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    作者: 来源:jjhu@cqlty.com 发布时间 : 2024-09-20 02:26:03 点击量:

    胡俊杰,男, 博士,1972年3月生,河南省许昌市人。现任尊龙凯时副教授,硕士生导师。







    E-mail: jjhu@cqlty.com



    ·1994.9-1997.6: 尊龙凯时学习,动物学专业,获理学硕士学位



    ·2023-2026:国家自然科学基金地区基金: 基于顶质体基因组的肉孢子虫生活史对策成因和系统进化分析,项目负责人,经费33万元


    ·2023-2025:国家自然科学基金地区基金: 基于线粒体基因组的云南省家畜和野生鼠类肉孢子虫的分子系统学研究,项目负责人,经费50万元









    1.索勋主编,胡俊杰等参编.2022. 兽医寄生虫学(第四版).北京:中国农业出版社.

    2.段义农,王中全,方强,郑葵阳主编,胡俊杰等参编. 2015. 现代寄生虫病学(第2版).北京:人民军医出版社.

    3.李祥瑞主编,胡俊杰等参编. 2011. 国家出版基金项目现代农业科技专著大系动物寄生虫病彩色图谱(第2版). 北京:中国农业出版社.

    4.左仰贤主编,胡俊杰等参编. 2010. 普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材动物生物学教程(第2版). 北京:高等教育出版社.


    1.Qin T, Ortega-Perez P, Wibbelt G, Lakim MB, Ginting S, Khoprasert Y, Wells K, Hu JJ*, Jäkel* T. 2024, A cyst-forming coccidian with large geographical range infecting forest and commensal rodents: Sarcocystis muricoelognathis sp. nov. Parasit Vectors. 17(1):135. doi: 10.1186/s13071-024-06230-8.

    2.Tang, K.; Lamu, D.; Qin, T.; Liao, Z.; Zhang, M.;Wu, Z.; Deng, S.; Tao, J.; Hu, JJ*. 2023. Prevalence and Genetic Characterization of Morphologically Indistinguishable Sarcocysts of Sarcocystis cruzi in Cattle and Sarcocystis poephagicanis in Yaks. Diversity 2023, 15, 1136. https://doi.org/10.3390/d15111136

    3.Hu JJ*, Zhang M, Wu Z, Zeng H, Tao J. 2023. Description of Sarcocystis platyrhynchosi n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Sarcocystidae) from domestic ducks Anas platyrhynchos (Anseriformes: Anatidae) in China. Parasit Vectors. 16(1):50. doi: 10.1186/s13071-023-05656-w. 

    4.Zhang M, Wei K, Wu Z, Sun J, Hu JJ, Deng S, Tao J.2022. Morphological and molecular characterization of a Sarcocystis species infecting donkeys from China. Parasitol Res. 121(10):2917-2926.

    5.Wu ZP; Sun J; Hu, JJ*.; Song JL; Deng SS; Zhu N.; Yang, Y*; Tao, JP. 2022. Morphological and molecular characterization, and demonstration of a definitive Host, for Sarcocystis masoni from an Alpaca (Vicugna pacos) in China. Biology, 11, 1016.

    6.Hu JJ*, Sun J, Guo Y, Zeng H, Zhang Y, Tao J. 2022. Infection of the Asian gray shrew Crocidura attenuata (Insectivora: Soricidae) with Sarcocystis attenuati n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Sarcocystidae) in China. Parasit Vectors. 15(1):13.

    7.Zeng H, Guo Y, Ma C, Deng S, Hu JJ*, Zhang Y*. 2020. Redescription and molecular characterization of sarcocysts of Sarcocystis cymruensis from Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) and Sarcocystis ratti from black rats (R. rattus) in China. Parasitol Res. 119(11):3785-3791.

    8.Ma CL, Ye YL, Wen T, Huang ZM, Pan J, Hu JJ*, Tao JP, Song JL. 2020. Prevalence and morphological and molecular characteristics of Sarcocystis bertrami in horses in China. Parasite. 27:1.

    9.Pan J, Ma C, Huang Z, Ye Y, Zeng H, Deng S, Hu JJ*, Tao J. 2020. Morphological and molecular characterization of Sarcocystis wenzeli in chickens (Gallus gallus) in China. Parasit & Vectors. 13(1):512.

    10.Huang ZM, Ye YL, Zhang HZ, Deng SS, Tao JP, Hu JJ*, Yang YR*. 2019. Morphological and molecular characterizations of Sarcocystis miescheriana and Sarcocystis suihominis in domestic pigs (Sus scrofa) in China. Parasittology Research, 118: 3491-3496.

    11.Hu JJ*, Yang M, Elysia Ruoyan Ye, Ye YL, Niu Y. 2019. First record of the New Guinea flatworm Platydemus manokwari (Platyhelminthes, Geoplanidae) as an alien species in Hong Kong Island, China. ZooKeys 873: 1–7.

    12.Dong H, Su RJ, Wang YH, Tong ZX, Zhang LX, Yang Y*, Junjie Hu JJ*. 2018. Sarcocystis species in wild and domestic sheep (Ovis ammon and Ovis aries) from China. BMC veterinary research, 14: 377.

    13.Ye YL, Liang Y, Hu JJ*, Huang ZM, Zhang YZ. 2018. First isolation of Sarcocystis caninum sarcocysts from two domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) from China. Parasitology Research, 117: 3613–3618. 

    14.Liang Y, Zhao ZJ, Hu JJ*, Esch GW, Peng MC, Liu Q, Chen JQ. 2018. Prevalence and genetic characterization of eimeriid coccidia from feces of black-necked cranes, Grus nigricollis. Parasitology Research, 117:869–874.

    15.Hu JJ*, Wen T, Huang S, Esch GW, Liang Y, Li HL. 2017. Sarcocystis spp. in domestic sheep (Ovis aries) in China: Prevalence, morphology, and molecular characteristics. Parasite, 24:30. doi: 10.1051/parasite/2017025.

    16.Chen XW, Wen T, Hu JJ*, Liu T, Esch GW, Liang Y, Li HL, Huang S. 2017. Sarcocystis dehongensis n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Sarcocystidae) from water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in China. Parasitology Research. 116(8):2145-2150.

    17.Hu JJ*, Li HL, Huang S, Chen MY, Esch GW. 2017. Sarcocystis menglaensis n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Sarcocystidae) from Williamson’s mouse deer Tuagulus williamsoni (Kloss) (Artiodactyla: Tragulidae). Systematic parasitology, 94: 299-304.

    18.Hu JJ*, Huang S, Wen T, Esch GW, Li HL. 2017. Morphology, molecular characteristics, and demonstration of a definitive host for Sarcocystis rommeli from cattle (Bos taurus) in China. Journal of Parasitology. 103(5):471-476.

    19.Liang Y, Chen JQ, Meng Y, Zou FC, Hu JJ *, Esch GW. Occurrence and genetic characterization of GRA6 and SAG2 from Toxoplsma Gondii oocysts in cat feces, Kunming, China. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 47(6): 1134-1142. 2016.

    20.Hu JJ*, Wen T, Chen XW, Liu TT, Esch GW, Huang S. 2016. Prevalence, morphology, and molecular characteristics of Sarcocystis heydorni sarcocysts from cattle (Bos taurus) in China. Journal of parasitology, 102, (5): 545-548. DOI: 10.1645/16-49.

    21.Hu JJ*, Liu TT, Liu Q, Esch GW, Chen JQ, Huang S, Wen T. 2016. Prevalence, morphology, and molecular characteristics of Sarcocystis spp. in domestic goats (Capra hircus) from Kunming, China. Parasitology Research, 115:3973-3981.

    22.Hu JJ*, Huang S, Chen MY, Wen T, Esch GW, Liu Q, Liu TT. 2016. Sarcocystis tuagulusi, n.sp. (Apicomplexa: Sarcocystidae) from Williamson’s mouse deer (Tuagulus williamsoni) (Artiodactyla:Tragulidae). Parasitology Research, 115:1325–1330.

    23.Hu JJ*, Liu TT, Q Liu, Esch GW . Chen JQ. 2015. Sarcocystis clethrionomyelaphis Matuschka, 1986 (Apicomplexa: Sarcocystidae) infecting the large oriental vole Eothenomys miletus (Thomas) (Cricetidae: Microtinae) and its phylogenetic relationships with other species of Sarcocystis Lankester, 1882. Systematic parasitology, 91: 273-279.

    24.Hu JJ *, Q Liu, YF Yang, GW Esch, YM Guo, FC Zou. 2014. Sarcocystis eothenomysi n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Sarcocystidae) from the large oriental vole Eothenomys miletus (Thomas) (Cricetidae: Microtinae) from Anning, China. Systematic parasitology, 2014, 89: 73-81.

    25.韦开文,曾红霞, 何牧,胡俊杰* 2022. 浣熊贝氏蛔虫核糖体基因和线粒体基因分析. 中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志.40(5):594-602.

