区;IF=5.1;Top期刊)

    18. Zhao, D.K., Li, T., Shen, M., Wang, J.L., Zhao, Z.W.* Diverse strategies conferring extreme cadmium (Cd) tolerance in the dark septate endophyte (DSE), Exophiala pisciphila: evidence from RNA–seq data. Microbiological Research 170: 27–35, 2015. (中科院二区;IF=6.7)

    19. Yao Z.P., Zhang, X., Liang, Y.C., Zhang, J.M., Xu, Y., Chen, S.Y., Zhao, D.K.* NtCOMT1 responsible for phytomelatonin biosynthesis confers drought tolerance in Nicotiana tabacum. Phytochemistry 202: 113306, 2022. (中科院二区;IF=3.8)

    20. Zhao, D.K., Shen, Y., Shi, Y.N., Shi, X.Q., Qiao, Q., Zi, S.H., Zhao, E.Q., Yu, D.Q.*, Kennelly, E.J.* Probing the transcriptome of Aconitum carmichaelii reveals the candidate genes associated with the biosynthesis of the toxic aconitine-type C19-diterpenoid alkaloids. Phytochemistry, 152 :113-124, 2018. (中科院二区;IF=3.8)

    21. Guo, R.H., Guo, C.X., He, D., Zhao, D.K.*, Shen, Y. * Two new C19-diterpenoid alkaloids with anti-inflammatory activity from Aconitum iochanicum. Chinese Journal of Chemistry 35(10): 1644-1647, 2017. (中科院二区;IF=5.4)

    22. Mou, Z.M., Zhao, Y., Ye, F., Shi, Y..N., Kennelly, E.J., Chen, S.Y., Zhao, D.K.*. Identification, biological activities and biosynthetic pathway of Dendrobium alkaloids. Frontiers in Pharmacology 12: 605994, 2021. (中科院二区IF=5.6;Top期刊)

    23. Ye, K., Lv, X., Zhang, X., Wei, P., Li, Z.H., Ai, H.L.,* Zhao, D.K.,* Liu, J.K.* Immunosuppressive isopimarane diterpenes from cultures of the endophytic fungus Ilyonectria robusta. Frontiers in Pharmacology 12: 766441, 2022. (中科院二区;IF=5.6;Top期刊)

    24. Zhao, D.K., Selosse, M.A., Wu, L.M., Luo, Y., Shao, S.C.*, Ruan, Y.L.* Orchid reintroduction based on seed germination-promoting mycorrhizal fungi derived from protocorms or seedlings. Frontiers in Plant Science 12: 1298, 2021. (中科院二区;IF=5.6;Top期刊)

    25. Wang, Q.X., Shao. S.C., Su, Y., Hu, X.L., Shen, Y.*, Zhao, D.K.* A novel case of autogamy and cleistogamy in Dendrobium wangliangii: A rare orchid distributed in the dry-hot valley. Ecology and Evolution 9(22): 12906-12914, 2019. (中科院二区IF=2.6)

    26. Shao, S.C., Wang, Q.X., Beng, K.C., Zhao, D.K.*, Jacquemyn, H.* Fungi isolated from host protocorms accelerate symbiotic seed germination in an endangered orchid species (Dendrobium chrysotoxum) from southern China. Mycorrhiza 30(4): 529-539, 2020. (中科院二区IF=3.9)

    27. Liu, D.D., Sun X.S., Liu L., Shi H.D., Chen S.Y.*, Zhao D.K.* Overexpression of the melatonin synthesis-related gene SLCOMT1 improves the resistance of tomato to salt stress. Molecules 24(8): 1514, 2019. (中科院二区;IF=4.6)

    28. Yu, Y., Lv, Y., Shi, Y.N., Li, T., Chen, Y.C., Zhao, D.K.*, Zhao, Z.W.* The role of phyto-melatonin and related metabolites in response to stress. Molecules 23(8): 1887, 2018. (中科院二区;IF=4.6)

    29. Zhao, D.K., Shi, Y.N., Zhu, X.Y., Liu, L., Ji, P.Z., Long, C.L., Shen, Y., Kennelly, E.J.* Identification of potential biomarkers from Aconitum carmichaelii, a traditional Chinese medicine, using a metabolomic approach. Planta Medica 84(06/07): 434-441, 2018. (中科院三区;IF=2.7)

    30. Zhao, D.K., Ai, H.L., Zi, S.H., Zhang, L.M., Yang, S.C., Guo, H.C., Shen, Y.*, Chen, Y.P., Chen, J.J.* Four new C18–diterpenoid alkaloids with analgesic activity from Aconitum weixiense. Fitoterapia 91: 280–283, 2013. (中科院三区;IF=3.4)

    31. Shen, M., Zhao, D.K., Qiao, Q., Liu, L., Wang, J.L., Cao, G.H., Li, T., Zhao, Z.W. * Identification of glutathione S–transferase (GST) genes from a dark septate endophytic fungus (Exophiala pisciphila) and their expression patterns under varied metals stress. PLOS One 10(4): e0123418, 2015. (中科院三区;IF=3.7)

    32. Yu, Y., Teng, Z.W., Mou, Z.M., Lv, Y., Li, T., Chen, S.Y., Zhao, D.K.*, Zhao, Z.W.* Melatonin confers heavy metal-induced tolerance by alleviating oxidative stress and reducing the heavy metal accumulation in Exophiala pisciphila, a dark septate endophyte (DSE). BMC Microbiology 21: 40, 2021. (中科院三区;IF=4.2)

    33. Zhang, J.M., Yao, Z.P., Zhang, R.J., Mou, Z.M., Yin, H.H., Xu, T.Y., Zhao, D.,* Chen, S.Y.* Genome-wide identification and expression profile of the SNAT gene family in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). Frontiers in Genetics, 11:591984, 2020. (中科院三区;IF=3.7)

    34. Zhao, D.K., Shi, Y.N., Senthilkumar, H.A., Qiao, Q., Wang, Q.X., Shen, Y.*, Hu G.W.* Enriched networks ‘nucleoside/nucleotide and ribonucleoside/ ribonucleotide metabolic processes’ and ‘response to stimulus’ potentially conferred to drought adaptation of the epiphytic orchid Dendrobium wangliangii. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 25(1):31-45, 2019. (中科院三区;IF=3.5)

    35. Liu, W.Y., Zhao, D.K.*, Chen, Y.P., Shen, Y.* Four new C19-diterpenoid alkaloids from the roots of Aconitum ouvrardianum. Journal of Asian Natural Product Research 21(1), 9-16, 2018. (中科院四区;IF=1.7)

    36. Duan, X.Y., Zhao, D.K.*, Shen, Y.* Two new bis–C20–diterpenoid alkaloids with anti–inflammation activity from Aconitum bulleyanum. Journal of Asian Natural Product Research 21(4):323-330, 2018. (中科院四区;IF=1.7)

    37. Li, G.Q., Zhang, L.M., Zhao, D.K.*, Chen, Y.P., Shen, Y.* Two new C19–diterpenoid alkaloids from Aconitum tsaii. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research 19(5):1–5, 2016. (中科院四区;IF=1.7)

    38. Mou, Z., Ye, F., Shen, F.C., Zhao, D.K.* In vitro germination and micropropagation of Aconitum vilmorinianum: an important medicinal plant in China. Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany 91(10): 2331-2348, 2022. (中科院四区;IF=1.7)

    39. Wang, R.B., Zhang, Z., Yuan, Z.H., Zhang, Y., Mou, Z.M., Zhao, D.K.* Holcoglossum× kunmingense hybr. nat. nov. (Orchidaceae: Aeridinae) from Yunnan, China. Phytotaxa, 2022, 573(1): 131-139.(中科院四区;IF=1.1)

    40. Lv, Y., Shen, Y., Shi, Y., Shen, F., Chen, Y., Zi, S., Zhu, Z., Kennelly, E. J., Zhao, D.K* Root-endophytic fungi diversity of Fuzi (Aconitum Carmichaelii) and their anti-fungal activity. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 17(6):15289-15300, 2019. (中科院四区;IF=0.7)


