王燕,女, 博士,1988年5月生,辽宁省大连市人, 国家自然科学基金青年基金获得者。现任助理研究员,硕士生导师。
E-mail: wy11nike@foxmail.com
l 2007.9-2011.6: 沈阳农业大学生物科学与技术系生物科学专业学习,获理学学士学位
l 2011.9-2014.6: 沈阳农业大学学习,细胞生物专业,获理学学硕士学位
l 2014.9-2019.1:中国科学院武汉植物园单位,生态学专业,获生态学专业博士学位。
l 2021-2024:国家基金委国家自然科学基金青年项目:重金属污染对入侵植物与本地植物生态学互作关系的影响,项目负责人王燕,经费30万元
l 2024年-20XX年:云南省科技厅科技计划项目基础研究专项:外来入侵植物响应重金属污染对本地植物群落的影响作用机制,项目负责人王燕,经费5万元
1. Wang Y, Chen C, Xiong Y, Wang Y, Li Q. 2021. Combination effects of heavy metal and inter-specific competition on the invasiveness of Alternanthera philoxeroides. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 189:104532.
2. Wang Y, Xiong Y, Wang Y, Li Q. 2021年. Long period exposure to serious cadmium pollution benefits an invasive plant (Alternanthera philoxeroides) competing with its native congener (Alternanthera sessilis). Science of the Total Environment 786:147456.
3. Wang Y, Yu H, Chen C, Xiong Y, Wang J, Wang Y. 2022. Beneficial effects of cadmium on plant defense of an invasive plant. Environmental and Experimental Botany 204:105101.
4. Li YL, Xiong YT, Jin JR, Wang CN, Pan ZL, Wang J, Wang Y, Wang Y. 2023. Seed traits of reintroduced invasive populations of show few differences in comparison with those of native populations. Plant Ecology 224:697-703.
5. Gong W, Wang Y, Chen C, Xiong Y, Zhou Y, Xiao F, Li B, Wang Y. 2022. The rapid evolution of an invasive plant due to increased selection pressures throughout its invasive history. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 233.