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    主要从事基因功能和纳米医学研究,包括:1)基于生物学、化学、医学等多学科的交叉融合,开发新型功能纳米复合材料用于体内外抗肿瘤、抗炎活性研究;2)利用适配体、纳米抗体、CRISPR系统等的生物识别作用,结合纳米材料的催化和富集作用,构建生物传感器用于生物标志物的超敏检测;3)构筑候选基因全身敲除和条件敲除小鼠模型,研究目标基因的生物学功能。先后主持国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金项目、省重点研发计划课题、省级人才项目等15 项;以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文五十余篇,其中中国科学院SCI期刊1区论文20篇,单篇论文最高引用339次。以第一发明人/著作权人身份,获得授权发明专利11项和软件著作权1项。

    针对新发传染病、动物疫病以及肿瘤等重要疾病,融合多学科理论和方法,创新性研发二十余种新型检测方法,实现对这些疾病生物标志物的快速、灵敏、准确检测。开发全球首个新冠病毒核酸电化学检测方法。成果论文被中国科学技术信息研究所评选为“2021年中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文,并入选2022年度ESI Top PaperWeb of Science高被引(1%)论文。



    E-mail: zhaohui@cqlty.com



    l1994.09—1999.07 中央民族大学,生物与化学系,获学士学位

    l2001.04—2005.04 日本国立山口大学,获博士学位


    l2022.11—2025.09 国家重点研发计划项目课题(2022YFC2601604):重大跨境动物疫病病原新型检测方法的研发及应用,课题负责人,经费370万元

    l2024.01—2027.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目(32371463):基于超小MOF-818构筑的纳米酶复合物催化前药对乙酰氨基酚的氧化及其抗肿瘤机制,项目负责人,经费50万元

    l2022.01—2024.12 云南省重点研发计划项目(202203AC100010):分子检测和基因编辑技术的研发与应用,课题负责人,经费450万元

    l2022.06—2027.06 春城高层次创新创业团队(2022SCP001):动物模型与转化医学应用,子课题负责人,经费500万元

    l2022.01—2025.12 国家自然科学基金地区项目(32160236):基于共价框架材料的CRISPR电化学传感器的构建及其对非小细胞肺癌ctDNA的检测研究,项目负责人,经费40万元

    l2018.01—2021.12 国家自然科学基金地区项目(31760311):人类TBC1D8B基因两个转录本在癌症中的作用机制研究,项目负责人,经费39万元

    l2018.07—2022.06 尊龙凯时青年英才,项目负责人,经费30万元

    l2017.06—2020.05 中国科学院遗传资源与进化国家重点实验室开放基金(31760311):人TBC1D8B基因在癌症中的功能研究,项目负责人,经费10万元

    l2016.01—2020.12 云南省中青年学术和技术带头人才(2015HB003),项目负责人,经费12万元

    l2015.01—2018.12 国家自然科学基金地区项目(31460038):microRNA对黄牛和水牛朊病毒基因转录后调控机制的研究,项目负责人,经费53万元

    l2013.01—2016.12 国家自然科学基金地区项目(31260032):黄牛 Sho 疏水结构域多态对疯牛病调控蛋白功能的影响,项目负责人,经费46万元

    l2011.01—2013.12 国家自然科学基金地区项目(31060302):中国水牛不易感疯牛病的遗传机制研究,项目负责人,经费23万元









    1.  Zhao H#*, Liu LL#, Sun J#, Jin L#, Xie HB#, Li JB, Xu H, Wu DD, Zhuang XL, Peng MS, Guo YJ, Qian WZ, Newton O. Otecko, Sun WJ, Qu LH, He J, Chen ZL, Liu R, Chen CS*, Zhang YP*, A human-specific insertion promotes cell proliferation and migration by enhancing TBC1D8B expression, SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences, 2024, 67(4):765-777. (中科院 2)

    2.  Zhao H#, Zheng J#, Liang H, Liu HF, Liu F, Zhang YP*, Li CP*. Electrochemical/colorimetric dual-mode sensing strategy for cardiac troponin I detection based on zirconium nitride functionalized covalent organic frameworks. Sens. Actuators: B. Chem., 2023, 391:134026. (中科院 1)

    3.  Liu HF#, Ma SY#, Ning GB, Zhang RL, Liang H, Liu F, Xiao L, Guo LJ, Zhang YP*, Li CP*, Zhao H*. A “peptide-target-aptamer” electrochemical biosensor for norovirus detection using a black phosphorous nanosheet@Ti3C2-Mxene nanohybrid and magnetic covalent organic frame. Talanta, 2023, 258: 124433. (中科院 1)

    4.  Lu YX, Liao HL, Li T, Sun WJ, Liang JS, Zhao YQ, Zhao H*, Zhou Y*. Optical monitoring and treatment of breast cancer by a tumor hypoxia-activated multi-functional fluorescent sensor. Sens. Actuators: B. Chem., 2023, 377:133030. (中科院 1)

    5.  Ning GB, Duan QM, Liang H, Liu HF, Zhou M, Chen CL, Zhang C, Zhao H*, Li CP*. One stone tow birds: electrochemical and colorimetric dual-mode biosensor based on copper peroxide/covalent organic framework nanocomposite for ultrasensitive norovirus detection. Food Science and Human Wellness, 2024, 13: 920-931. (中科院 1)

    6.  Peng MS#, Liu YH#, Shen QK#, Zhang XH#, Dong JJ#, Li JX, Zhao H, Zhang H, Zhang XM, He YX, Shi H, Cui CY, Ouzhuluobu, Wu TY, Liu SM, Gonggalanzi, Baimakangzhou, Bai CJ, Duojizhuoma, Liu T, Dai SS, Murphy RW, Qi XB*, Dong GH*, Su B*, Zhang YP*. Genetic and cultural adaptations underlie the establishment of dairy pastoralism in the Tibetan Plateau. BMC Biology, 2023, 21: 208. (中科院 2)

    7.  Liang H#, Chen CL#, Zeng J, Zhou M, Wang L, Ning GB, Duan QM, Han R, Liu HF, Zhao H*, Li CP*. Dual-Signal Electrochemical Biosensor for Neutrophil GelatinaseAssociated Lipocalin Based on MXene-Polyaniline and Cu-MOF/Single-Walled Carbon Nanohorn Nanostructures. ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2022, 5: 16774-16783. (中科院 2)

    8.  Liu F#, Peng J#, Lei YM#, Liu RS, Jin L, Liang H, Liu HF, Ma SY, Zhang XH, Zhang YP*, Li CP*, Zhao H*. Electrochemical detection of ctDNA mutation in non-small cell lung cancer based on CRISPR/Cas12a system. Sens. Actuators: B. Chem., 2022, 362:131807. (中科院 1)

    9.  Zhao H#, Xie# W, Zhang RL#, Wang XD, Liu HF, Li J, Sha T, Guo XS, Li J, Sun QM*, Zhang YP*, Li CP*. Electrochemical sensor for human norovirus based on covalent organic framework/pillararene heterosupramolecular nanocomposites. Talanta, 2022, 237: 122896.  (中科院2)

    10.  Zhao H #, Liu F#, Xie W#, Zhou TC#, Ouyang J, Jin L, Li H, Zhao CY, Zhang L, Wei J*, Zhang YP*, Li CP*. Ultrasensitive supersandwich-type electrochemical sensor for SARS-CoV-2 from the infected COVID-19 patients using a smartphone. Sens. Actuators: B. Chem., 2021, 327: 128899. (中科院1)

    11.  Zheng J#, Zhao H#, Ning GB, Sun WJ, Wang L, Ling H, Xu HB, He CY, Zhao H*, Li CP*. A novel affinity peptide-antibody sandwich electrochemical biosensor for PSA based on the signal amplication of MnO2-functionalized covalent organic framework. Talanta. 2021, 233: 122520. (中科院1)

    12.  Li CP, Liu F, Zheng J, Zhao H*. A novel electrochemical assay for chymosin determination using a label-free peptide as a substrate. J Dairy Sci. 2021, 104: 2511-2519. (中科院1)

    13.  Xu H, Liang H, Zheng J, Wang L, Zeng J, Zhao H, Li CP*. Ultrahigh stable lead halide perovskite nanocrystals as bright fluorescent label for the visualization of latent fingerprints. Nanotechnology, 2021, 32: 375601-375610. (中科院 3)

    14.  Liang H#, Ning G#, Wang L, Li C, Zheng J, Zhao H*, Li CP*. Covalent framework particles modified with MnO2 nanosheets and Au nanoparticles as electrochemical immunosensors for human chorionic gonadotropin. ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2021, 4: 4593-4601. (中科院 2)

    15.  Li CP#, Lu YX#, Zi CT, Zhao YT, Zhao H*, Zhang YP*. Cationic pillar[6]arene induces cell apoptosis by inhibiting protein tyrosine phosphorylation via host-guest recognition. Int J Mol Sci. 2020. 21(14): E4979. (中科院 2)

    16.  Liang H#, Xu HB#, Zhao YT, Zheng J, Zhao H*, Li GL*, Li CP*. Ultrasensitive electrochemical sensor for prostate specific antigen detection with a phosphorene platform and magnetic covalent organic framework signal amplifier. Biosens Bioelectron. 2019. 144: 111691. (中科院1)

    17.  Zhao H#, Liu F#, Lu YX, Jin L, Tan S, Zhang YP*, Li CP*. Ultrasensitive electrochemical detection of alternative cleavage and polyadenylation of CCND2 gene at single cell level. 2019. Sens. Actuators: B. Chem., 2019. 285: 553-561. (中科院1)

    18.  Tan S#, Han R#, Wu SL, Liang H, Zhao YT, Zhao H*, Li CP*. A novel fluorescent sensing platform for insulin detection based on competitive recognition of cationic pillar[6]arene. Talanta. 2019. 1:130-137. (中科院1)

    19.  Li C P*, Tan S, Ye H, Cao J, Zhao H.* A novel fluorescence assay for resveratrol determination in red wine based on competitive host-guest recognition. Food Chem., 2019, 283, 191-198. (中科院1)

    20.  Zhou ZY#, Hu Y#, Li A#, Li YJ#, Zhao H#, Wang SQ, Otecko NO, Zhang D, Wang JH, Liu Y, Irwin DM, Qin Y, Zhang YP*. Genome wide analyses uncover allele-specific RNA editing in human and mouse. Nucleic Acids Res. 2018: 46(17):8888-8897. (中科院1)

    21.  Zhao H#, Ma TF#, Lin J#, Liu LL, Sun WJ, Guo LX, Wang SQ, Otecko Newton O, Zhang YP*. Identification of valid reference genes for mRNA and microRNA normalisation in prostate cancer cell lines. Scientific Reports. 2018. 8:1949 (中科院 2)

    22.  Zhao H#, Liu F#, Wu SL, Yang L, Zhang YP*, Li CP*. Ultrasensitive electrochemical detection of Dicer1 3’UTR for the fast analysis of alternative cleavage and polyadenylation. Nanoscale. 2017. 9: 4272-4282. (中科院1)

    23.  Zhao H#, Wang SQ#, Guo LX#, Du YL, Liu LL, Ma TF, Newton O. Otecko, Li CP*, Zhang YP*. Fixed differences in the 3’UTR of buffalo PRNP gene provide binding sites for miRNAs post-transcriptional regulation. Oncotarget. 2017. 8(28): 46006-46019. 

    24.  Zhao H#, Yang L#, Li YC, Ran X, Ye HZ, Zhao GF, Zhang YQ, Li CP*. A comparison study of macrocyclic hosts functionalized reduced graphene oxide for electrochemical recognition of tadalafil. Biosens Bioelectron. 2017. 89: 361-369. (中科院1)

    25.  Ye LQ#, Zhao H#, Zhou HJ#, Ren XD#, Liu LL# , Otecko Newton O, Wang ZB, Yang MM, Zeng L, Hu XT, Yao YG, Zhang YP*, Wu DD*. The RNA editome of Macaca mulatta and functional characterization of RNA editing in mitochondria. Sci Bull. 2017. 62: 820–830. (中科院1)

    26.  Zhao H#, Wang SQ#, Qing LL, Liu LL, Zhang YP*. Expression of BSE-associated proteins in the CNS and lymphoreticular tissues of cattle and buffalo. Sci Bull. 2016. 61(17): 1377-1383. (中科院1)

    27.  Yang L, Ran X, Cai L, Li YC, Zhao H*, Li CP*. Calix[8]arene functionalized single-walled carbon nanohorns for dual-signalling electrochemical sensing of aconitine based on competitive host-guest recognition. Biosens Bioelectron. 2016.83: 347-352. (中科院1)

    28.  Ye HZ, Yang L, Zhao GF, Zhang YQ, Ran X, Wu SL, Zou S, Xie XG*, Zhao H*, Li CP*. A FRET-based fluorescent approach for labetalol sensing using calix[6]arene functionalized MnO2@graphene as a receptor. RSC Adv. 2016. 6:79350-79360. (中科院3)

    29.  Yang L#, Zhao H#, Li YC, Ran X, Deng GG, Zhang YQ, Ye HZ, Zhao GF, Li CP. Indicator displacement assay for cholesterol electrochemical sensing using a calix[6]arene functionalized grapheme-modified electrode. Analyst. 2015. 141: 270-278. (中科院3)

    30.  Yang L#, Zhao H#, Deng GG, Ran X, Li YC, Li CP* Immunosensor for prostate-specific antigen using Au/Pd@flower-like SnO2 as platform and Au@mesoporous carbon as signal amplification. RSC Adv. 2015. 5: 74046-74053. (中科院3)

    31.  Yang L#, Zhao H#, Fan SM, Zhao GF, Ran X, Li CP.* Electrochemical detection of cholesterol based on competitive host–guest recognition using a β-cyclodextrin/poly(N-acetylaniline)/ graphene-modified electrode. RSC Adv. 2015. 5: 64146-64155. (中科院3)

    32.  Zhao H#, Du YL#, Chen SM, Qing LL, Wang XY, Huang JF, Wu DD, Zhang YP*. The prion protein gene polymorphisms associated with bovine spongiform encephalopathy susceptibility differ significantly between cattle and buffalo. Infect Genet Evol. 2015. 36:531-538. (中科院4).

    33.  Liu LL#, Zhao H#, Ma TF, Ge F, Chen CS, Zhang YP*. Identification of valid reference genes for the normalization of RT-qPCR expression studies in human breast cancer cell lines treated with and without transient transfection. PLoS ONE. 2015. 10(1): e0117058. (中科院3)

    34.  Yang L#, Zhao H#, Li CP*, Fan S, Li B. Dual β-cyclodextrin functionalized Au@SiC nanohybrids for the electrochemical determination of tadalafil in the presence of acetonitrile. Biosens Bioelectron. 2015. 64: 126-130. (中科院1)

    35.  Yang L#, Zhao H#, Fan S, Deng S, Lv Q, Lin J*, Li CP* Label-free electrochemical immunosensor based on gold-silicon carbide nanocomposites for sensitive detection of human chorionic gonadotrophin. Biosens Bioelectron. 2014. 57: 199-206. (IF=6.451, (中科院1)

    36.  Li CP*, Fan S, Yin C, Zhang N, Du S, Zhao H*. Carboxylic silica nanosheets-platinum nanoparticles modified glass carbon electrode for pesticides detection. Anal Methods. 2014. 6:1914-1921. (中科院3)

    37.  Wang SQ, Zhao H*, Zhang YP. Advances in research on Shadoo, Shadow of prion protein. Chinese Sci Bull. 2014. 59(9): 821–827.

    38.  卢宇勋,李灿鹏*,赵卉*。基于电化学生物传感器的核酸肿瘤标志物检测研究进展。中国科学:生命科学。2019. 49(7): 814-827.

    39.  郭丽霞#,孙伟杰#,赵卉*。可选择性多聚腺苷酸化与肿瘤的相关研究进展。昆明医科大学学报。2019. 40(9): 130-135.


