(2)发展了基于多源数据融合的多尺度水文-水动力建模方法,阐明了跨尺度洪水过程的关键影响因素和洪水风险的区域差异性;构建了多标准决策 (MCDM) 框架用于灰绿耦合策略的韧性评估,促进了雨洪韧性管理体系的发展。
(3)建立了基于大气环流模型 (GCM)、社会经济预测 (SSP)、和环境遥感数据 (土地利用、人口密度) 的高分辨率的情景分析框架,表征了气候和社会经济变化下洪水和面源污染风险的时空趋势,提升了对变化环境下生态水文风险的认知。
E-mail: wenyu.yang@cqlty.com
l2015.9-2023.5:德国德累斯顿工业大学(TU Dresden)水资源管理专业学习,获工学博士学位
l2016–2017:BMBF-Innovation Cluster Major Water中德重大水专项(02WCL1337A-K),Managing Water Resources for Urban Catchments,研究助理,经费1800万元。
l2016 –2017:德国联邦教育部BMBF-COLABIS项目 (03G0852A),Collaborative Early Warning Information Systems for Urban Infrastructures,研究助理,经费1080万元。
l2019–2022:广东省基础与应用基础研究基金项目 (2020A1515011130),珠三角典型城市道路积尘中氯代多环芳烃时空分布特征及源解析研究,项目参与人,经费10万元。
l2020–2022:国家自然科学基金面上项目 (42077156),有机磷酸酯在道路积尘-地表径流系统中的迁移行为和机制解析,项目参与人,经费57万元。
l2020–2023:国家留学基金管理委员会项目 (202008080005),2020年国家建设高水平大学公派研究生,项目负责人,经费45万元。
l2023–2024:德国亥姆霍兹环境研究中心(UFZ)项目 (100669418),Resilient 0-Pollution Wastewater Systems in Climate Change,课题负责人,经费344万元。
l2024–2027:尊龙凯时高层次引进人才项目 (20240088),多重胁迫下流域生态系统格局—过程—服务级联效应,项目负责人,经费100万元。
l2019–2022:亚洲开发银行贷款四川资阳绿色转型和发展子项目 (资发改[2018]142号),资阳市雁南湖水环境治理及湿地修复,课题负责人,经费30万元。
l2020–2021:广州地铁设计研究院股份有限公司项目 (SJ-2014-120-P001),带上盖开发下沉式车辆基地海绵城市建设技术研究,课题负责人,经费18.2万元。
l2020–2022:广州市越秀区建设和水务局项目 (建办城函〔2021〕416 号),越秀区海绵城市建设效果监测,课题负责人,经费95万元。
l德国德累斯顿工业大学(TU Dresden),Research Associate(2021–2024)
l德国亥姆霍兹环境研究中心(UFZ),Academic Staff(2023–2024)
lScience of the Total Environment,期刊审稿人(2023–至今)
lUrban Water Journal,期刊审稿人(2023–至今)
lSpecial Issue “Innovative Flood Risk Management under Changing Environments” 编辑(2023–至今)
lJournal of Hydrometeorology,期刊审稿人(2024–至今)
lJournal of Hydrology,期刊审稿人(2024–至今)
lThe Innovation Geoscience,期刊封面设计(2024.04–2024.06)
lThe Innovation,期刊审稿人(2024–至今)
l2016年获DAAD scholarship STIBET III优秀硕士研究生奖学金
l2017年获TU Dresden Completion award of Master study优秀硕士毕业生
l2023年获TU Dresden Completion award of Doctoralstudy优秀博士毕业生
1. Wenyu Yang. 2024. Characterizing the performance of low impact development under changes in climate and urbanization. Dresden:Dresdner Berichte.
1. Luo, L., Zhang, J., Wang, H., Chen, M., Jiang, Q., Yang, W.#, Wang, F., Zhang, J., Swain, R.B., Meadows, M.E., Pradhan, P., Xiao, H., Cao, M., Lin, J., Zhao, Y., Zheng, Y., Chen, F., Zhao, W., Huang, L., Zeng, J., Jeppesen, E., Vázquez-Jiménez, R., Zheng, H., Jia, M., Zhang, L., Yan, D., Chen, Y., Liang, D., Liu, J., Chen, Z., Letu, H., Shao, J., Lasaponara, R., Wang, X., Xu, Z., Liu, J., Fu, B. and Guo, H. (2024) Innovations in science, technology, engineering, and policy (iSTEP) for addressing environmental issues towards sustainable development. The Innovation Geoscience 2(3), 100087.
2. Yang, W., Wang, Z., Wu, S., Li, R., Hua, P., Krebs, P. and Zhang, J. (2024) Climate change and urbanization inducing a tipping point in the hydrosphere. The Innovation Geoscience 2(2), 100074.
3. Oyelakin, R., Yang, W.* and Krebs, P. (2024) Analysing Urban Flooding Risk with CMIP5 and CMIP6 Climate Projections. Water 16(3), 474.
4. Yang, W., Zhang, J., Hua, P. and Krebs, P. (2023) Investigating non-point pollution mitigation strategies in response to changing environments: A cross-regional study in China and Germany. Water Research 244, 120432.
5. Yang, W., Zhang, J., Hua, P. and Krebs, P. (2023) Global framework for flood risk management under climate change and urbanization. The Innovation Geoscience 1(1), 100009.
6. Yang, W., Zhang, J. and Krebs, P. (2023) Investigating flood exposure induced socioeconomic risk and mitigation strategy under climate change and urbanization at a city scale. Journal of Cleaner Production 387, 135929.
7. Yang, W., Zhang, J. and Krebs, P. (2022) Low impact development practices mitigate urban flooding and non-point pollution under climate change. Journal of Cleaner Production 347, 131320.
8. Yang, W., Zhang, J., Mei, S. and Krebs, P. (2021) Impact of antecedent dry-weather period and rainfall magnitude on the performance of low impact development practices in urban flooding and non-point pollution mitigation. Journal of Cleaner Production 320, 128946.
9. Yang, W., Wang, Z., Hua, P., Zhang, J. and Krebs, P. (2021) Impact of green infrastructure on the mitigation of road-deposited sediment induced stormwater pollution. Science of the Total Environment, 145294.
10. Yang, W. and Zhang, J. (2021) Assessing the performance of gray and green strategies for sustainable urban drainage system development: A multi-criteria decision-making analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production 293, 126191.
11. Wang, Z., Yang, W. #, Hua, P., Zhang, J. and Krebs, P. (2021) Transmission risk of SARS-CoV-2 in the watershed triggered by domestic wastewater discharge. Science of the Total Environment, 150888.
12. Yang, W., Brüggemann, K., Seguya, K.D., Ahmed, E., Kaeseberg, T., Dai, H., Hua, P., Zhang, J. and Krebs, P. (2020) Measuring performance of low impact development practices for the surface runoff management. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 100010.
1. Li, R., Luo, Y., Zhu, X., Zhang, J., Wang, Z., Yang, W., Li, Y., and Li, H. (2024). Anthropogenic impacts on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface water: Evidence from the COVID-19 lockdown. Water Research 262, 122143.
2. Zhu, X., Li, H., Luo, Y., Li, Y., Zhang, J., Wang, Z., Yang, W. and Li, R. (2024) Evaluation and prediction of anthropogenic impacts on long-term multimedia fate and health risks of PFOS and PFOA in the Elbe River Basin. Water Research 257, 121675.
3. Li, R., Luo, Y., Li, Y., Zhu, X., Zhang, J., Wang, Z., Yang, W. and Li, H. (2024) Synergistic Reduction in Air Pollutants and Health Benefits under China’s Dual-Carbon Policy. Environmental Science & Technology 58(22), 9467-9470.
4. Zhao, Z., Sadaghiani, M.R.S., Yang, W., Hua, P., Zhang, J. and Krebs, P. (2024) Estimating storm runoff extreme in small ungauged catchments using an integrated modeling approach. Sustainable Horizons 9, 100092.
5. Ahmed, E., Al Janabi, F., Yang, W., Ali, A., Saddique, N. and Krebs, P. (2022) Comparison of flow simulations with sub-daily and daily GPM IMERG products over a transboundary Chenab River catchment. Journal of Water and Climate Change 13 (3): 1204–1224.
6. Hua, P., Yang, W., Qi, X., Jiang, S., Xie, J., Gu, X., Li, H., Zhang, J. and Krebs, P. (2020) Evaluating the effect of urban flooding reduction strategies in response to design rainfall and low impact development. Journal of Cleaner Production 242, 118515.
7. Ahmed, E., Al Janabi, F., Yang, W., Saddique, N. and Krebs, P. (2020) Hydrologic Assessment of TRMM and GPM-Based Precipitation Products in Transboundary River Catchment (Chenab River, Pakistan). Water 12.
8. 王玮,杨文瑜,陈利华,韩帅. (2023) 基于水力建模的水环境治理方案评估与优化. 资源节约与环保 260 (7): 33-38.
9. 王玮,陈利华,杨文瑜,韩帅. (2022) 污染物迁移的建模分析在小型湖泊治理中的应用——以资阳市雁南湖为例. 能源与环境 4(8): 19-22.