宋亮,男, 博士,1984年1月生,湖南省岳阳市人,先后入选“云南省高层次人才培养支持计划青年拔尖人才”和“云南省中青年科学和技术带头人”。现任中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园研究员,硕士生/博士生导师。目前担任恢复生态研究组组长,并兼任云南省生态学会兼事长。
E-mail: songliang@xtbg.ac.cn
l2003.9-2007.7: 四川大学生命科学学院生态学专业学习,获理学学士学位。
l2007.9-2012.7: 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,生态学专业,获生态学专业博士学位。
l2018年-2020年:中国科学院 “西部青年学者”A类项目:基于塔吊探索云南典型森林附生植物多样性、空间格局及其维持机制,项目负责人,经费50万元
l《Journal of Tropical Ecology》副主编(2021年~);
1.Margaret Lowman, Soubadra Devy等著.2013年.Treetops at Risk? Challengens of Global Forest Canopies.New York:Springer-Verlag.
1. Li, Y.#, Mo, Y.X.#, Cui, H.-L., Zhang, Y.-J., Dossa, G.G.O., Tan, Z.-H.*, Song, L.*. 2024. Intraspecific plasticity and co-variation of leaf traits facilitate Ficus tinctoria to acclimate hemiepiphytic and terrestrial habitats. Tree Physiology, tpae007.
2. Yang, B. Dossa, G. G. O., Hu, Y.-H., Liu, L.-L., Meng, X.-J., Du, Y.Y., Li, J.Y., Zhu, X.A., Zhang, Y.-J., Singh, A.K., Yuan, X., Wu, J.-E., Zakari, S., Liu*, W.-J., Song, L.*. 2023. Uncorrected soil water isotopes through cryogenic vacuum distillation may lead to a false estimation on plant water sources. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14(6): 1443-1456.
3. Shi, X.-M., Qi, J.-H., Liu, A.-X., Zakari, S., Song, L.*. 2023. Leaf phenotypic plasticity coupled with integration facilitates the adaptation of plants to enhanced N deposition. Environmental Pollution, 121: 121570.
4. Liu, Q.#, Wu, X.-F.#, Xing, H.-T., Chi, K.-B., Wang, W.-H., Song, L.*, Xing, X.-K*. 2023. Orchid diversity and distribution pattern in karst forests in eastern Yunnan Province, China. Forest Ecosystems, 10:100117.
5. Liu, W.-G., Zhang, J.-Q., Yan, Y., Beckschäfer, P., Kleinn, C., Dossa, G. G. O., Huai, J.-J., Zhai, D.-L., Song, L.*. 2023. Encouraging the reconversion of rubber plantations by developing a combined payment system. Global Ecology and Conservation, 43: e02415.
6. Ai, Y.-Y.#, Liu, Q.#, Hu, H.-X., Shen, T., Mo, Y.-X., Wu, X.-F., Li, J.-L., Dossa, G. G. O., Song, L.*. 2023. Terrestrial and epiphytic orchids exhibit different diversity and distribution patterns along an elevation gradient of Mt. Victoria, Myanmar. Global Ecology and Conservation, 42: e02408.
7. Dai, Q., Mo, Y.-X., Chen, Q., Song, L.*, Zhang, L.-M., Dossa, G. G. O., Lu, H.-Z.*. 2023. Clonal fragmentation drives performance deterioration of epiphytic and lithophytic ferns in a karst forest. Flora, 302:152258.
8. Shen, T.*, Richard, T. C., Collart, F., Kasprzyk, T., Guo, X.-L., Patiño, J., Su, Y., Hardy, O.J., Ma, W.-Z, Wang, J., Wei, Y.-M., Mouton, L., Li, Y., Song, L.*, Vanderpoorten, A. Microclimatic variation in tropical canopies: a glimpse into the processes of community assembly in epiphytic bryophyte communities. Journal of Ecology, 110: 3023-3038.
9. Song, L.#, Yang, B.#*, Liu, L.L., Mo, Y.X., Liu, W.J., Meng, X.J., Lu, H.Z., Li, Y., Zakari, S., Tan, Z.H., Zhang, Y.J. Spatial-temporal differentiations in water use of coexisting trees from a subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest in SW China. (2022). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 316:108862.
10. Shi, X.M.#, Liu, S.#, Song, L.*, Wu, C.S., Yang, B., Lu, H.Z., Wang, X., Zakari, S. 2022. Contamination and source-specific risk analysis of soil heavy metals in a typical coal industrial city, central China. Science of the Total Environment, 836:155694.
11. Hu, H.-X., Mo,Y.-X., Shen,T., Wu,Y., Shi, X.-M., Ai,Y.-Y., Lu, H.-Z., Zakari, S., Li, S.*, Song, L.*. 2022. Simulated high-intensity phorophyte removal mitigates the robustness of epiphyte community and destroys commensal network structure. Forest Ecology and Management, 526:120586.
12. Shen, T., Song, L.*, Collart, F., Guisan, A., Su, Y., Hu, H.-X., Wu,Y., Dong, J.-L., Vanderpoorten A.*. 2022. What makes a good phorophyte? Predicting occupancy, species richness and abundance of vascular epiphytes in a lowland seasonal tropical forest. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 5: 1007473.
13. Shi, X.M., Song, L.*, Liu, W.Y., Lu H.Z., Qi J.H., Li S., Chen, X., Wu, J.F., Liu, S., Wu, C.S. 2017. Epiphytic bryophytes as bio-indicators of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in a subtropical montane cloud forest: response patterns, mechanism, and critical load. Environmental Pollution, 229, 932–941.
14. Yang, B., Meng, X.J., Zhu, X.A., Zakari, S., Singh, A.K., Bibi, F., Mei, N, Song, L.*, Liu, W.J.*. 2021. Coffee performs better than amomum as a candidate in the rubber agroforestry system: Insights from water relations. Agricultural Water Management, 244:106593.
15. Hu, H.X.#, Shen, T.#, Quan, D.L.#, Nakamura, A., Song, L.*. 2021. Structuring interaction networks between epiphytic bryophytes and their hosts in Yunnan, SW China. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 4:716278.
16. Liu, L.L.#, Yang, B.#, Lu, H.Z., Wu, Y., Meng, X.J., Zhang, Y.J., Song, L.*. 2021. Dry-season fog water utilization by epiphytes in a subtropical montane cloud forest of Southwest China. Water, 13:3237.
17. Wu, Y., Liu, W.Y.*, Lu, H.Z., Li, S., Shen, Y.X., Liu, W.G., Song, L.*. 2020. Stoichiometric and isotopic flexibility: facultative epiphytes exploit rock and bark interchangeably. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 179: 104208.
18. Tan, Z.H.*, Zhao, J.F., Wang, G.Z., Chen, M.P., Yang, L.Y., He, C.S., Restrepo-Coupe, N., Peng, S.S., Liu, X.Y., da Rocha, H.R., Kosugi, Y., Hirano, T., Saleska, S. R., Goulden, M. L., Zeng, J.Y., Ding, F.J., Gao, F., Song, L.*. 2019. Surface conductance for evapotranspiration of tropical forests: Calculations, variations, and controls. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 275:317-328. IF=6.2, TOP-5%
19. Shen, T., Corlett, R.*, Song, L.*, Ma, W.Z., Guo, X.L., Song, Y., Wu, Y. 2018. Vertical gradient in bryophyte diversity and species composition in tropical and subtropical forests in Yunnan, SW China. Journal of Vegetation Science, 29, 1075-1087.
20. Song, L. #*, Lu, H.Z. #, Xu, X.L., Li, S., Shi, X.M., Chen, X., Wu Y., Huang, J.B., Chen, Q., Liu, S., Wu, C.S., Liu, W.Y.*. 2016. Organic nitrogen uptake is a significant contributor to nitrogen economy of subtropical epiphytic bryophytes. Scientific Reports, 6, 30408.
21. Lu, H.Z.#, Song, L.#, Liu, W.Y.*, Xu, X.L., Hu, Y.H., Shi, X. M., Li, S., Ma, W.Z., Chang, Y.F., Fan, Z.X., Wu, Y., Lu, S.G., Yu, F.H.*. 2016. Survival depends on resource sharing: evidence from epiphytic ferns in a subtropical montane moist forest. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7, 416.
22. Song, L.*, Ma, W.Z., Yao, Y.L., Liu, W.Y.*, Li, S., Chen, K., Lu, H.Z., Cao, M., Sun, Z.H., Tan, Z.H., Nakamura, A. 2015. Bole bryophyte diversity and distribution patterns along three altitudinal gradients in Yunnan, China. Journal of Vegetation Science, 26, 576-587.
23. Song, L.*, Zhang, Y.J., Chen, X., Li, S., Lu, H.Z., Wu, C.S., Tan, Z.H., Liu, W.Y.*. 2015. Water relations and gas exchange of fan bryophytes and their adaptions to microhabitats in an Asian subtropical montane cloud forest. Journal of Plant Research, 128, 573-584.
24. 艾妍雨,胡海霞,沈婷,莫雨轩,杞金华,宋亮*. 2024. 附生维管植物多样性及其与宿主特征的相关性——以哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林为例. 生物多样性,32: 24072
25. 刘安心, 阮光发, 蒋勇, 石贤萌, 莫雨轩, 胡海霞, 艾妍雨,方杰,宋亮*. 2024. 植物多样性与物种组成随原生演替进程的变化规律——以贡嘎山冰川退缩区为例. 西部林业科学,23:179-168
26. 宋亮#*, 吴毅#, 胡海霞, 刘文耀, 中村彰宏, 陈亚军, 马克平.2023. 基于塔吊的林冠科学研究进展及展望. 生物多样性,31,23363
27. 李嘉媛,刘露露,杨斌,罗艳,白林忠,卢华正,宋亮*. 2024. 西双版纳热带季节雨林土壤含水量的时空格局及其与降水的关联. 生态学杂志, 在线发表
28. 李元,宋亮*,莫雨轩,谭正洪*. 2022. 西双版纳热带季雨林光合有效辐射的垂直分布格局和季节动态. 生态学杂志,41,1683-1690
29. 全东丽#,杨斌#,马文章*,宋亮*,沈婷. 2021. 西双版纳苔藓植物多样性及其濒危状况. 生物多样性,29,545-553.
30. 全东丽,宋亮*,沈婷,吴毅,李苏,卢华正. 2021. 西双版纳热带雨林和热带山地常绿阔叶林附生苔藓的组成与多样性格局. 广西植物,41,404-417.
31. 刘露露,宋亮*,董李勤*,卢华正,杨斌. 2020. 云南省近50年降水量的时空格局与成因分析. 生态学杂志,39,3463-3470.
32. 沈婷,宋亮*,郭新磊,Corlett Richard,吴毅,马占霞,陈泉.2019.龙脑香热带雨林附生苔藓沿宿主垂直梯度的微生境偏好及其指示作用. 广西植物,39,776-787.
33. 吴毅,刘文耀,宋亮*,陈曦,卢华正,李苏,石贤萌.2016. 基于林冠塔吊的附生植物生态学研究进展. 植物生态学报,40,508–522.
34. 石贤萌,杞金华,宋亮*,刘文耀,黄俊彪,李苏,卢华正,陈曦. 2015. 哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林两种优势幼苗 C、N、P 化学计量特征及其对氮沉降增加的响应. 植物生态学报,39,962–970.