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      作者: 来源:suhaojie@cqlty.com 发布时间 : 2022-05-31 10:43:16 点击量:

      苏豪杰,男, 博士,198911月生,河南安阳市, 尊龙凯时东陆青年学者,云南省兴滇英才支持计划青年人才获得者。现为尊龙凯时/高原湖泊生态与治理研究院副研究员、硕士生导师。

      主要从事湖泊生态学方面的研究。先后承担完成了国家自然科学基金青年项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、云南省科技厅项目等8;在国内外核心刊物上发表学术论文40余篇,其中近五年以第一或通讯作者在Global Change Biology, The Innovation Geoscience, Ecology, Journal of Ecology, Functional Ecology, Limnology and Oceanography, Water Research等国际权威期刊发表论文11 篇。2018 荣获中国科学院生态系统研究网络(CERN)十篇青年优秀学术论文。







      E-mail: suhaojie@cqlty.com



      2008.92012.6: 河南大学生命科学学院生物技术专业,获理学学士学位

      2012.92017.6: 中国科学院水生生物研究所,水生生物学专业,获理学士学位




      2021-2024:云南省科技厅项目: 时间序列长度和物种多样性对高原湖泊生态系统稳态转换预警信号的影响,课题负责人,经费45万元

      2022-2023:中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类): 长江中下游湖泊鱼类捕捞量变化及其对生态系统的影响,课题负责人,经费40.7万元

      2022-2024:国家自然科学基金青年项目: 沉水植物密度和性状依赖的正反馈作用对湖泊富营养化的响应,项目负责人,经费30万元



      2024-2027:国家自然科学基金面上项目: 增温和富营养化对湖泊生态系统物种多样性,营养级异步性和群落稳定性的影响,项目负责人,经费50万元






      2019年获2018年度 CERN十篇青年优秀学术论文奖(排名第):Stoichiometric mechanisms of regime shifts in freshwater ecosystem. 证书号:201807




      1. Su, H., Li, Y., Zhong, M., Ma, R., Chen, J., Rao, Q., Feng, Y., Ma, S., Chen, J., Wang, H., Jeppesen, E. and Xie, P. (2024). No positive effects of biodiversity on ecological resilience of lake ecosystems. The Innovation Geoscience:100064. DOI: 10.59717/j.xinn-geo.2024.100064.

      2. Cheng, C., Chen, J., Su, H.*, Chen, J., Rao, Q., Yang, J., Chou, Q., Wang, L., Deng, X. and Xie, P*. (2023) Eutrophication decreases ecological resilience by reducing species diversity and altering functional traits of submerged macrophytes. Global change biology. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/gcb.16872

      3. Rao, Q., Chen, J., Chou, Q., Ren, W., Cao, T., Zhang, M., Xiao, H., Liu, Z., Chen, J., Su, H*. and Xie, P*. (2023) Linking trait network parameters with plant growth across light gradients and seasons. Functional Ecology 37(6), 1732-1746.

      4. Su, H., Chen, J., Li, Y., Rao, Q., Luo, C., Deng, X., Shen, H., Li, R., Chen, J., Sun, Y., Pan, J., Ma, S., Feng, Y., Wang, H., Fang, J. and Xie, P. (2023) Carp stocking and climate change are potentially more important factors than nutrient enrichment driving water quality deterioration in subtropical freshwater lakes in China. Limnology and Oceanography 68, S131-S143.

      5. Su, H., Feng, Y., Chen, J., Chen, J., Ma, S., Fang, J. & Xie, P. (2021) Determinants of trophic cascade strength in freshwater ecosystems: a global analysis. Ecology, e03370. http://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3370

      6. Su, H., Wang, R., Feng, Y., Li, Y., Li, Y., Chen, J., Xu, C., Wang, S., Fang, J. & Xie, P. (2021) Long-term empirical evidence, early warning signals and multiple drivers of regime shifts in a lake ecosystem. Journal of Ecology, 109(9): 3182-3194. http://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.13544

      7. Su H.#, Pan J.#, Feng Y., Yu J., Liu J., Wang L., Li Y., Chen J., Wu Z., Ma S., Fang J., Xie P. (2021) Stocking alien carp leads to regime shifts in native fish populations: Evidence from long-term observation and ecological modeling of a Chinese reservoir. Ecological Indicators, 132: 108327.

      8. Feng, Y., Su, H.*, Tang, Z., Wang, S., Zhao, X., Zhang, H., Ji, C., Zhu, J., Xie, P., Fang J. (2021) Reduced resilience of terrestrial ecosystems locally is not reflected on a global scale. Commun Earth Environ 2, 88. http://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-021-00163-1

      9. Chen, J., Liu, Z., Xiao, S., Chen, R., Luo, C., Zhu, T., Cao, T., Ni, L., Xie, P., Su, H.* & Zhang, M*. (2020) Effects of benthivorous fish disturbance on chlorophyll a contents in water and the growth of two submersed macrophytes with different growth forms under two light regimes. Science of the Total Environment, 704, 135269.

      10. Su, H., Wu, Y., Xia, W., Yang, L., Chen, J., Han, W., Fang, J. & Xie, P. (2019) Stoichiometric mechanisms of regime shifts in freshwater ecosystem. Water Research, 149, 302-310.

      11. Su, H., Chen, J., Wu, Y., Chen, J., Guo, X., Yan, Z., Tian, D., Fang, J. & Xie, P. (2019) Morphological traits of submerged macrophytes reveal specific positive feedbacks to water clarity in freshwater ecosystems. Science of The Total Environment, 684, 578-586.

      12. Su, H., Wu, Y., Xie, P., Chen, J., Cao, T. & Xia, W. (2016) Effects of taxonomy, sediment, and water column on C: N: P stoichiometry of submerged macrophytes in Yangtze floodplain shallow lakes, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23, 22577-22585.

      13. 苏豪杰, 吴耀, 夏午来, . 2017. 长江中下游湖泊群落水平下沉水植物碳、氮、磷化学计量特征及其影响因素. 湖泊科学, 2: 430-438.



      14. Lv, C., Tian, Y., Huang, L., Shan, H., Chou, Q., Zhang, W., Su, H., Li, K., Zhang, X., Ni, L., Cao, T. and Jeppesen, E. (2023) Buffering capacity of submerged macrophytes against nutrient pulses increase with its coverage in shallow lakes. Chemosphere 332.

      15. Yin, C., Yang, Y., Ni, L., Chen, Y., Wen, Z., Su, H. and Guo, L. (2023) Temperature, nutrients and planktivorous fish predation interact to drive crustacean zooplankton in a large plateau lake, southwest China. Aquatic Sciences 85(1).

      16. Huang, H., Tian, D., Zhou, L., Su, H., Ma, S., Feng, Y., Tang, Z., Zhu, J., Ji, C. and Fang, J. (2022) Effects of afforestation on soil microbial diversity and enzyme activity: A meta-analysis. Geoderma 423.

      17. Ma, S., Chen, X., Su, H., Xing, A., Chen, G., Zhu, J., Zhu, B. and Fang, J. (2022) Phosphorus addition decreases soil fungal richness and alters fungal guilds in two tropical forests. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 175.

      18. Wang, L., Rao, Q., Su, H., Ruan, L., Deng, X., Liu, J., Chen, J. and Xie, P. (2022) Linking the network topology of plant traits with community structure, functioning, and adaptive strategies of submerged macrophytes. Science of the Total Environment 850.

      19. Ouyang, M., Tian, D., Pan, J., Chen, G., Su, H., Yan, Z., Yang, Q., Ji, C., Tang, Z. and Fang, J. (2022) Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) invasion increases forest soil pH in subtropical China. CATENA 215.

      20. Chen, J., Chou, Q., Ren, W., Su, H., Zhang, M., Cao, T., Zhu, T., Ni, L., Liu, Z. & Xie, P. (2022) Growth, morphology and C/N metabolism responses of a model submersed macrophyte, Vallisneria natans, to various light regimes. Ecological Indicators, 136, 108652.

      21. Feng, Y., Schmid, B., Loreau, M., Forrester, D. I., Fei, S., Zhu, J., Tang, Z., Zhu, J., Hong, P., Ji, C., Shi, Y., Su, H., Xiong, X., Xiao, J., Wang, S. & Fang, J. (2022) Multispecies forest plantations outyield monocultures across a broad range of conditions. Science, 376, 865-868.

      22. Li, Y., Shen, R., Liu, X., Su, H., Wu, F. & Chen, F. (2022) Impacts of nutrient reduction on temporal β-diversity of rotifers: A 19-year limnology case study on Lake Wuli, China. Water Research, 216, 118364.

      23. Ouyang, M., Yang, C., Tian, D., Pan, J., Chen, G., Su, H., Yan, Z., Ji, C., Tang, Z. & Fang, J. (2022) A field-based estimation of moso bamboo forest biomass in China. Forest Ecology and Management, 505, 119885.

      24. Li, Y., Geng, M., Yu, J., Du, Y., Xu, M., Zhang, W., Wang, J., Su, H., Wang, R. & Chen, F. (2022) Eutrophication decrease compositional dissimilarity in freshwater plankton communities. Science of The Total Environment, 821, 153434.

      25. Ma, S., Zhu, B., Chen, G., Ni, X., Zhou, L., Su, H., Cai, Q., Chen, X., Zhu, J. & Ji, C. (2022) Loss of soil microbial residue carbon by converting a tropical forest to tea plantation. Science of The Total Environment, 818, 151742.

      26. Rao, Q., Su, H., Ruan, L., Xia, W., Deng, X., Wang, L., Xu, P., Shen, H., Chen, J. & Xie, P. (2022) Phosphorus enrichment affects trait network topologies and the growth of submerged macrophytes. Environmental Pollution, 292, 118331.

      27. Sun, Y., Wang, Y., Yan, Z., He, L., Ma, S., Feng, Y., Su, H., Chen, G., Feng, Y. & Ji, C. (2022) Above-and belowground biomass allocation and its regulation by plant density in six common grassland species in China. Journal of Plant Research, 135, 41-53.

      28. Wen, Z., Wang, H., Zhang, Z., Cao, Y., Yao, Y., Gao, X., Tian, Y., Su, H., Ni, L. & Xiao, W. (2022) Depth distribution of three submerged macrophytes under water level fluctuations in a large plateau lake. Aquatic Botany, 176, 103451.

      29. Xiong, X., Zhu, J., Li, S., Fan, F., Cai, Q., Ma, S., Su, H., Ji, C., Tang, Z. & Fang, J. (2022) Aboveground biomass and its biotic and abiotic modulators of a main food bamboo of the giant panda in a subalpine spruce–fir forest in southwestern China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 15, 1-12.

      30. Sun, Y., Feng, Y., Wang, Y., Zhao, X., Yang, Y., Tang, Z., Wang, S., Su, H., Zhu, J. & Chang, J. (2021) Field‐Based Estimation of Net Primary Productivity and Its Above‐and Belowground Partitioning in Global Grasslands. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126, e2021JG006472.

      31. Feng, Y., Wang, Y., Su, H., Pan, J., Sun, Y., Zhu, J., Fang, J. & Tang, Z. (2021) Assessing the effectiveness of global protected areas based on the difference in differences model. Ecological Indicators, 130, 108078.

      32. Li, Y., Wang, R., Su, H., Wang, J., Xie, P. & Chen, F. (2021) Eutrophication and predation mediate zooplankton diversity and network structure. Limnology and Oceanography, 999, 1-13.

      33. Rao, Q., Su, H., Ruan, L., Deng, X., Wang, L., Rao, X., Liu, J., Xia, W., Xu, P. & Shen, H. (2021) Stoichiometric and physiological mechanisms that link hub traits of submerged macrophytes with ecosystem structure and functioning. Water Research, 202, 117392.

      34. Wang, L., Chen, J., Su, H., Ma, X., Wu, Z., Shen, H., Yu, J., Liu, J., Wu, Y. & Ding, G. (2021) Is Zooplankton Body Size an Indicator of Water Quality in (Sub) tropical Reservoirs in China? Ecosystems. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10021-021-00656-2

      35. Rao, Q., Su, H., Deng, X., Xia, W., Wang, L., Cui, W., Ruan, L., Chen, J. & Xie, P. (2020) Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Allocation Strategy Among Organs in Submerged Macrophytes Is Altered by Eutrophication. Frontiers in plant science, 11, 1554.

      36. Chen, J., Ren, W., Chou, Q., Su, H., Ni, L., Zhang, M., Liu, Z. & Xie, P. (2020) Alterations in biomass allocation indicate the adaptation of submersed macrophytes to low-light stress. Ecological Indicators, 113, 106235.

      37. Chen, J., Su, H., Zhou, G., Dai, Y., Hu, J., Zhao, Y., Liu, Z., Cao, T., Ni, L., Zhang, M. & Xie, P. (2020) Effects of benthivorous fish disturbance and snail herbivory on water quality and two submersed macrophytes. Science of the Total Environment, 713, 136734.

      38. Chen, J., Liu, Z., Xiao, S., Chen, R., Luo, C., Zhu, T., Cao, T., Ni, L., Xie, P. & Su, H. (2020) Effects of benthivorous fish disturbance on chlorophyll a contents in water and the growth of two submersed macrophytes with different growth forms under two light regimes. Science of the Total Environment, 704, 135269.

      39. Yu, J., Chen, J., Deng, X., Wu, Z., Yu, Z., Xu, J., Su, H., Liu, J., Wang, L., Wu, Y. & Xie, P. (2019) Trophic Patterns of Bighead Carp and Silver Carp Follow the Seasonality of Resource Availability. Water, 11.

      40. Wang, L., Shen, H., Wu, Z., Yu, Z., Li, Y., Su, H., Zheng, W., Chen, J. & Xie, P. (2020) Warming affects crustacean grazing pressure on phytoplankton by altering the vertical distribution in a stratified lake. Science of the total environment, 734, 139195-139195.

      41. Rao, Q., Deng, X., Su, H., Xia, W., Wu, Y., Zhang, X. & Xie, P. (2018) Effects of high ammonium enrichment in water column on the clonal growth of submerged macrophyte Vallisneria natans. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25, 32735-32746.

      42. Chen, J., Xu, H., Cao, T., Zhang, X., Xi, Y., Wen, X., Su, H., Silva, W. D., Zhu, T. & Ni, L. (2017) Root-foraging behavior ensures the integrated growth of Vallisneria natans in heterogeneous sediments. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 1-12.

      43. 孔祥虹, 肖兰兰, 苏豪杰, 吴耀, 张霄林 & 李中强 (2015) 长江下游湖泊水生植物现状及与水环境因子的关系. 湖泊科学, 385-391.

