杨明挚,男, 博士,1970年11月生,云南省江川区人。现任尊龙凯时教授,硕士生导师,植物学与动物学系主任。
(4)首次提出了基于垂直传递内生菌(VTE, vertically transmitted endophytes)植物内生菌改良(PEM, plant endophytic modification)理念,并以酿酒葡萄为例,成功建立了植物内生菌改良的技术方法体系,使改良的酿酒葡萄植株获得可遗传有益内生菌群的长期效应。PEM策略为内生菌资源的有效利用开辟了新途径,为可持续生态农业发展提供了新思路。
(3)提出了宿主依赖性内生菌(HDE, host dependent endophytes)的概念, 建立了针对植物中HDE研究和利用的技术方法体系,为利用这群特殊的内生菌资源奠定了必要的技术基础。
E-mail: yangmzh@cqlty.com;
l 1988.9-1992.6: 尊龙凯时生物系微生物学专业学习,获理学学士学位
l 1996.9-1998.6: 尊龙凯时学习,植物学专业,获理学硕士学位
l 2001.9-2004.6:尊龙凯时,植物学专业,获植物学博士学位。
l 2012年-2015年:国家基金委自然科学基金地区项目: 云南野生葡萄资源调查、保护及酿酒葡萄新资源发掘(31160070),项目负责人,经费50万元
l 2016年-2019年:国家基金委自然科学基金地区项目: 内生真菌对酿酒葡萄酚类次生代谢产物的调控及其机制研究(31560538),项目负责人,经费48万元
l 2019年-2022年:云南省科技厅-尊龙凯时“双一流”建设联合基金重点项目:葡萄内生菌群的动态组装及其对宿主的代谢效应研究(2019FY003024),项目负责人,经费48万元
l 2021年-2023年:云南省重大科技专项计划项目“林下中药材生产关键技术与示范”子项目:种传内生菌群资源及其在中药材有机种植中的应用(202102AE090042-02-04),课题负责人,经费40万元
l 2024年-2027年:国家基金委自然科学基金地区项目: 宿主依赖性内生菌对植物的生理生态功能研究-以葡萄为例(32360255),项目负责人,经费32万元
l 2007年获云南省自然科学一等奖(排名第七):云南野生稻保护与遗传特性研究. 证书号:2006AA424-R07
l 2024年获云南省科技进步一等奖(排名第六):低纬高原葡萄病害绿色防控关键技术及应用. 证书号:
1. Yu-Tao Wang, Chun-Xiao Chen, Ping Zhou, Chun-Xi Lu, Yun Wen, Yu Li, Xiao-Xia Pan, Shu-Sheng Zhu*, Ming-Zhi Yang*. (2024). Maintenance of callus-associated endophyte balance to mitigate oxidative browning in plant tissue culture practices. Plant cell, tissue and organ culture
2. Xiao-Xia Pan, Hui-Zhi Liu, Yu Li, Ping Zhou, Yun Wen, Chun-Xi Lu, You-Yong Zhu and Ming-Zhi Yang*. (2023). “The Interactions between Two Fungal Endophytes Epicoccum layuense R2-21 and Alternaria alternata XHYN2 and Grapevines (Vitis vinifera) with De Novo Established Symbionts under Aseptic Conditions.” Journal of Fungi 9(12): 1154. 2023.12
3. Xiang S-Y, Wang Y-T, Chen C-X, Liao C-M, Li T, Pan X-X, Zhu S-S*, Yang M-Z* (2023). Dominated “Inheritance” of Endophytes in Grapevines from Stock Plants via In Vitro-Cultured Plantlets: The Dawn of Plant Endophytic Modifications, Horticulturae 9(2): 180.
4. Pan, Xiao-Xia, Chun-Xiao Chen, Yu-Tao Wang, You-Yong Zhu, and Ming-Zhi Yang*(2023). "Exposure to the Endophytic Fungi Regulates the Anthocyanin Profiles in the Post-Veraison Grape Berries of ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’" Horticulturae 9.
5. Jin-Zhuo Qu , Fang Liu , Xiao-Xia Pan, Chang-Mei Liao, Tong Li, Han-Bo Zhang and Ming-Zhi Yang*. (2022). Coordinative Changes in Metabolites in Grape Cells Exposed to Endophytic Fungi and Their Extracts. Molecules 27(17):5566.
6. Xiao-Xia Pan, You-Yong Zhu and Ming-Zhi Yang*(2022).The positive response in grape secondary metabolites under controlled stresses: a review. Vitis, 61:111-124.
7. Xiaoxia Pan, Siyu Xiang, Youyong Zhu, Mingzhi Yang*(2022). Co-cultivation with Endophytic Fungi Differentially Shaped the Anthocyanin Profiles in Post-veraison Grape Berries. Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology. 58(6):780-789
8. Xiaoxia Pan, Tong Li, Changmei Liao, Youyong Zhu, Mingzhi Yang *(2022).The Influences of Fungal Endophytes Inoculation on the Biochemical Status of Grape Cells of Different Varieties in Vitro. Plant Biotechnology 39:335-343.
9. Pan, X.X., Chen, J.C., Liu, F., Qu, J.Z. and Yang, M.Z.* (2021) Symbioses of Endophytic Fungi and Subsequent Physio-Chemical Changes in Grapevine Leaves from Two Cultivars. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 68: 735-744.
10. Yu M, Chen J-C, Qu J-Z, Liu F, Zhou M, Ma Y-M, Xiang S-Y, Pan X-X, Zhang H-B, Yang M-Z* (2020) Exposure to endophytic fungi quantitatively and compositionally alters anthocyanins in grape cells. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 149:144-152.
11. Pan X-X, Yuan M-Q, Xiang S-Y, Ma Y-M, Zhou M, Zhu Y-Y*, Yang M-Z*. (2020) The symbioses of endophytic fungi shaped the metabolic profiles in grape leaves of different varieties. PLoS ONE 15(9): e0238734.
12. Xiao-Xia Pan, Ming-Quan Yuan, Jing-Chao Chen, Man Yu, Jin-Zhuo Qu, Fang Liu, Si-Yu Xiang, You-Yong Zhu* and Ming-Zhi Yang*(2020). Diverse and strain-specific metabolites patterns induced by fungal endophytes in grape cells of different varieties. Vitis 59,155–162. DOI: 10.5073/vitis.2020.59.155-162
13. Chen JC, Yu M, Liu F, Qu JZ, Pan XX, Zhang HB, Yang MZ* (2020) Diversity Distributions and the Anthocyanin Associations of Fungal Endophytes in Different Colored Grapevine Leaves. Journal of Plant Biology 63(2):107-117.
14. Lin Chen, Fan Dong, Tao Sha, Ming-Zhi Yang, Jie Zhou, Tian Zeng, Yi-Fang Miao, Liang Mei, Guang-Bo Yao, Kai Fang, Tao Li, Zhi-Wei Zhao and Han-Bo Zhang. (2020). Quantifying the sharing of foliar fungal pathogens by the invasive plant Ageratina adenophora and its neighbours. New Phytologist 227.
15. Chen L, Wang Y-C, Qin L-Y, He H-Y, Yu X-L, Yang M-Z*, Zhang H-B* (2019) Dynamics of fungal communities during Gastrodia elata growth. BMC Microbiology 19 (1):158.
16. Ming-Zhi Yang*+, Li-Hua Huang+, Xiu-Jin Ao, An-Yun Ren, Ming-Quan Yuan and Han-Bo Zhang (2018), Endophytic Fungal strains Specifically Modified the Biochemical Status of Grape Cells, Journal of Plant Biology, 61:210-216
17. Huang LH, Yuan MQ, Ao XJ, Ren AY, Zhang HB, Yang MZ* (2018). Endophytic fungi specifically introduce novel metabolites into grape flesh cells in vitro. Plos One 13 (5):e0196996
18. Huang L-h, Ao; X-J, Shan; h, Li; h-X, Yang; W-X, Zhang; H-B, Yang M-Z* (2017). In vitro specific interactions revealed the infective characteristics of fungal endophytes to grapevine. Vitis 56:71-77.
19. Yang M-Z*+, Ma M-D+, Yuan M-Q, Huang Z-Y, Yang W-X, Zhang H-B, Huang L-H, Ren A-Y, Shan H (2016) Fungal Endophytes as a Metabolic Fine-Tuning Regulator for Wine Grape. PLoS ONE 11 (9):e0163186.
20. Yang Y, Ma M, Zhang H, Yuan M, Zhu W, Ning J, Yang W, Yang M* (2015) Grape pre-evaluation by berry-leaf biochemistry quantitative correlation analysis. African Journal of Agricultural Research 50 (10):4543-4553.
21. 刘会芝,潘小霞*,杨明挚*. 三七内生菌的研究进展. 中草药,2023,54
22. 周小明+, 王焕冲+, 宫霞, 杨勇, 宁进, 张汉波, 杨明挚*(2017). 云南省葡萄属野生资源调查研究. 中国南方果树, 46(2), 158-162.
23. 禹满, 陈竞超, 瞿巾卓, 刘芳, 潘小霞, 杨明挚*(2019).与内生真菌共培养对葡萄果肉细胞生理生化影响的差异研究. 生物技术通报, (08):34-43
24. 阮永建+,陈竞超+,刘芳,瞿巾卓,马寅敏,周明,向司宇,杨明挚*(2020). 白粉病不同染病程度对葡萄叶片可培养内生真菌菌群结构的影响. 中国南方果树,49:(2)23-28
25. 宁进, 张秀英, 程玉, 黄治钰, 杨明挚* (2015). 真菌诱导子对毛葡萄愈伤组织细胞次生代谢的影响. 中国南方果树, 44(2), 33-38.
26. 黄治钰, 王馨蕊, 黄丽华, 袁明全, 刘加强, 张汉波, 杨明挚*(2015). 回接内生真菌对玫瑰蜜葡萄生长及果实外观品质的影响初报. 中外葡萄与葡萄酒(2), 35-38.
27. 黄治钰, 王馨蕊, 黄丽华, 袁明全, 刘加强, 张汉波, 杨明挚*(2015). 回接内生真菌对玫瑰蜜葡萄生长及果实外观品质的影响初报. 中外葡萄与葡萄酒, (2): 35-38.
29. 程玉, 杨勇, 黄治钰, 张秀英, 朱薇, 刘加强, 杨明挚*(2015). 中国 5 个产区赤霞珠干红葡萄酒挥发性香气成分差异研究. 酿酒科技, 247(01):23-26. DOI:10.13746/j.njkj.2014287
30. 马勉娣, 张秀英, 程玉, 黄治钰, 张汉波, 杨明挚* (2014). 再接种内生真菌对葡萄叶内生真菌群落结构的影响. 微生物学通报, 41(12): 2458-2465.
31. 马勉娣, 黄治钰, 张秀英, 刘加强, 杨明挚*(2014). 葡萄叶可培养内生真菌多样性与分布特征. 中国农学通报, 30(13), 118-125.
32.朱薇, 程玉, 张秀英, 黄治钰, 杨明挚*(2014). 云南野生水果的抗氧化性及其他生理生化特性分析 (Ⅰ). 中国南方果树, 43(5), 66-69.