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1Wang et al. (2021) 研究了中国滨海湿地的时空动态,发现生态保护与修复措施有效促进了湿地恢复,为中国生物多样性保护和生态系统修复提供了科学依据(Nature Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-021-00793-5

2Wan et al. (2020)研究揭示,增加植物物种丰度,会降低植食性昆虫(包括害虫)的丰度和危害程度,并提高捕食性天敌和寄生性天敌的丰度、捕食率和寄生率,从而提升植物的产量和品质(Nature Plants, 6: 503-510)

3Wang et al. (2020c)系统研究了19892016年以来中国水资源时空分布动态及其驱动力,为优化水资源分配提供了新的研究维度和重要的数据支撑(Nature Communications, 11: 3471)

4Wan et al. (2018)研究发现,人为设计稻田作物的多样性景观(如在稻田外围种植大豆、玉米、茄子和青菜等),可以增加捕食性天敌的数量和控害效能,降低害虫数量,进而减少杀虫剂用量,增加了作物产量和经济效益,所以在城市生态系统中,农田景观的植物多样性种植对生态集约化和相关生态系统服务的可持续利用有重要作用(eLife, 7: e35103)

5Li et al. (2014)有关入侵植物间接影响的研究,发现入侵植物互花米草通过转移原产地的内生病原镰刀菌,导致入侵地土著植物顶枯病,不仅间接影响土著生态系统的组成与结构,而且还将促进自身的成功入侵(Journal of Ecology, 102: 1112-1119)

6Lu et al. (2013)有关生态系统碳循环对增温的响应研究,发现全球变暖情况下陆地生态系统可能成为碳汇,而且传统认为的碳源,这一结果将对气候变化的影响评估具有重要的参考价值(Ecology, 94: 726-738)

7Lu et al. (2011)有关生态系统氮循环对氮添加响应的工作被教科书Principles of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology (Chapin et al, 2011)(第二版)和Biogeochemistry (Schlesinger & Bernhardt,2013)(第三版)所引用。

8Liao et al. (2008b) 有关植物入侵对碳氮循环影响的综合分析,发现植物入侵导致生态系统碳氮循环的改变,尤其是通过增加生态系统氮库而形成植物入侵的正反馈;该结论引起了学术界的关注(如Science, Nature, Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst, Tree),并被ISI Web of KnowledgeESI (Essential Science Indicators) 确认为Top PaperHighly Cited Paper,目前已被引用511次。

9Weber & Li (2008) 有关中国植物入侵格局的研究指出,在未来进一步的全球化进程中,我国将可能面临更多水生和木本植物入侵,应加强防范;该研究被美国科学促进会(AAAS)主办的全球互联网新闻服务网站Eurekalert所推介(详情见网页:https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2008-05/aiob-waa042908.php)。

10Li et al. (1998) 有关模式植物拟南芥生长的纬度变异研究,发现植物的生长率受到纬度差异所导致的太阳辐射和温度变异的选择;该研究得到Plant Physiology的“热点与经典”(Hot and Classic)栏目的专门介绍,并被认为是“用拟南芥生态型填补野外生态学和分子生态学之间知识空白”的五项成果之一(Minorsky, 2001)。

11Li et al. (1996) 明确了植物密度—时间—生产力的动态关系;该工作的主要结果被M. Begon等所著教材Ecology: from Individuals to Ecosystems(第四版, 2006; 第五版, 2021)引为经典案例作详细介绍。

12Li (1995)所著博士论文中有关种子库动态的工作被教科书Plant Ecology (MJ Crawley, 1997)(第二版)所引用。






1980.091984.07: 华中师范大学学习,获学士学位

 1984.091986.07: 华中师范大学学习,获硕士学位

 1992.091995.07: University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK,获博士学位。
















Ecological Research、《植物生态学报》、《杂草科学》副主编


















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1. Xu X, Li S.S, Zhang Y, Zhang X, He Q, Wan NF, Liu H, Guo HQ, Ma, J, Zhang Q, Wang Q, Wu JH, Li B* & Nie M*. 2024. Reducing nitrogen inputs mitigates Spartina invasion in the Yangtze estuary. Journal of Applied Ecology, 61(3): 588-598.

2. Xu CL, Ren JL, Wang HC, Bertness MD, Wu JH, Li B & He Q*. 2024. Where consumers control plant reproduction in coastal wetlands: The environmental stress model in plants' versus consumers' perspectives. Journal of Ecology, 112(3): 547-558.

3. Liu DF, Liu MY, Ju RT, Li B & Wang Y*. (2024). Rapid seedling emergence of invasive Phytolacca americana is related to higher soluble sugars produced by starch metabolism and photosynthesis compared to native P. acinosa. Frontiers in Plant Science, 15: 1255698.

4. Li JQ, Pei JM, Fang CM, Li B & Nie M*. 2024. Drought may exacerbate dryland soil inorganic carbon loss under warming climate conditions. Nature Communications, 15(1): 617.

5. Bi JW, Bossdorf O, Liao ZY, Richards CL, Parepa M, Zhao WH, Berninger F, Zhao YJ, Liu ZK, Feng XY, Ju RT, Li B & Wu JH*. 2024. Divergent geographic variation in above- versus below-ground secondary metabolites of Reynoutria japonica. Journal of Ecology, 112(3): 514-527.



6. Nie M, Liu WW, Pennings SC & Li B*. 2023. Lessons from the invasion of Spartina alterniflora in coastal China. Ecology, 104(1): e3874.

7. Qiu SY, Zhang Q, Xu X, Li XC, Zhou CH, Yang J, Zhou WN & Li B*. 2023. Nutrient enrichment triggers contrasting sexual reproductive responses in native and invasive plants in a saltmarsh. Journal of Cleaner Production, 419: 138319.

8. Qiu SY, Huang JX, Lu M, Xu X, Li XC, Zhang Q, Xin FF, Zhou CH, Zhang X, Nie M, Wu JH & Li B*. 2023. Nutrient enrichment undermines invasion resistance to Spartina alterniflora in a saltmarsh: Insights from modern coexistence theory. Journal of Applied Ecology, 60: 2472-2481.  

9. Wang SY, Martin P, Hao Y, Sutherland W, Shackelford G, Wu JH, Ju RT, Zhou WN* & Li B*. A global synthesis of the effectiveness and ecological impacts of management interventions for Spartina species. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 17(11): 141.

10. Wang XX, Xiao XM, Zhang CC, Dong JW & Li B*. 2023. Effects of the 2022 extreme droughts on avian influenza transmission risk in Poyang Lake. The Innovation Life, 1(3): 100044.

11. Wang XX, Xiao XM, Zhang X, Wu JH & Li B*. 2023. Rapid and large changes of coastal wetland structure in China’s major river deltas. Global Change Biology, 29: 2286-2300.

12. Zhang X, Xiao XM, Wang XX, Xu X, Qiu SY, Pan LH, Ma J, Ju RT, Wu JH & Li B*. 2023. Continual expansion of Spartina alterniflora in the temperate and subtropical coastal zones of China during 1985–2020. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 117: 103192.

13. Liu DF, Liu YS, Liu MY, Geng YP, Zhang YJ, Siemann E, Li B & Wang Y*. 2023. Phytolacca americana avoided synthesizing costly (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate and formed an ecological trap to defend against Spodoptera litura, unlike its congener Phytolacca icosandra. Journal of Pest Science, 97(2): 1-15.

14. Bi JW, Bossdorf O, Liao ZY, Richards CL, Parepa M, Zhao WH, Berninger F, Zhao YJ, Liu ZK, Deng XY, Ju RT, Li B & Wu JH*. 2023. Divergent geographic variation in above- versus belowground secondary metabolites of Reynoutria japonica. Journal of Ecology, 112(2): 514-527.

15. Chen JS, Li CM, Wu CL, Sun XA, Feng XS, Zhao JY, Ma ZJ, Wu JH, Bertness MD, Li B & He Q*. 2023. Top-down control of macrofauna: Are waterbirds passengers or drivers in wetlands? Biological Conservation, 279: 109903.

16. Chen LR#, Pan YF#, Pan XY*, Yu LR, Sosa A, Yang J & Li B. 2023. From competition to facilitation:evolutionary constraints on selfish shade avoidance behavior promotes plant invasions. Journal of Ecology, 112(3): 645-654.

17. Guo YL, Zhang YZ, Wu JH, Richards CL, Bossdorf O, Li B & Ju RT*. 2023. Geographic variation of litter chemistry and palatability in an invasive plant versus its native competitor. Journal of Biogeography, 50: 1139-1150.

18. Li JQ, Jiang MK, Pei JM, Fang CM, Li B, Nie M*. 2023. Convergence of carbon sink magnitude and water table depth in global wetlands. Ecology Letters, 26(5): 797-804.

19. Li JQ, Pei JM, Fang CM, Li B & Nie M*. 2023. Thermal adaptation of microbial respiration persists throughout long-term soil carbon decomposition. Ecology Letters, 26(10): 1803-1814.

20. Li JT, Zhang Y, Chen HY, Su HM, Tian WT, Li JQ, Liu X, Zhou SR, Fang CM, Li B & Nie M. 2023. Low soil moisture suppresses the thermal compensatory response of microbial respiration. Global Change Biology, 29: 874-889.

21. Li XC, Wang HC, McCauley DJ, Altieri AH, Silliman BR, Lefcheck JS, Wu JH, Li B & He Q* 2023. A wide megafauna gap undermines China’s expanding coastal ecosystem conservation. Science Advances, 9: eadg3800.

22. Liu H, Zhang X, Xu X, Li SS, Wu JH, Li B & Nie M*. 2023. Root plasticity benefits a global invasive species in eutrophic coastal wetlands. Functional Ecology, 38(1): 165-178.

23. Pan YF, Liu M, Sosa A, Li B, Shi M & Pan XY*. 2023. Hierarchical metacommunity structure of fungal endophytes. New Phytologist, 239(4): 1464-1474.

24. Su HM, Li JQ, Liu H, Fang CM, Li B & Nie M*. 2023. Global change factors regulate the apparent thermal acclimation of soil respiration: A meta-analysis. Applied Soil Ecology, 183: 104741.

25. Su HM, Chen HY, Li JT, Zhang Y, Liu X, Li JQ, Li B, Zhou SR & Nie M*. Nitrogen enrichment enhances thermal acclimation of soil microbial respiration. Biogeochemistry, 162: 343-357

26. Wang XX, Xiao XM, Zhang X, Ye H, Dong JW, He Q, Wang XB, Li B & Wu JH*. 2023. Characterization and mapping of photovoltaic solar power plants by Landsat imagery and random forest: A case study in Gansu Province, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 417: 138015

27. Xu CL, Silliman BR, Chen JS, Li XC, Thomsen MS, Zhang Q, Lee J, Lefcheck JS, Daleo P, Hughes BB, Jones HP, Wang R, Wang SP, Smith CS, Xi XQ, Altieri AH, van de Koppel J, Palmer TM, Liu LL, Wu JH, Li B & He Q*. 2023. Herbivory limits success of vegetation restoration globally interactions to help restore a greener planet. Science, 382: 589-594.

28. Zhang Y, Li JT, Xu X, Chen HY, Zhu T, Xu JJ, Xu XN, Li JQ, Liang C, Li B & Nie M*. 2023. Temperature fluctuation promotes the thermal adaptation of soil microbial respiration. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 7: 205-213.

29. 张群, 李博. 2023. 崇明东滩鸟类栖息地优化区海三棱藨草野外恢复实践. 应用生态学报, 30: 2663-2671.



30. Gong WH, Wang Y, Chen C, Xiong YT, Zhou Y, Xiao F, Li B & Wang Y*. 2022. The rapid evolution of an invasive plant due to increased selection pressures throughout its invasive history. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 233: e113322.

31. Huang JX, Zhang FQ, Qi LL, Zhang XL, Qiu SY, Xu X, Zhou CH, Nie M, Lu M & Li B*. 2022. Stem density induces differential effects of litter on native and invasive plants. Ecological Research, doi: 10.1111/1440-1703.12322.

32. Tang JS, Mao KS, Zhang HY, Xu XY, Xu XH, Guo H, Li B*. 2022. Multiple introductions and genetic admixture facilitate the successful invasion of Plantago virginica into China. Biological Invasions, 24: 2261-2272.

33. Wang XX, Xiao XM, He Q, Zhang X, Wu JH & Li B*. 2022. Biological invasions in China’s coastal zone. Science, 378: 597.

34. Wang XX, Xiao XM, Qin YW, Dong JW, Wu JH & Li B*. 2022. Improved maps of surface water bodies, large dams, reservoirs, and lakes in China. Earth System Science Data, 14: 3757-3771.

35. Xiao F, Chen C, Gong WH, Xiong YT, Zhou Y, Guo W, Li B & Wang Y*. 2022. Trade-off between shade tolerance and chemical resistance of invasive Phytolacca americana under different light levels compared with its native and exotic non-invasive congeners. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 196: 104809.

36. Xu X, Wei SJ, Chen HY, Li B* & Nie M. 2022. Effects of Spartina invasion on blue carbon sequestration in China. Journal of Applied Ecology, 59: 1937-1946.

37. Yang MM, Fu YK, Zhao RJ Koorem K, Li B*, Siemann E & Yang Q. 2022. The effects of light availability on plant-soil interactions and salinity tolerance of invasive tree species, Triadica sebifera. Forest Ecology and Management, 506: 119964.

38. Zhang X, Xiao XM, Qiu SY, Xu X, Wang XX, Chang Q, Wu JH & Li B*. 2022. Quantifying latitudinal variation in land surface phenology of Spartina alterniflora saltmarsh across coastal wetlands in China by Landsat 7/8 and Sentinel-2 images. Remote Sensing of Environment, 269: 112810.

39. Zhou CH, Zhang Y, Li SS, Jiang QY, Chen HY, Zhu T, Xu X, Liu H, Qiu SY, Wu JH, Nie M & Li B*. 2022. Exogenous nitrogen from riverine exports promotes soil methane production in saltmarshes in China. Science of the Total Environment, 838: 156203.

40. Chen HY, Jing QF, Liu X, Zhou XH, Fang CM, Li B, Zhou SR, Nie M*. 2022. Microbial respiratory thermal adaptation is regulated by r-/K-strategy dominance. Ecology Letters, 25(11): 2489-2499.

41. Jiang J, Zhao Y, Guo Y, Gao L, Richards CL, Siemann E, Wu J, Li B & Ju RT*. 2022. Restoration of native saltmarshes can reverse arthropod assemblages and trophic interactions changed by a plant invasion. Ecological Applications, e2740, https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.2740.

42. Li JQ, Pei JM, Li B, Fang CM & Nie M*. 2022. Opposing seasonal temperature dependencies of CO2 and CH4 emissions from wetlands. Global Change Biology, 34(1): e2740.

43. Ma S, Ren JL, Wu CL, Cheng FY, Wang XX, Li B & He Q. 2022. Hydrological control of threshold transitions in vegetation over early-period wetland development. Journal of Hydrology, 610: 127931.

44. Tian WT, Sun HM, Zhang Y, Xu JJ, Yao J, Li JQ, Li B & Nie M. Thermal adaptation occurs in the respiration and growth of widely distributed bacteria. Global Change Biology, 28: 2820-2829.

45. Xu X, Zhou CH, He Q, Qiu SY, Zhang Y, Li B, Nie M. 2022. Phenotypic plasticity of light use favors a plant invader in nitrogen-enriched ecosystems. Ecology, 103: e3665.

46. Xu X, Zhang Y, Li SS, Chen HY, Liu M, Li B & Nie M. 2022. Native herbivores indirectly facilitate the growth of invasive Spartina in a eutrophic saltmarsh. Ecology, 103: e3610.



47. Ren J, Chen J, Xu C, van de Koppel J, Thomsen MS, Qiu S, Cheng F, Song W, Liu Q, Xu C, Bai J, Zhang Y, Cui B, Bertness MD, Silliman BR, Li B & He Q. 2021. An invasive species erodes the performance of coastal wetland protected areas. Science Advances, 7: eabi8943.

48. Wan NF, Dainese M, Zhu F, Xiao LB, Zhang W, Ma J, Wang WM, Wang MT, Zhu JW, Wang JY, Cheng W, Zhou C, Chen SJ, Wei Q, Jiang YP, WU XW, Yi HJ, Gan HH, Shen HM, Ji XJ, Lu Y, Zhou ZJ, Zhang JJ, Chen WY, Qiu SY, Cai YM, Jiang JX, Li B. 2021. Decline of three farmland pest species in rapidly urbanizing landscapes. iScience, 24(9): 103002.

49. Wang XX, Xiao XM, Xu X, Zou ZH, Chen BQ, Qin YW, Zhang X, Liu DY, Pan LH & Li B. 2021. Rebound in China’s coastal wetlands following conservation and restoration. Nature Sustainability, 4(12):1-8.

50. Yang Y, Liu M, Pan YF, Zhang JY, Pan XY, Sosa A, Hou YP & Li B. 2021. Rapid evolution of latitudinal clines in growth and defense of an invasive weed. New Phytologist, 230: 845-856.

51. Zhang X, Xiao XM, Qiu SY, Xu X, Wang XX, Chang Q, Wu JH & Li B. 2021. Quantifying latitudinal variation in land surface phenology of Spartina alterniflora saltmarsh across coastal wetlands in China by Landsat 7/8 and Sentinel-2 images. Remote Sensing of Environment, 269:112810.

52. Zhang YZ, Pennings SC, Li B & Wu JH. Consistent pattern of higher lability of leaves from high latitudes for both native Phragmites australis and exotic Spartina alterniflora. Functional Ecology, 35(9): 2084-2093.

53. Zhu T, Yao J, Liu H, Zhou CH, Liu YZ, Wang ZW, Quan ZX, Li B, Yang J, Huang WC, Nie M. 2021. Cross-phytogroup assessment of foliar epiphytic mycobiomes. Environmental Microbiology, 23(10): 6210-6222.

54. Qian WQ, Chen JS, Zhang Q, Wu CL, Ma Q, Silliman BR, Wu JH, Li B & He Q. 2021. Top-down control of foundation species recovery during coastal wetland restoration. Science of the Total Environment, 769: 144854.

55. Li JQ, Zhu T, Singh BK, Pendall E, Li B, Fang CM & Nie, M. 2021. Key microorganisms mediate soil carbon-climate feedbacks in forest ecosystems. Science Bulletin, 66(19): 2036-2044.

56. Liu M, Pan YF, Pan XY, Sosa A, Blumenthal DM, Van Kleunen M & Li B. 2021. Plant invasion alters latitudinal pattern of plant-defense syndromes. Ecology, 102(12): e03511.

57. Chen, HY, Xu, X, Fang, CM, Li, B & Nie, M. 2021. Differences in the temperature dependence of wetland CO2 and CH4 emissions vary with water table depth. Nature Climate Change, 11(9): 766.

58. Li, JQ, Pei, JM, Liu, JJ, Wu, JH, Li, B, Fang, CM, Nie, M.2021.Spatiotemporal variability of fire effects on soil carbon and nitrogen: A global meta-analysis. Global Change Biology, 27(17): 4196-4206.

59. Li, N, Nie, M, Li, B, Wu, JH & Zhao, JY.2021. Contrasting effects of the aboveground litter of native Phragmites australis and invasive Spartina alterniflora on nitrification and denitrification. Science of The Total Environment, 764: 144283.




60. Wang SK, He Q, Zhang YZ, Sheng Q, Li B & Wu JH. 2020. Habitat-dependent impacts of exotic plant invasions on benthic food webs in a coastal wetland. Limnology and Oceanography, 66, 1256-1267.

61. Chen HY, Zhu T, Li B, Fang CM & Nie M. The thermal response of soil microbial methanogenesis decreases in magnitude with changing temperature. Nature Communications, 11: 5733. -

62. He Q, Li HR, Xu CL, Sun QY, Bertness MD, Fang CM, Li B & Silliman BR. 2020. Consumer regulation of the carbon cycle in coastal wetland ecosystems. Philosophical Transactions B, 375: 20190451.

63. Ju RT, Li X, Jiang JJ, Wu JH, Liu JG, Strong D & Li B. 2020. Emerging risks of non-native species escapes from aquaculture: call for policy improvements in China and other developing countries. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57: 85-90. .

64. Li JQ, Nie M, Pendall E, Reich PB, Pei JM, Jin Hoh N, Zhu T, Li B & Fang CM. 2020. Biogeographic variation in temperature sensitivity of decomposition in forest soils and implications for modeling future soil carbon cycle. Global Change Biology, 26: 1873-1885.

65. Li JQ, Pei JM, Pendall E, Reich PB, Pei JM, Jin Hoh N, Zhu T, Li B, Fang CM & Nie M. 2020. Rising temperature may trigger deep-soil carbon loss across forest ecosystems. Advanced Science, 7: 2001242.

66. Liu M, Pan XY, Zhang ZJ, van Kleunen M & Li B. 2020. Testing the shifting defense hypothesis for constitutive and induced resistance and tolerance. Journal of Pest Science, 93: 355-364.

67. Qiu SY, Liu SS, Wei SJ, Cui XH, Nie M, Huang JX, He Q, Ju RT & Li B. 2020. Changes in multiple environmental factors additively enhance the dominance of an exotic plant with a novel trade-off pattern. Journal of Ecology, 108: 1989-1999.

68. Sun KK, Yu WS, Jiang JJ, Richards C, Siemann E, Ma J, Li B & Ju RT. 2020. Mismatches between the resources for adult herbivores and their offspring suggest invasive Spartina alterniflora is an ecological trap. Journal of Ecology, 108: 719-732.

69. Wan NF, Zheng XR, Fu LW, Pødenphant Kiær L, Zhang ZJ, Chaplin-Kramer R, Dainese M, Tan JQ, Qiu SY, Hu YQ, Tang WD, Nie M, Ju RT, Deng JY, Jiang JX, Cai YM & Li B. 2020. Global synthesis of effects of plant species diversity on trophic groups and interactions. Nature Plants, 6: 503-510.

70. Wang XX, Xiao XM, Zou ZH, Chen BQ, Ma J, Dong JW, Doughty RB, Zhong QY, Qin YW, Dai SQ, Li XP, Zhao B & Li B. 2020a. Tracking annual changes of coastal tidal flats in China during 1986–2016 through analyses of Landsat images with Google Earth Engine. Remote Sensing of Environment, 238: 110987 (doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2018.11.030). 【该论文为ESI“高被引论文热点论文,已被SCI刊物引用60次】

71. Wang XX, Xiao XM, Zou ZH, Hou LY, Qin YW, Dong JW, Doughty RB, Chen BQ, Zhang X, Chen Y, Ma J, Zhao B & Li B. 2020b. Mapping coastal wetlands of China using time series Landsat images in 2018 and Google Earth Engine. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 163: 312-326.  【该论文为ESI“高被引论文,已被SCI刊物引用31次】

72. Wang XX, Zou ZH, Dong JW, Qin YW, Doughty RB, Menarguez MA, Chen BQ, Wang JB, Ye H, Ma J, Zhong QY, Zhao B & Li B. 2020c. Gainers and losers of surface and terrestrial water resources in China during 1989-2016. Nature Communications, 11: 3471.

73. Xin FF, Xiao XM, Dong JW, Zhang GL, Zhang Y, Wu XC, Li XG, Zou ZH, Ma J Du GM, Doughty RB, Zhao B & Li B. 2020. Large increases of paddy rice area, gross primary production, and grain production in Northeast China during 2000-2017. Science of the Total Environment, 711: 135183.

74. Xin FF, Xiao XM, Cabral O, White P, Guo HQ, Ma J, Zhao B & Li B*. Understanding land surface phenology and gross primary production of sugarcane plantations by eddy flux measurements, MODIS images and data-driven models. Remote Sensing, 12(14), 2186.

75.  Xu X, Liu YZ, Zhou CH, Pan LH, Fang CM, Nie M & Li B*. 2020. Human eutrophication drives biogeographic saltmarsh productivity patterns in China. Ecological Applications, 30 (2), e02045.

76. Zhang Q, Qiu SY, Cui XH, He Q & Li B*. 2020. Propagule types and environmental stresses matter in saltmarsh plant restoration. Ecological Engineering, 143, 105693,

77. Zhang P, Scheu S, Li B, Lin GH, Zhao JY & Wu JH. 2020. Litter C transformations of invasive Spartina alterniflora affected by litter type and soil source. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 56:369-379. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00374-019-01429-9

78. Zhang X, Xiao XM*, Wang XX, Chen BQ, Wang J, Ma J, Zhao B & Li B*. 2020. Quantifying expansion and removal of Spartina alterniflora on Chongming island, China, using time series Landsat images during 1995-2018. Remote Sensing of Environment, 247: 111916.

79. Zhang YZ, Li B, Wu JH & Pennings SC. 2020. Contrasting latitudinal clines of nematode diversity in Spartina alterniflora saltmarshes between native and introduced ranges. Diversity and Distributions, 26: 623-631.



80. Bortolus A, Adam P, Adams JB, Ainouche ML, Ayres D, Bertness MD, Bouma TJ, Bruno JF, Caçador I, Carlton JT, Castillo JM, Costa CSB, Davy AJ, Deegan L, Duarte B, Figueroa E, Gerwein J, Gray AJ, Grosholz ED, Hacker SD, Hughes AR, Mateos-Naranjo E, Mendelssohn IA, Morris JT, Muñoz-Rodríguez AF, Nieva FJJ, Levin LA, Li B, Liu WW, Pennings SC, Pickart A, Redondo-Gómez S, Richardson DM, Salmon A, Schwindt E, Silliman BR, Sotka EE, Stace C, Sytsma M, Temmerman S, Turner RE, Valiela I, Weinstein MP, Weis JS. 2019. Supporting Spartina: Interdisciplinary perspective shows Spartina as a distinct solid genus. Ecology, 100 (11): e02863.

81. Chen Y, Dong J, Xiang X, Ma ZJ. Tan K, Melville D, Li B, Lu HY, Liu JF & Liu FS. 2019. Effects of reclamation and natural changes on coastal wetlands bordering China’s Yellow Sea from 1984 to 2015. Land Degradation & Development, 30: 1533-1544.

82. Ju RT, Ma D, Siemann, Liu X, Wu JH & Li B*. 2019. Invasive Spartina alterniflora exhibits increased resistance but decreased tolerance to a generalist insect in China. Journal of Pest Science, 93: 823-833.

83. Liao CZ, Luo YQ, Tang XP, Ma ZJ & Li B*. 2019. Effects of human population density on the pattern of terrestrial nature reserves in China. Global Ecology and Conservation, DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2019.e00762.

84. Liu SS, Streich J, Borevitz JS, Rice KJ, Li TT, Li B, Bradford KJ. 2019. Environmental resource deficit may drive the evolution of intraspecific trait variation in invasive plant populations. Oikos, 128: 171-184.

85. Ma ZJ, Chen Y, Melville DS, Fan J, Liu JG, Dong JW, Tan K, Cheng XF, Fuller RA, Xiao XM & Li B. 2019. Changes in area and number of nature reserves in China. Conservation Biology, 33: 1066-1075.

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87. Shang L, Li LF, Song ZP, Wang Y, Yang J, Wang CC, Qiu SY, Huang JX, Nie M, Wolfe L, Li B*. 2019. High genetic diversity with weak phylogeographic structure of the invasive Spartina alterniflora (Poaceae) in China. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10: 1467..

88. Wan NF, Chen JQ, Jia XY, Chacón-Labella, Zhang H, Fan NN, Jiang JX &Li B*. 2019. Co-culture of multiple aquatic species enhances vegetable production in coastal Shanghai. Journal of Cleaner Production, 241: UNSP 118419.

89. Wan NF, Li SX, Li T, Cavalieri A, Weiner J, Zheng XQ, Ji XY, Zhang JQ, Zhang HL, Zhang H, Bai NL, Chen YJ, Zhang HY, Tao XB, Zhang HL, Lv WG, Jiang JX & Li B*. 2019. Ecological intensification of rice production through rice-fish co-culture. Journal of Cleaner Production, 234:1002-1012.

90. Zhang P, Li B, Wu JH & Hu SJ. 2019. Invasive plants differentially affect soil biota through litter and rhizosphere pathways: a meta-analysis. Ecology Letters, 22: 200-210. 【该论文为ESI“高被引论文,已被SCI刊物引用39次】

91. Zhang XD, Cui L, Nie M, Shao J, Wei S, Kang X & Li B*. 2019. Macrophytes and crabs affect nitrogen transformations in salt marshes of the Yangtze River Estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2019.106242.

92. Zhang YZ, Pennings SC, Li B & Wu JH. 2019. Biotic homogenization of wetland nematode communities by exotic Spartina alterniflora in China. Ecology, 100: e02596.

93. Zhang ZJ, Zhou F, Pan XY, van Kleunen M, Liu M & Li B. 2019. Evolution of increased intraspecific competitive ability following introduction: the importance of relatedness among genotypes. Journal of Ecology, 107: 387-395.

94. 李骁,吴纪华,李博*. 2019. 为生物多样性与人类未来而战. 科学通报,64 (23):2374-2378.



95. Ju RT, Luo QU, Gao L, Yang J & Li B*. 2018. Identification of HSP70 gene in Corythucha ciliata and its expression profiles under laboratory and field thermal conditions. Cell Stress and Chaperones, 23: 195-201.

96. Li JQ, Yan D, Pei JM, Pendall E, Noh NJ, He JS, Li B, Nie M and Fang CM. 2018. Depth dependence of soil carbon temperature sensitivity across Tibetan permafrost regions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 126: 82-90.

97. Liu M, Zhou F, Pang XY, Zhang ZJ, Thaw, NB & Li B. 2018. Specificity of herbivore-induced responses in an invasive species, Alternanthera philoxeroides (alligator weed). Evolution and Ecology, 8: 59-70.

98. Nie M, Zou JY, Xu X, Liang C, Fang CM & Li B. 2018. Comment on “Unexpected reversal of C-3 versus C-4 grass response to elevated CO2 during a 20-year field experiment”. Science, 361: aau3016.

99. Qiu SY, Xu X, Liu SS, Liu WW, Liu J, Nie M, Shi FC, Zhang YH, Weiner J & Li B*. 2018. Latitudinal pattern of flowering synchrony in an invasive wind-pollinated plant. Proceedings of The Royal Society-Biological Sciences, 285: 1884.

100. Tang L, Li B, Zhao B, Li P, LI ZB & Gao Y. 2018. Invasive Smooth Cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) Eradication and Native Crab Recovery. Invasive Plant Science and Management, 11: 89-95.

101. Wan NF, Cai YM, Shen YJ, Ji XY, Wu XW, Zheng XR, Cheng W, Li J, Jiang YP, Chen X, Weiner J, Jiang JX, Nie M, Ju RT, Yuan T, Tang JJ, Tian WD, Zhang H & Li B*. 2018. Increasing plant diversity with border crops reduces insecticide use and increases crop yield in urban agriculture. eLife, 7: e35103.

102. Wan NF, Ji XY, Pødenphant Kiær L, Liu SS, Deng JY, Jiang JX & Li B*. 2018. Ground cover increases spatial aggregation and association of insect herbivores and their predators in an agricultural landscape. Landscape Ecology, 33: 799-809.

103. Zhang P, Neher DA, Li B & Wu JH. 2018. The impacts of above- and belowground plant input on soil microbiota: invasive Spartina alterniflora vs. native Phragmites australis. Ecosystems, 21: 469-481.

104. Zhang ZJ, Pan XY, Blumenthal D, van Kleunen M, Liu M & Li B. 2018. Contrasting effects of specialist and generalist herbivores on resistance evolution in invasive plants. Ecology, 99: 866-875.




105. Cui J, Chen XP, Nie M, Fang SB, Tang BP, Quan ZX, Li B & Fang CM. 2018. Effects of Spartina alterniflora Invasion on the Abundance, Diversity, and Community Structure of Sulfate Reducing Bacteria along a Successional Gradient of Coastal Salt Marshes in China . Wetlands, 37: 221-232.

106. Ju RT, Gao L, Wei SJ & Li B*. 2017. Spring warming increases the abundance of an invasive specialist insect: links to phenology and life history. Scientific Reports, 7: 14805.

107. Li JQ, Pei JM, Cun J, Chen XP, Nie M, Li B & Fang CM. 2017. Carbon quality mediates the temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition in managed ecosystems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 250: 45-50.

108. Pei JM, Zhuang S, Cui J, Li JQ, Li B, Wu JH & Fang CM. 2017. Biochar decreased the temperature sensitivity of soil carbon decomposition in a paddy field. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 249: 156-164.

109. Wan NF, Deng JY, Huang KF, Ji XY, Zhang H, Jiang JX & Li B*. 2017. Nucleopolyhedrovirus infection enhances plant defences by increasing plant volatile diversity. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 27: 1292-1307.

110. Wan NF, Ji XJ, Jiang JX* & Li B*. 2017. A conceptual framework for ecosystem management based on tradeoff analysis. Ecological Indicators, 75: 352-361.

111. Zhang P, Nie M, Li B & Wu JH. 2017. The transfer and allocation of newly fixed C by invasive Spartina alterniflora and native Phragmites australis to soil microbiota. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 113: 231-239.

112. Zhou JH, Ju RT, Li B, Wu JH. 2017. Responses of soil biota and nitrogen availability to an invasive plant under aboveground herbivory. Plant and Soil, 415: 479-491.



113. Chen Y, Dong JW, Zhang M, Li B, Xiao XM & Ma ZJ. 2016. Land reclamation and loss of tidal flats in the Yangtze Estuary. Scientific Reports, 6: 24018.

114. Elmer WH, Marra RE, Li H & Li B. 2016. Incidence of Fusarium spp. on the invasive Spartina alterniflora on Chongming Island, Shanghai, China . Biological Invasions, 18: 2221-2227.

115. Gao L, Li B & Jin L. 2016. Can water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) be controlled by reducing nitrogen and phosphorus pollution of water bodies? Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 14: 77-91.

116. Geng YP, Van Klinken RD, Sosa A, Li B, Chen JK & Xu CY. 2016, The relative importance of genetic diversity and phenotypic plasticity in determining invasion success of a clonal weed in the USA and China . Frontiers in Plant Science, 7: Article 213.

117. Huang JX, Xu X, Nie M, Wang M, Qiu SY, Wang Q, Quan ZX, Li B*. 2016. Responses of soil nitrogen fixation to Spartina alterniflora invasion and nitrogen addition in a Chinese salt marsh. Scientific Reports, 6: 20384.

118. Ju RT, Chen YY, Gao L & Li B*. 2016. The extended phenology of Spartina invasion alters a native herbivorous insect's abundance and diet in a salt marsh. Biological Invasions, 18: 2229-2236.

119. Li H, Liu YZ, Li J, Zhou XH & Li B*. 2016. Dynamics of litter decomposition of dieback Phragmites in Spartina-invaded salt marshes. Ecological Engineering, 90: 459-65.

120. Shao JJ, Luo YQ, Zhang GD, Li B, Dan L, Gao ZQ, He Y, Huntzinger D, Jain A, Mao JF, Meng JH, Michalak A, Peng CH, Poulter B, Schwalm C, Shi XY, Sun R, Tao FL, Zeng N, Zhu QA, Zhu WQ & Zhou XH. 2016. Uncertainty analysis of terrestrial net primary productivity and net biome productivity in China during 1901-2005. Journal of Geophysical Research–Biogeosciences, 121: 1372-1393.

121. Shao JJ, Luo YQ, Zhang GD, Li B, et al. 2016. Direct and indirect effects of climatic variations on the interannual variability in net ecosystem exchange across terrestrial ecosystems. Tellus B, 68: 30575.

122. Wan NF, Ji XJ, Jiang JX* & Li B*. 2016. Effect of host plants on the infectivity of nucleopolyhedrovirus to Spodoptera exigua larvae. Journal of Applied Entomology, 140: 636-644.

123. Wang CH & Li B*. 2016. Variation of direct and indirect plant-plant interactions mediated by stress and disturbance treatments in an assembled marsh community. Oecologia, 182: 139-152.

124. 周晨昊, 毛覃愉, 徐晓, 方长明, 骆永明, 李博*. 2016. 中国海岸带蓝碳生态系统碳汇潜力的初步分析. 中国科学: 生命科学, 46: 475-486.

125. 黎静, 鞠瑞亭, 吴纪华, 李博*. 2016. 海岸带生物入侵的生态后果及管理对策建议. 中国科学院院刊. 31: 1204-1210.



126. Bu NS, LI ZL, Cui J, Peng RH, Chen XP, Zhao WZ, Jiang LF, Li B, Zhao B, Chen JK & Fang CM. 2015. Effects of Spartina alterniflora invasion on soil respiration in the Yangtze River estuary, China . PLoS ONE, 10: e0121571.

127. Chen HL, Zhang P, Li B & Wu JH. 2015. Invasive cordgrass facilitates epifaunal communities in a Chinese marsh. Biological Invasions, 17: 205-217.

128. Ding X, Peng XJ, Jin BS, Xiao M, Chen JK, Li B, Fang CM & Nie M. 2015. Spatial distribution of bacterial communities driven by multiple environmental factors in a beach wetland of the largest freshwater lake in China , Frontiers in Microbiology, 6: 129.

129. Hu ZJ, Ge ZM, Ma Q, Zhang ZT, Tang CD, Cao HB, Zhang TY, Li B & Zhang LQ 2015. Revegetation of a native species in a newly formed tidal marsh under varying hydrological conditions and planting densities in the Yangtze Estuary. Ecological Engineering, 83: 354-363.

130. Ju RT, Zhu HY, Gao L, Zhou XH & Li B*. 2015. Increases in both temperature means and extremes likely facilitate invasive herbivore outbreaks. Scientific Reports, 5: 15715.

131. Ma ZJ & Li B. 2015. Complex ecology of China ’s seawall-Response. Science, 347: 1080.

132.  Shang L, Qiu SY, Huang JX & Li B*. 2015. Invasion of Spartina alterniflora in China is greatly facilitated by increased growth and clonality: a comparative study of native and introduced populations. Biological Invasions, 17: 1327-1339.

133. Shao JJ, Zhou XH, Luo YQ, Li B, Aurela M, Billesbach D, Blanken PD, Bracho R, Chen JQ, Fischer M, Fu YL, Gu LH, Han SJ, He YT, Kolb T, Li YN, Nagy Z, Niu SL, Oechel WC, Pinter K, Shi PL, Suyker A, Torn M, Varlagin A, Wang HM, Yan JH, Yu GR & Zhang JH. 2015. Biotic and climatic controls on interannual variability in carbon fluxes across terrestrial ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 205: 11-22.

134. Wan NF, Ji XJ, Jiang JX & Li B*. 2015. A modelling methodology to assess the effect of insect pest control on agro-ecosystems. Scientific Reports, 5: 9727.

135. Wan NF, Ji XY, Jiang JX, Zhang YM, Liang JH & Li B*. 2015. An ecological indicator to evaluate the effect of chemical insecticidepollution management on complex ecosystems. Ecological Indicators, 53: 11-17.

136. Wang JQ, Bertness MD, Li B*, Chen JK & Lu WG. 2015. Plant effects on burrowing crab morphology in a Chinese salt marsh: native vs. exotic plants. Ecological Engineering, 74: 376-384.

137. Yang Q, Li B* & Siemann E. 2015. Positive and negative biotic interactions and invasive Triadica sebifera tolerance to salinity: a cross-continent comparative study. Oikos, 124: 216-224.

138. Yang Q, Li B* & Siemann E. 2015. The effects of fertilization on plant-soil interactions and salinity tolerance of invasive Triadica sebifera. Plant and Soil, 394: 99-107.

139. Yang Q, Wei SJ, Shang L, Carrillo J, Gabler CA , Nijjer S, Li B* & Siemann E. 2015. Mycorrhizal associations of an invasive tree are enhanced by both genetic and environmental mechanisms. Ecography, 38: 1112-1118.

140. Zhang ZJ, Pan XY, Zhang ZY, He KS & Li B. 2015. Specialist insect herbivore and light availability do not interact in the evolution of an invasive plant. PLoS ONE, 10: 10.1371/journal.pone.0139234

141. 马丁、鞠瑞亭、李博. 2015. 土著昆虫素毒蛾对入侵植物互花米草地理种群的选择性. 生物多样性, 23: 101-108.



142.  Gao Y, Yan WL, Li B, Zhao B, Li P, Li ZB & Tang L. 2014. The substantial influences of non-resource conditions on recovery of plants: A case study of clipped Spartina alterniflora asphyxiated by submergence. Ecological Engineering, 73: 345-352.

143. He Q, Bertness MD, Bruno JF, Li B, Chen GQ, Coverdale TC, Altieri AH, Bai JH, Sun T, Pennings SC, Liu JG, Ehrlich PR & Cui BS. 2014. Economic development and coastal ecosystem change in China . Scientific Reports, 4: 5995.【该文得到了Science 杂志Editor’s Choice栏目的介绍,见Science, 345: 784 (2014)

144. Ju RT, Gao L, Zhou XH & Li B*. 2014a. Physiological responses of Corythucha ciliata adults to high temperatures under laboratory and field conditions. Journal of Thermal Biology, 45: 15-21.

145. Ju RT, Wei HP, Wang F, Zhou XH & Li B*. 2014b. Anaerobic respiration and antioxidant responses of Corythucha ciliata (Say) adults to heat-induced oxidative stress under laboratory and field conditions. Cell Stress & Chaperones, 19: 255-262.

146. Li H, Zhang ZM, Zheng RS, Li X, Elmer WH, Wolfe LM & Li B*. 2014. Indirect effects of non-native Spartina alterniflora and its fungal pathogen (Fusarium palustre) on native salt marsh plants in China . Journal of Ecology, 102: 1112-1119.

147. Liu C, Lu M, Cui J, Li B & Fang CM. 2014. Effects of straw carbon input on carbon dynamics in agricultural systems: a meta-analysis. Global Change Biology, 20: 1366-1381. 【该论文为ESI“高被引论文,已被SCI刊物引用363次】

148. Ma ZJ, Gan XJ, Choi C & Li B. 2014. Effects of invasive cordgrass on presence of mars grassbird in an area where it is not native. Conservation Biology, 28: 150-158.

149. Ma ZJ, Melville D, Liu JG, Chen Y, Yang HY, Ren WW, Zhang ZW, Piersma T & Li B. 2014. Rethinking China ’s new great wall. Science, 346: 912-914.

150.  Shao JJ, Zhou XH, He HL, Yu GR, Wang HM, Luo YQ, Chen JK & Li B. 2014. Partitioning climatic and biotic effects on interannual variability of ecosystem carbon exchange in a subtropical plantation. Ecosystems, 17: 1186-1201.

151. Sheng Q, Zhao B, Huang MY, Wang L, Quan ZX, Fang CM, Li B & Wu JH. 2014. Greenhouse gas emissions following an invasive plant eradication program. Ecological Engineering, 73: 229-237.

152. Tang L, Gao Y, Li B, Wang Q, Wang CH & Zhao B. 2014. Spartina alterniflora with high tolerance to salt stress changes vegetation pattern by outcompeting native species. Ecosphere, 5: Article 116.

153. Wan NF, Gu XJ, Ji XY, Jiang JX, Wu JH & Li B*. 2014. Ecological engineering of ground cover vegetation enhances the diversity and stability of peach orchard canopy arthropod communities. Ecological Engineering, 70: 175-182.

154. Wan NF, Jiang JX & Li B*. 2014. Modeling ecological two-sidedness for complex ecosystems. Ecological Modelling, 287: 36-43.

155. Wan NF, Ji XY, Gu XJ, Jiang JX, Wu JH & Li B*. 2014. Ecological Engineering of ground cover vegetation promotes biocontrol services in peach orchards. Ecological Engineering, 64: 62-65.

156. Wang SK, Chu TJ, Huang DQ, Li B & Wu JH. 2014. Incorporation of exotic Spartina alterniflora into salt marsh food webs through deposit-feeding snails: stable isotope and fatty acid analyses. Ecosystems, 17: 567-577.

157. Xu X, Zhao W, Xiao M, Huang J, Fang C, Li B & Nie M. 2014. Snails promote methane release from a freshwater lake ecosystem. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2: 12.

158. Zhou LY, Zhou XH, Zhang BC, Lu M, Luo YQ, Liu LL & Li B. 2014. Different responses of soil respiration and its components to nitrogen addition among biomes: A meta-analysis. Global Change Biology, 20: 2332-2343.

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